
情感   2024-04-23 13:09   法国  


Maple bacon scallion scones

前段时间在我最喜欢的巴黎小酒馆之一 Frenchie Bar à Vins 尝试了餐厅非常受欢迎的枫糖培根司康。其实本来没有什么期待,但尝了一口有眼前一亮的感觉。司康的质地有些类似曲奇,外表金黄酥松,内部油脂和水分感觉比一般的司康更高所以尤其松软。培根的脂肪和枫糖的甜味融合在一起产生让人上瘾的美妙味道,甜咸交织,蘸着任何酱汁或是简单的酸奶油都非常美味!


Recently, I tried the popular maple bacon scone at one of my favorite Parisian bistros, Frenchie Bar à Vins. I didn't have high expectations, but after the first bite, I was pleasantly surprised. 

The scone's texture was almost like that of an American style cookie - a crispy golden exterior and a moist center that tasted more buttery and moist than typical scones. The combination of crispy bacon and maple syrup created an addictive flavour with a perfect balance of sweetness and savory taste. Whether dipped in any sauce or simply enjoyed with sour cream, the scones were absolutely scrumptious! 

I was so impressed that I decided to create a copycat version. 


Makes around 8 scones

意式腌肉/培根 100克

枫糖 20克

中筋粉 200克

泡打粉 2茶匙

小苏打 半茶匙

砂糖 20克

黄油 60克

鸡蛋 一个

淡奶油 40g

小葱碎 一大把

帕马森干酪 15克


100g pancetta/bacon

20g maple syrup

200g all purpose flour

2tsp baking powder

1/2tsp baking soda

20g sugar

60g butter

1 large egg

40g heavy cream

 handful chopped scallion

15g grated Parmesan

ground Sichuan pepper

  1. 培根或是腌肉切成小粒,不粘锅(可以不用油)中小火煎到表面金黄变脆,倒入枫糖拌匀静止到变凉。Dice bacon / pancetta, cook in a non-stick pan over medium low heat until golden and crispy. Combine with maple syrup, let cool.

  2. 预热烤箱至190°C。准备烤盘,铺上烤纸。
    Preheat the oven to 190°C and prepare a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

  3. 在一个大碗中,混合粉类:面粉、糖、泡打粉、苏打粉。In a large bowl, mix together the flour, sugar, baking powder, and baking soda.

  4. 用手指把冰的黄油揉入面粉混合物中,直到呈现类似粗颗粒面粉的质地。Use your fingers to rub the cold butter into the flour mixture until it resembles coarse crumbs.

  5. 鸡蛋打散。慢慢把蛋液、淡奶油倒入面团,用刮刀大致翻拌均匀。Whisk the egg. Pour in egg liquid and cream to the dough, fold in with a spatula so it's roughly mixed.

  6. 加入枫糖培根、葱,以及现磨帕马森干酪,用刮刀大致拌入面团中。Stir in the maple bacon, scallions, grated Parmesan, until evenly distributed.

  7. 把面团倒在撒了面粉的案板上,小心折叠几次,直到形成一个大致光滑的面团。Transfer the dough onto a lightly floured surface and gently fold it several times until it forms a rough rectangle.

  8. 将面团切成相同大小的三角形。Cut dough into equal-sized triangles or other shapes you like.

  9. 把司康放在烤盘上,留出一些空间。Place the scones onto the prepared baking sheet, leaving some space between each.

  10. 把司康放入烤箱,烤约20-25分钟,或直到金黄色。Bake the scones in the preheated oven for about 20-25 minutes, or until golden brown.

  11. 稍稍放凉了吃。Let scones cool for a bit before serving.




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