錢鍾書著述所引拉丁語之中英譯文采輯Suetonius 6《外文筆記》4

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Suetonius 6《外文筆記》4

王依民 景默


Suetonius. I.

The Lives of the Caesars

tr. by J. C. Rolfe

The Loeb Classical Library

Bk. IV. Gaius Caligula
See end of the Volume

§10. Although at Capreae every wile was resorted to by those who tried to lure him or force him to utter complaints against Tiberius, he never gave them the satisfaction, ignoring the ruin of his kindred, passing over his own treatment with an incredible pretence of indifference, & so obsequious towards his grandfather & his household, that it was well said of him that no one had ever been a better slave or a worse master [(p.416) nec servum meliorem ullum nec deteriorem dominum fuisse].


§22. So much for Caligula as emperor; we must now tell of his career as a monster [(p.434) Hactenus quasi de principe, reliqua ut de monstro narranda sunt]. He laid claim to divine majesty; & orders that the statues of the gods should have their heads removed to be replaced with his own [(p.436) quibus cnpite dempto suum imponeret]. He set up a special temple to his own godhead [(p.436) Templum etiam numini sue proprium], with priests & with victims [peacocks, pheasants, flamingoes, etc.] of the choicest kind. In this temple was a life-sized statue of the emperor in gold, which was dressed each day in clothing such as he wore himself [(p.436) In templo simulacrum stabat aureum iconicum amiciebaturque cotidie veste, quail ipse uteretur]. At night he used constantly to invite the full and radiant moon to his embraces and his bed [(p.436) Et noctibus quidem plenam fulgentemque lunam invitabat assidue in amplexus atque concubitum].


§24. He lived in habitual incest with all his sisters. He violated his sister Drusilla, & later took her from her husband Lucius Cassius Longinus & openly treated her as his legal wife. When she died, he appointed a season of public mourning, during which it was a capital offence to laugh, bathe, or dine in company with one's parents, wife, or children. He never afterwards took oath about important matters, except by the godhead of Drusilla [(p.440) nisi per numen Drusillae deieravit].



§26. He secretly put a number of senators to death, yet continued to send for them as if they were alive [(p.444) citare nihilo minus ut vivos perseveravit], after a few days falsely asserting that they had committed suicide.


§27. When cattle to feed the wild beasts for a gladiatorial show were rather costly, he selected criminals to be devoured [(p.446) ex noxiis laniandos adnotavit]… He forced parents to attend the executions of their sons, sending a litter for one man who pleaded ill health, & inviting another to dinner immediately after witnessing the death, & trying to rouse him to gaiety & jesting by a great show of affability [(p.448) atque omni comitate ad hilaritatem et iocos provocavit].




§28. Having asked a man who had been recalled from a long exile, how he spent his time there, the man replied by way of flattery [(p.448) per adulationem]: "I constantly prayed the gods for what has come to pass, that Tiberius might die & you become emperor." Thereupon Caligula, thinking that his exiles were likewise praying for his death, sent emissaries from island to island to butcher them all [(p.448) opinans sibi quoque exsules suos mortem imprecari, (450) misit circuni insulas, qui universes contrucidarent].


§29. 見上《管錐編》第二冊《老子》卷第4則條。

§30. He seldom had anyone put to death except by numerous slight wounds, his constant order, which soon became well-known, being: "Strike so that he may feel that he is dying" [(p.450 perpetuo (452) notoque iam praecepto: "Ita feri ut se mori sentiat"].Cf Lucan, Pharsalia, II. 178: "Vidimus, et toto quamvis in eorpore eaeso / Nil animae letale datum moremque nefandae / Dirum saevitiae, pereuntis parcere raorti." (we have seen the body which, covered with wounds, still awaits the fatal stroke, according to the cruel practice of keeping alive a man dooned to death). Cf Supra, p.380.He often uttered the familiar line: "Let them hate me, so they but fear me" [(p.452) Oderint, dum metuant] Accius,Trag, 203; cf. supra p.376.… Angered at the rabble, he cried: "I wish the Roman people had but a single neck" [(p.452) Utinam p. R. unam cervicem haberet!]

依民按:Accius.Tragedies, 203 (Remains of old Latin. V.2, Loeb,p.393, 392): And now wood-haunting, visiting places strange [et nunc silvicolae ignota invisentes loca].


依民按:這句看上去似與英文頗為不同,Loeb的相關上下文:“He constantly tongue-lashed the equestrian order as devotees of the stage and the arena. Angered at the rabble for applauding a faction which he opposed

§32. At one of his sumptuous banquets he suddenly burst into a fit of laughter [(p.454) effusus subito in cachinnos], & when the consuls politely inquired at the cause, he replied: "What do you suppose, except that at a single word of mine both of you could have your throats cut on the spot? " [(p.456) Quid nisi uno meo nutu iugulari utrumque vestrum statim posse ?]


§33. Whenever he kissed the neck of his wife or sweetheart, he would say: "Off comes this beautiful head whenever I give the word" [(p.456) Tarn bona cervix simul ac iussero demetur]. He used to threaten that he would resort to torture by the Cords if necessary, to find out from his dear Caesonia why he loved her so passionately [(p.456) Quin et subinde iactabat exquisiturum se vel fidiculis de Caesonia sua, cur earn tanto opere diligeret].

依民按:"by the Cords" 原文無,補入的根據是p.456腳注:Literally, "the cords," as an instrument of torture. 按參筆記前文Tib. 62.


§34. He thought of destroying the works of Homer, asking why he should not have the same privilege as Plato, who excluded Homer from his ideal commonwealth [(p.456) cur enim sibi non licere quod Platoni licuisset, qui eum e civitate quam constituebat eiecerit?]. He railed at Vergil as a man of no talent & very little learning [(p.456) nullius ingenii minimaeque doctrinae], & Livius as a verbose & careless historian.


§35. After inviting Ptolemy to come from his kingdom & receiving him with honour, he suddenly had him executed for no other reason that Ptolemy's splendid purple cloak attracted general attention at a gladiatorial show. Whenever he ran across handsome men with fine heads of hair, he disfigured them by having the backs of their heads shaved He himself was bald: "his hair thin & entirely gone on the top of his head, though his body was hairy. Because of this to look upon him from a higher place as he passed by, or to mention a goat, was treated as a capital offence [eapillo raro at circa verticem nullo, hirsutus cetera. Quare transeunte eo prospicere ex superiore parte aut omnino quacumque de causa capram nominare, criminosum et exitiale habebatur — 50, infra p.480].張竹明等中譯,p.183頭髮稀疏、禿頂,體表多毛。因此,當他從跟前走過時,如果你從高處看他或者無意中說到“山羊”的,都被認爲是犯了死罪。In short, there was no one of such low condition or such abject fortune that he did not envy him such advantages as he possessed [(p.458) Nullus denique tam abiectae condicionis tamque extremae sortis fuit, cuius non commodis obtrectaret].



◎張竹明等中譯,p.175他邀請托勒密從其王國來到羅馬,給予隆重的接待,但又把他處死了。而事情也僅僅因爲在他舉辦的一次角鬥競賽會上,他看到托勒密進入劇場時因穿著一件耀眼的鮮紅色披風而引起全場觀衆的注目。每當遇見長著秀髮的美男子,他都下令剪掉他們後腦勺上的頭髮 注 ,使他們變得難看。……事實上對于地位低下的男人,他也妒忌他們得到的僅有的一點點好處。

§36. He is said to have had unnatural relations with Marcus Lepidus, Mnester & others. Valerius Catullus publicly proclaimed that he had violated the emperor and worn himself out in commerce with him [(p.460) stupratum a se ac latera sibi contubernio eius defessa etiani]. He would invite women of rank to dinner with their husbands… he would leave the room, sending for the one who pleased him best, & returning soon afterward with evident signs of what had occurred, he would openly commend or criticise his partner, recounting her charms or defects and commenting on her conduct [(p.460) lasciviae notis reversus vel laudabat palam vel vituperabat, singula enumerans bona malave corporis atque concubitus].


§37. He was recklessly extravagant he would drink pearls of great price dissolved in vinegar [(p.462) pretiosissinia margarita aceto liquefacta sorberet]cf. The anecdote of Cleopatra dissolving her pearl ear-drop in acid & then mixing it with wine which she drank to Antony's health. See end of the book for Caligula



§40. He levied a fixed charge on all eatables, on the daily wages of porters, on the earnings of prostitutes, as much as each received for one embrace [(p.468) ex capturis prostitutarum quantum quaeque uno concubitu mereret]; a clause providing that those who had ever been prostitutes or panders should be liable to this tax, & that even matrimony should not be exempt.



§41.To leave no kind of plunder untried, he opened a brothel in his palace [(p.468) lupanar in Palatio constituit].


§42. Seized with a mania for feeling the touch of money, he would often pour out huge piles of goldpieces in some open place, walk over them barefooted, & wallow in them for a long time with his whole body [(p.470) Novissime contrectandae pecuniae cupidine incensus, saepe super immensos aureorum acervos patentissimo diffiisos loco et nudis pedibus spatiatus et toto corpore aliquamdiu volutatus est.].


§49. Among his private papers two notebooks were found, one called "The Sword" & the other "The Dagger" [(p.478) duo libelli diverso titulo, alteri "Gladius," alteri "Pugio" index erat], containing the names of those whom he had doomed to death.


§50. His face was naturally horrid & ugly, & he purposely made it even more savage, practising all kinds of terrible & fearsome expressions before a mirror [(p.480) Vultum vero natura horridum ac taetrum etiam ex industria efferabat componens ad speculum in omnem terrorem ac formidinem].

He was sound neither of body nor mind…



§51. I may fairly attribute to mental weakness the existence of two exactly opposite faults in the same person, extreme assurance & excessive timorousness [(p.482) Non inmerito① mentis valitudini attribuerim diversissima in eodem vitia, summam confidentiam et contra nimium metum.]The Freudian theory of "reaction-formation" (cf. G. C. Flugel, Man, Morals & Society, pp.69-70) would explain the unity of opposites.



§53. He had such scorn of a polished and elegant style that he dismissed Seneca as "sand without lime" [(p.484) "liarenam esse sine calce" diceret].



§55. He used to send his soldiers on the day before the games & order silence in the neighbourhood, to prevent the horse Incitatus from being disturbed. Besides a stall of marble, a manger of ivory, purple blankets & a collar of precious stones, he even gave this horse a house [Incitatus (swift)], a troop of slaves & furniture, for the more elegant entertainment of the guests invited in his name; & it is also said that he planned to make him consul [(p.488 Incitato equo, cuius causa pridie circenses, ne inquietaretur, viciniae silentium per milites indicere solebat, praeter equile marmoreum et praesaepe eburneum praeterque purpurea tegumenta ac monilia e gemmis domum etiam et famiHam et supellectilem dedit, quo lautius nomine eius invitati acciperentur; consulatum quoque traditur destinasse].【駮龍、逍遙(《北齊書》〈幼主記〉〈高思好傳〉〈恩倖傳〉)御馬則藉以氈罽,食物有十餘種,將合牝牡,則設青廬;馬及鷹犬乃有儀同、郡君之號。《新五代史東漢世家》劉旻歸,為黃騮治厩,飾以金銀,食以三品料,號自在將軍。】


§58. As he lay upon the ground & with writhing limbs called out that he still lived, the others dispatched him with thirty wounds; for the general signal was "Strike again" [(p.494) Repete!] Some even thrust their swords through his privates [(p.494) Quidam etiam per obscaena fernim adegerunt].

