
情感   美食   2023-08-12 18:29   法国  

新手友好 极简烹饪


Delectable Chanterelles 



Although I am an absolute meat lover, I also appreciate the deletable, unique flavours of fresh mushrooms. Maitake, chanterelle, morels... mushrooms may not be the best looking ingredients, but they can make humble food so tasty. 

It is now chanterelle season in France, why not make a hearty, warming chenterelle omelette? Simply sauté chenterelle with butter, then season with salt and pepper. Umami rich mushrooms go so well with a humble omelette! I think it's a great idea for brunch.


Serves 1

鸡油菌一大把  |  黄油  |  鸡蛋 2-3颗  

牛奶 30ml  |  盐、胡椒粉

large handful of chanterelle  |  butter  |  2-3 eggs  

30ml milk  | salt, pepper

  1. 新鲜鸡油菌用厨房纸或是小刷子去除表面的尘土,快速用清水冲洗(不能浸泡!)。用厨房纸擦干表面水分。
    Remove any residual dirt on chanterelle with a small brush or paper towel. Quickly rinse the mushrooms underwater then pat dry.

  2. 中火融化适量的黄油,加入鸡油菌炒至全熟,约六分钟,加适量盐和胡椒粉翻炒均匀,盛出备用。菌类体积会变小、出汁,按自己的喜好决定要不要收汁。
    Melt a cube of butter over medium heat, saute the chanterelle untill fully cooked, about 6 minutes. Season with salt and pepper, then transfer to a plate. 

  3. 鸡蛋、牛奶和适量的盐,充分搅打均匀。平底锅中火烧热,融化适量的黄油,倒入蛋液铺满锅底,用锅铲快速搅拌,等到蛋液半凝固之后,两边向中间折起,快速翻面,表面煎到微微金黄色就可以了!
    Combine eggs, milk and salt in a bowl, whisk vigorously. Melt butter in the pan, pour in egg mixture and quickly stir with a spatula, to make sure egg liquid covers bottom of pan evenly. When the egg is half cooked, fold from both sides then flip. Remove from heat once the surface turns light golden brown.

  4. 鸡油菌铺在欧姆蛋上,高兴的话用点欧芹碎或细香葱(chives)点缀,美美开吃。
    Serve chenterelle over omelette, sprinkle chopped parsley / chives if desired. 

  • 其实很多大厨主张菌菇不要洗,因为菌菇吸水性很强,在水里泡久了香气会流失。但是不洗菜对中国人来说应该是很难接受的。我建议先尽量用厨房纸清理菌菇表面然后快速冲洗一下,用厨房纸擦干表面水分就好。

  • 煎欧姆蛋火不能大,以免外面焦了内部太湿,全程建议中小火比较容易掌控内部熟度。我个人觉得欧姆蛋外表煎到金黄色,内部保持半熟的状态口感最好,非常嫩滑Q弹。如果不习惯或者不喜欢也可以做成全熟,甚至配炒蛋都可以啦!



Ins uiq_qiu

微博 张-柴-秋


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