
文摘   2025-01-29 12:00   安徽  





E. Cassirer


〇六一頁10:“一端相似,推而及之於初不相似之他端,如《秦王飲酒》云:‘敲日玻璃聲。’”按《東坡集》卷二十《日喻》云:“生而眇者不識日,或告之曰:‘日之狀如銅盤’,扣盤而得其聲,他日聞鐘,以為日也”,正是此理。E. Cassirer 論初民思索以比擬為主,一端有類,即謂為全體大同 (Pars pro toto) (Die Philosophie des symbolischen Formen, II, S.83; Language & Myth, tr. Susanne K. Langer, pp.91-3),可謂探本矣。參觀 Wordsworth: “We have had the brow & the eye of the moon before; but what have we reserved for human beings, if their features & organs etc. are to be lavished on objects without feeling & intelligence?” (Letters: Later Years, ed. E. de Selincourt, I, p.436); Novalis: “Seltsame Ausführung eines Gleichnisses — z.B. dieLiebe ist süss, also kommt ihr alles zu, was dem Zucker zukommt” (Schriften, hrsg. P. Kluckholm & R. Samuel, Bd.III, S.311); Léon Guichard, L’Oeuvre et l’Ame de Jules Renard, pp.336 & 345: “Beaucoup d’images de Renard ... lui venaient tout simplement d’une métaphore prise à la lettre ... Prendre à la lettre les ex-pressions métaphorique courantes était une tournure de l’esprit de Jules Renard”。《談藝錄》二七頁引《翻譯名義集》卷五語11,與 Wordsworth 意相似。岑參《夜過盤石隔河望永樂》之“月如眉已畫,雲似鬢新梳”;陸龜蒙《和襲美新秋言懷三十韻》之“才疎惟自補,技癢欲誰抓”,皆比喻引申之例。然一不慎,則成笑話,如《漁隱叢話前集》卷五五引《王直方詩話》載王禹錫詩云:“打葉雨拳隨手重,吹涼風口逐人來。”Th. Lipps, Komik und Humor, S.27: “Die Komik-Verwandle Halbe-und Viertels-Ähnlichkeiten in Gleichheiten”,非其驗歟?


Komik und Humor




〇六五頁13:“詞若缺負未足,而意則充實有餘。”參觀 Aristotle, Rhetoric, III. vi. 7: “The practice of Antimachus is useful, that of describing a thing by the qualities it does not possess ... [by] employ[ing] epithets from negations” (“The Loeb Classical Library”, p.377; cf. J.W.H. Atkins, Literary Criticism in Antiquity, I, p.143: “This device ... might be carried to infinity, & as such it is suggestive of subtle & sublime effects, e.g. Odys. VI. 43; Soph. Antig. 1071; Eurip. Hecuba, 669; Hamlet, I. v. 77: ‘unhousel’d, disappointed, unanel’d’; Par. Lost, III. 373: ‘Immutable, Immortal, Infinite’; Bk of Revelation, XXII. 5”)14; Wm. Watson, Excursions in Criticism, p.108: “‘Rachel weeping for her children; she refuseth to be comforted for her children: because they are not’ [Jeremiah, XXI. 15]15. This is infinitely more impressive than any phrase like ‘because they are dead’ could have been. ‘Because they are dead’ would convey a latent impression of the children still existing as corpses. ‘Because they are not’ suggests only the awful & tremendous mystery of annihilation”。



視昔猶今 校註


10 《談藝錄·一○》(中華書局版51頁;三聯書店版158頁)。

11 《談藝錄·二》(中華書局版22頁;三聯書店版37頁)。

12 《談藝錄·一一》(中華書局版54頁;三聯書店版167頁)。

13 同上。

14 原文“Hamlet”無書名號之下劃線(整理本中概作斜體),“unhousel’d”原作“unhous’led”,“XXII”原作“XII”。

15 “because they are not”原脫“are”字。
