confirmation/optimal/estimate | 热词手账

教育   2025-01-23 17:32   北京  

热词手帐(No. 1935




n. 确认;证明

The ethics records were published on Wednesday as Mike Crapo, the chair of the Senate finance committee, announced that Kennedy’s confirmation hearings would be held next Wednesday.

参议院财政委员会主席迈克•克拉普(Mike Crapo)宣布肯尼迪的确认听证会将于下周三举行,道德记录也于周三公布。

本文2025年1月23日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为 Robert Kennedy vows to keep vaccine suit share if confirmed as Trump health chief



adj. 最佳的

“I realise what is great for the country isn’t always what’s optimal for your companies, but in your new role i hope you’ll mostly put [the US] first,” he wrote.


本文2025年1月23日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为 OpenAI spars with Elon Musk over $500bn Stargate project


/ˈestɪmət; ˈestɪmeɪt/

v. 估计

Rough estimates using US retail diesel prices and a Hyundai Nexo model highlight the significant cost gap. 


本文2025年1月23日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为  Hydrogen still holds promise as a fuel

FT是英国《金融时报》(Financial Times)的简称,1888年创刊。凭借全球记者资源和英语母语特色,每日奉上双语阅读资讯、热词、原声视频与电台,轻松学英语。内容涵盖金融财经、时尚轻奢、运动美食、职场管理、移民留学等热门话题。