浙江大学医学院李兰娟院士团队在Food & Function发表题目为“Synergistic effects of Ligilactobacillus salivarius Li01 and psyllium husk prevent mice from developing loperamide-induced constipation”研究论文(唾液乳杆菌 Li01 与车前草壳的协同作用可防止小鼠发生洛哌丁胺引起的便秘)。摘要: 便秘是一种胃肠道疾病,其特征是排便困难、腹痛和腹胀,严重影响身心健康。Ligilactobacillus salivarius Li01 (Li01) 是一种已知可以预防小鼠便秘的益生菌,而洋车前子壳 (PSH) 是一种具有高保水性的膳食纤维,可作为肠道润滑剂。本研究调查了 Li01 和 PSH 联合治疗对洛哌丁胺诱发便秘的小鼠的影响。联合治疗比单独使用 Li01 或 PSH 更有效,可以改善胃肠道运输速度、增加粪便含水量并调节血清胃肠道激素浓度。这些有益作用与胃肠道中丁酸水平较高和非 12-OH 胆汁酸 (BA) 比例较高有关。这些保护作用不受肠道微生物群变化的影响。此外,Li01 体外产生丁酸并发酵 PSH。我们的研究结果表明,益生菌 Li01 和益生元 PSH 可协同预防小鼠便秘,凸显了它们作为功能性食品成分的潜力。研究结果:3.1. Li01 和 PSH 治疗可防止小鼠便秘Fig. 1 The effects of treatment with Li01 and psyllium husk (PSH) were investigated in mice with loperamide-induced constipation.3.2 Li01和PSH对结肠形态和肠道菌群组成的影响Fig. 2 Colonic morphology and composition of the gut microbiota were evaluated in mice in the different treatment groups.3.3 Li01和PSH对肠道菌群代谢的影响Fig. 3 Cecal concentrations of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) (A–G) and colon concentrations of total bile acids (BAs) (H), secondary BAs (I), non-12-OH BAs through 12-OH BAs (J), hyodeoxycholic acid (HDCA) (K), murideoxycholic acid (MDCA) (L) were measured and evaluated in mice in the different treatment groups.3.4 肠道菌群破坏对 Li01 和 PSH 保护作用的影响Fig. 4 The effects of treatment with Li01 and PSH were investigated in mice with loperamide-induced constipation and with their microbiota disrupted by antibiotic treatment.3.5. 肠道菌群紊乱的便秘小鼠接受 Li01 和 PSH 治疗后代谢相关变化Fig. 5 Concentrations of SCFAs and BAs were measured in feces of mice gavaged with loperamide and with their microbiota disrupted by antibiotic exposure.3.6. Li01代谢组学特征的体外表征Fig. 6 Metabolomic features and characteristics of Li01 growing in vitro were determined.原文链接:DOI https://doi.org/10.1039/D4FO04444D在线投稿平台链接:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/rurx9OX.aspx设置星标,不错过精彩推文开放转载欢迎转发到朋友圈和微信群版权申明原创内容仅代表原创编译,本平台不主张对原文的版权。本平台转载仅仅是出于学术交流和传播信息的需要,不存在任何商业性质,并不意味着代表本平台观点或证实其内容的真实性。转载文章版权归原作者所有,作者如果不希望被转载或有侵权行为,请私信本平台删除。小编水平有限,如有错误,请见谅。点在看,传递您的品味