开幕活动预告 | 朝向共同:“夜校”策展人谈 + 新展导览

文摘   2024-05-23 17:39   北京  

2024年5月25日,本次“夜校”展览策展人、上海纽约大学当代艺术中心馆长玄莲昊(Michelle Yeonho Hyun)将来到中间美术馆展览现场,在艺术家克里斯蒂安·尼安佩塔(Christian Nyampeta)呈现的“接待空间”(hosting structure中,开启新展的第一场活动。活动结束后,策展人那荣锟、王佳怡与印帅将为大家导览新展“当怪物说话时”及中间实践展览“在出版内部重新发明出版——Mousse出版实践切片”。

“朝向共同”Togetherward是巴西哲学家丹妮丝·费雷拉·达·席尔瓦(Denise Ferreira da Silva)基于尼安佩塔的项目所撰写文章的题目,也是作者对于尼安佩塔通过实践思考“如何共同生活”这一问题的概括。“夜校”项目中,尼安佩塔持续以不同类型的实践探索知识分享的公共方式。通过他组织的诸多翻译与出版项目,有关非洲的知识以思想接力的方式被译介到了不同文化之中。在周六的活动中,策展人玄莲昊将从朝向共同(Togetherward)这一概念出发,分享她对于“夜校”项目的思考。

On May 25, 2024, the curator of École du soir and the director of the Institute of Contemporary Arts at NYU Shanghai (ICA), Michelle Yeonho Hyun, will arrive at the Inside-Out Art Museum and kick off the first event in the "hosting structure" presented by the artist, Christian Nyampeta. Following the event, Na Rongkun and Wang Jiayi, curators ofWhen the Monster is Speaking, and Yin Shuai, the curator of "Inside-Out Art Practice" Reinventing Publishing Inside Publishing: A Glimpse into Mousse Publishing, will guide everyone through the new exhibitions.

Togetherward is the title of an article written by Brazilian philosopher Denise Ferreira da Silva based on the project of Nyampeta. It's also a concise encapsulation of the author's musings on Nyampeta's exploration of "how to live together" through practical means. In École du soir, Nyampeta continues to explore public ways of sharing knowledge through different types of practices. Through the many translation and publication projects he has organized, knowledge about Africa has been translated into different cultures in a relay of ideas.During Saturday's event, curator Michelle Yeonho Hyun will delve into her reflections on École du soir, starting from the concept of "Togetherward".


The invitation to live together presumes its possibility in the very form of the address. What becomes of living, working, existing, when results are gathered from an invitation, an enticement, an attraction, rather than from regulation or actualisation and the particular ways through which these make the many into one?


——丹妮丝·费雷拉·达·席尔瓦(Denise Ferreira da Silva



Togetherward will be displayed at the exhibition. Welcome to take a browse.

开幕活动信息|Opening Event Schedule


Togetherward: Curator's Talk on École du soir




Speaker: Michelle Yeonho Hyun



Moderator: Carol Yinghua Lu



Organised by: Inside-Out Art Museum



Venue: IOAM Exhibition Hall 3/F


Language: Chinese / English(Consecutive interpretation on-site)


Exhibition Tour Guides





Curator's Tour Guide for When the Monster is Speaking

by Na Rongkun and Wang Jiayi





Curator's Tour Guide for Reinventing Publishing Inside Publishing: A Glimpse into Mousse Publishing

 by Yin Shuai 




 Please scan the QR code and fill in the information.

嘉宾介绍|About the Speaker

玄莲昊(Michelle Yeonho Hyun)与艺术家和其他人一起制作展览并组织活动。她阅读、写作、并探讨艺术和艺术之外的事物。她是上海纽约大学当代艺术中心(上纽ICA)的创始馆长和策展人。她曾是“上海种子”(2016)、光州双年展(2014)和加州大学圣地亚哥分校的策展人(2012-14)。她曾为New Museum(纽约市)、Creative Time(纽约市)和What, How & For Whom(WHW)(萨格勒布)组织项目。

Michelle Yeonho Hyun makes exhibitions and events with artists and others. She reads writes and explores art and beyond. She is the founding director and curator of the Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) at NYU Shanghai since 2018. She worked previously as a curator for Shanghai Project (2016), Gwangju Biennale (2014), and the University of California San Diego (2012-14). She has also organized projects for the New Museum (New York, 2012), Creative Time (New York, 2011), and What, How & for Whom (WHW) (Zagreb, 2010).

主持人介绍|About the Moderator

卢迎华(Carol Yinghua Lu)是艺术史学者、策展人,现任北京中间美术馆馆长。她于2020年获墨尔本大学艺术史博士学位。她曾出任深圳OCAT艺术总监及首席策展人(2012-2015);意大利博尔扎诺Museion的客座策展人(2013)与亚洲艺术文献库中国研究员(2005-2007)。她曾担任第九届光州双年展联合策展人、第七届深圳雕塑双年展联合策展人(2012)。她是美国艺术史研究机构协会(ARIAH)首届“东亚学者奖”的四位获奖者之一(2017),获Yishu华人当代艺术评论奖(2016)和泰特美术馆研究中心亚太计划的首个特邀研究学者奖金(2013)。2013年至今,她与艺术家刘鼎持续开展题为“社会主义现实主义的回响”的研究,对叙述中国当代艺术的视角和方法论进行重新评估,他们也是第八届横滨三年展的艺术总监。

Carol Yinghua Lu is an art historian and a curator. She received her Phd degree in art history from the University of Melbourne in 2020. She is the director of Beijing Inside-Out Art Museum. She was the artistic director and senior curator of OCAT, Shenzhen (2012-2015), guest curator at Museion, Bolzano (2013) and the China researcher for Asia Art Archive (2005-2007). She was a recipient of the ARIAH (Association of Research Institute in Art History) East Asia Fellowship (2017), Yishu Awards for Critical Writing and Curating on Contemporary Chinese Art (2016) and visiting fellow in the Asia-Pacific Fellowship Program at the Tate Research Centre (2013). She was the co-artistic director of Gwangju Biennale and the Shenzhen Sculpture Biennale (2012). From 2013 to the present, she and artist Liu Ding have been conducting research entitled "Echoes of Socialist Realism," which reassesses the perspectives and methodologies used to narrate Chinese contemporary art, and they are the artistic directors of the 8th Yokohama Triennial.



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