
文摘   2024-11-14 17:09   北京  



演讲题目First Kiss




First Kiss


Her mouth fell into my mouth like a summer snow, like a 5th season, like a fresh Eden,

她的唇落入我的嘴,像夏日之雪,像第五个季节, 像最初的伊甸园,

like Eden when Eve made God whimper with the liquid tilt of her hips—


her kiss hurt like that— I mean, it was as if she'd mixed the sweat of an angel with the taste of a tangerine.


I swear.


My mouth had been a helmet forever greased with secrets, my mouth a dead-end street a little bit lit by teeth—

以秘密滋润,我的嘴是一条死胡同, 一点点被唇齿点燃——

my heart, a clam slammed shut at the bottom of a dark, but her mouth pulled up like a baby-blue Cadillac packed with canaries driven by a toucan—

我的心就如蛤蜊, 在黑暗底处砰然紧闭,但她的唇如一辆浅蓝色的凯迪拉克, 突然停下,由翠鸟驱车,载着金丝雀——

I swear those lips said bright wings when we kissed, wild and precise—as if she were teaching a seahorse to speak— her mouth so careful,

我发誓,那嘴唇在我们拥吻时,述说着斑斓的翅膀,狂野而准确—— 好似她在教海马说话——她的唇齿小心翼翼,

chumming the first vowel from my throat until my brain was a piano banged loud, hammered like that— it was like,


I swear her tongue was Saturn's 7th moon— hot like that, hot and cold and circling,

我发誓她的舌就是土星的第七颗月亮——如此炽热,炽热, 冰冷,旋转,

circling, turning me into a glad planet— sun on one side, night pouring her slow hand over the other: one fire flying the kite of another.

舞动,将我也变成一颗快乐的星球——一边阳光明媚, 夜晚将徐缓之手流淌于另一侧:一簇火放飞另一簇火的风筝。

Her kiss, I swear—if the Great Mother rushed open the moon like a gift and you were there to feel your shadow finally unhooked from your wrist.


That'd be it, but even sweeter— like a riot of peg-legged priests on pogo-sticks, up and up, this way and this, not falling but on and on like that, 

或许如此, 但更加甜蜜——正如一群装着义肢的传教士 踩着娃娃跳杆,一直往上,这样那样,却永不坠下, 一路往前,像这样,

badly behaved but holy—I swear!


That kiss: both lips utterly committed to the world like a Peace Corps, like a free store, forever and always a new city—no locks, no walls,


just doors—like that, I swear, like that.



