康斯坦丁·马努塔[罗马尼亚]米哈伊·梅尔蒂卡鲁十四行诗中的话语盛宴[董秀静 译]

百科   2025-01-10 10:25   重庆  

Constantin MĂNUŢĂ [Romania]

The Feast of Utterance in Mihai Merticaru’s Sonnets

Mihai Merticaru’s sonnets in The Golden Pitcher, the poet’s eighteenth volume of poetry, issued by Rawex Coms Publishing House, Bucharest, 2016, represents the continuance of the poetic themes and motifs present in his former volumes, the predilection for cosmicity, nature, vitalness and elementariness, the lyrical and musical revelation, the miraculous experiencing of feelings.

His propensity for the art of the sonnet also results from the author’s sincere confession, since he considers himself to be a genuine romantic, who feels comfortable only in the waters of the sweet classical style. In the preface to his fifth volume of sonnets, Mihai Merticaru makes another brilliant confession: “He who strives to climb up the high peak of the sonnet must unavoidably pass through the Caudine Forks similar to the mountain climber who would not take a roundabout path but would boldly encounter the vertical wall of the mountain”. Subsidiarily, he also states that essentialising the poetic act and the sonnet, in particular, requires talent, concentration, skill, devotion, discipline, rigour, and the power of self-sacrifice, which, in our opinion, are virtues that he owns and obstacles that he surpasses dauntlessly and gracefully.

As far as the structure is concerned, the volume comprises three poetical sequences: Serene SonnetsPious Sonnets, and Gloomy Sonnets.

The Sonnet of the Sonnet is the poem which opens the volume, a song of praise to the sonnet as the king of poetry, a species of divine origin and inspiration, a hymn of praisean endearing, blest metaphor, in which the most brilliant spirits of the centuries have excelled: “It constellates and softly strings on the lyre,/ It overmasters fleet time and boundlessness,/ Springing from the divine creation’s greatness”.

The woman in Mihai Merticaru’s sonnets is a treasure, perceived as a heavenly wonder which dwells a pious and sacred prayer, so that she can give birth to a new galaxy, which possesses a smokelike body and stormlike eyes, these metaphors being able to engender the storms in the relationship between the ephemeral and the eternal within the human being, a genuine mythology, as the poet continues in the sonnet She Is the One, the spark able to detonate the trotyl which will bring forth the explosion of love.

The love which moves the Sun and the other stars, as Dante Alighieri conceived it, would soar to the skies, while in Mihai Merticaru’s poetry, it embodies a mystery, a widening perception of the nonelucidable and the mysterious, the Sunday of the spirit, a siren who lures us into unforeseen profundities.

Suffering, the loss of love may cast a bridge of sighs, nevertheless it has the function to transform the instant into eternity, yielding new beauties: “I’ll forge twinklings into everlastingness,/ Devising new pulchritude for your tendment.// Come, let us submit to the sacred belief,/ Let’s spin with the Parcae’ our fated life threads,/ Let’s entwine our spans in pledges, a relief// Whose guide be God Almighty, who bans mischief!/ So may our solemn wedding vows crown our heads,/ You’re my bride, I’m your ageless heavenly treads!” (Betrothal).

To the eternal feminine, rendered by Mihai Eminescu through the sintagmata I don’t know what and an I don’t know how, the poet Mihai Merticaru would assign a surplus of beauty and delicacy, embedded in genuine apotheotic hymns, being highly aware that love is the sole way to accede to the absolute: “All love is a pure sunshine-laden season,/ Your soul dances with the wooing birds in flight,/ New stars rise on the sparkling vault, featherlight,/ The planets forsake their course and turn crimson” (The Sonnet of Happiness). Moreover, another sonnet displays an extremely  suggestive title: IN HOC SIGNO VINCES – By This Sign You Will Conquer. It was emblazoned against the noonday sky, on a bright cross of light, and beheld by Constantine the Great, when he set off from Byzantium to fight against the debauched Rome, the inscription turning into a symbol of  love’s worldwide victory, since it is the most precious heavenly gift offered to mankind by our Creator.

Athene, Diana or Aphrodite represent the woman who’s the soul of artwork and superbness, the sweetheart regarded as utter fulfillment, as a means of reaching the essence of knowledge, as a remedy for keeping death at a distance: “Light my life path with torchlike audacity/ Let’s step together into eternity” (Woman). The myth of the androgyne is omnipresent, as the archetype of the being conceived like a sphere from which the halves were severed – the male and the female – foredoomed to perpetually be in quest of each other, in order to restore the primordial unity. Absolute love is, as Mircea Eliade stated in The Myth of Reintegration, a “nostalgia of androgyny”.

In his Prayer to our Lord, the poet yearns that his great departure should be a gentle melody: “…Banish the nightfall underneath my eyebrows,/ Lovingly immure me into the light’s sheen,/ Pump hopes of life into my veins, not to douse,// May plague be left without aerials and house,/ May my moments be plenteous and serene,/ My great departure – a gentle melody’s scene!” (Prayer).

The poet writes a paean to the flame within the stone – the fire –, the fourth element of the traditional cosmogony, depicted in all its purifying, consuming, and redeeming valences, in order to describe the mood of the self, the ardent passion of experience, the centre of the spiritual life: “Like the fiery fire it floods our arteries,/ Waking the Titan Atlas in each weakling,/ The last glass claims another’s bizarreries,// Washing unshed tears, granting joy’s juggleries” (The Sonnet of the Wine).

Merticaru’s poetic universe explores intense emotional states, revealing moments of silence and questions clustering around the poet’s endeavour to discover his own identity. Being fascinated by the unique and unreiterative experiences, the poet obsessively writes about the need for purity and sincerity, about candour and affection, as feelings which bestow a profound meaning on life: “The splendour’s candid multicoloured hora,/ A fairy scene unseen even in sweet dreams,/ Sung by myriads of minstrels along streams,/ A magic redolent of mandragora”.

Mihai Merticaru’s world is an accumulation of fragments belonging to both reality and irreality, to both the quotidian and the innermost world: “The crepuscular moments rest in staffage,/ Time’s still in store to vow women allegiance,/ To share gods’ abundance with no dissemblance,/ Savouring the lush verbiage of vintage” (The Sonnet of the Moment). The parable of his style is supported by a gestural repertoire of essentialisation: silence, introversion, an attitude of pure contemplation.

Samples of elegance and discretion, high fantasy, mystery and illusion, Mihai Merticaru’s sonnets are exercises of great, unsophisticated simplicity, which transcribe an overwhelming inner tumult of moods, ideas, and feelings. The source of his lyricism lies in his boundless love for each and every thing that surrounds us: “Winsome spring breaks loose in mellow orchard croons,/ Fairly disclosing its mirific flora/ Blooming in the haloes of the aurora,/ A fulminant show for one thousand afternoons”.

The solemnity, the elegance of phrasing, and the effects derived from appealing to rhyme and rhythm reveal a poet endowed with a prodigious mobility of the lyrical discourse, a jovial bonhomme who relies on musicality and prosodic refinement, a poet who aspires towards the standards of genuine poetry, which consists in ambiguity and imprevisibility, in associating totally disparate elements, so as to achieve a miraculous experience of feelings.

While remiding us that, since time immemorial, poetry and music were inseparable, Mihai Merticaru, a poet both rigorous and suggestive, Apollonian and Dionysian, enigmatic and colloquial, has presented us with the volume of his accomplished creative maturity, a splendid homage to love, an exhilarating overflow of lyricism, pendulating between the real and the ideal, between the sacred and the profane, between Eros and Thanatos.



















        (董秀静教授 译;Tr. Prof. Dong Xiujing)


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