錢鍾書著述所引拉丁語之中英譯文采輯Suetonius 5《外文筆記》3

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Suetonius 5《外文筆記》3

王依民 景默


Suetonius. I.

The Lives of the Caesars

tr. by J. C. Rolfe

The Loeb Classical Library

Bk. III. Tiberius

§7. He was forced to divorce Agrippina, with whom he was living happily, & to contract a hurried marriage with Julia, daughter of Augustus. The only time he chanced to see Agrippina after the divorce, he followed her with such an intent & tearful gaze that care was taken that she should never again come before his eyes [(p.302) contentis et umentibus (Tumentibus, in same reading) oculis prosecutus est].



§24. He refused the title for a long time, with barefaced hypocrisy now upbraiding his friends who urged him to accept it, saying that they did not realise what a monster the empire was [(p.328) diu recusavit, impudentissimo mimo nunc adhortantis amicos increpans ut ignaros, quanta belua esset imperium]… Finally, some lost patience, & one senator cried out : “Let him take it or leave it.” [(p.330) Aut agat aut desistat !]. Another openly voiced the taunt that others were slow in doing what they promised, but that he was slow to promise what he was already doing [(p.330) Alter coram exprobraret ceteros, quod polliciti sint tarde praestare, sed  ipsum, quod praestet tarde polliceri]. At last, as though on compulsion, & complaining that a wretched & burdensome slavery was being forced upon him, he accepted the empirecf. Shakespear, Richard III. vii.[(p.330) Tandem quasi coactus et querens miseram et onerosam iniungi sibi servitutem, recepit imperium].


§25. The cause of his hesitation was fear of the dangers & he often said that he was holding a wolf by the ears [(p.330) saepe lupum se auribus tenere diceret].An old proverb saying. cf. Terence. Phormio, 506:immo, id quod aiunt, auribus teneo lupum; / Nam neque quomods a me amittam, invevio; neque uti retineam scio”(It is true they say I have caught a wolf by the ears; for I know not either how to get rid of him or how to keep him in restraint.Anatomy of Melancholy,“Democritus to the Reeler”:“So he that goes to law as the proverb is, holds a wolf by the ears. G. BellI. 194

① 筆記緊接前文,未標節號“25

 我手頭沒有Loeb版的Terence. Phormio,查Delphi版,這裏的原文是quo pacto,後承范旭侖先生賜告,Loeb版也是quo pacto



§28. He was patient in the face of abuse & slander, often asserting that in a free country there should be free speech & free thought [(p.334) iactabat in civitate libera linguam mentemque liberas esse debere].



§34. To encourage general frugality by his own example, he often served at formal dinners meats left over from the day before & partly consumed, or the half of a boar, declaring that it had all the qualities of a whole one. [(p.342) soUeinnibus ipse cenis pridiana saepe ac semesa obsonia apposuit dimidiatumque aprum, affirmans omnia eadem habere,quae totum].


§42. Having gained the licence of privacy, & being as it were out of sight of the citizens, he at last gave free rein at once to all the vices he had for a long time ill concealed [p.350 Ceterum secreti licentiam nanctus et quasi civitatis oculis remotis, cuncta simul vitia male diu dissimulata tandem profudit]


§43. (352) Secessu vero Caprensi etiam sellaria excogitavit, sedem arcanarum libidinum, in quam undique conquisiti puellarum et exoletorum greges monstrosique concubitus repertores cf. 漢書景十三王傳》:建強令宮人裸而四據,與羝羊與狗交】, quos spintrias appellabat, triplici serie conexi Spintriae were later banished by Caligula CIV. 16. p.426). I. Bloch, Die Prostitution Bd.I, s.386: "die sogenannten 'Symplegmen' oder 'Spintrien', die Ausführung sexueller Akte durch mehr als zwei Personen, in 'Ketten' (catena) und 'Gruppen' (symplegma)" , in vicem in cestarent coram ipso, ut aspectu deficientis libidines excitaret. (354) Cubicula plurifariam disposita tabellis ac sigillis lascivissimarum picturarum et figurarum adornavit librisque Elephantidis instruxit, ne cui in opera edenda exemplar imperatae schemae deesset.

 p.427英譯: He banished from the city the sexual perverts called spintriae, barely persuaded not to sink them in the sea.

 Deepl翻譯:the so-called 'symplegms' or 'spintria', the performance of sexual acts by more than two persons, in 'chains' (catena) and 'groups' (symplegma).

 引用Ariosto, I Suppositi, “proolgo”,待覓得原書後再錄。

筆記未鈔英譯,現補上:p.353, p.355: On retiring to Capri he devised a pleasance for his secret orgies: teams of wantons of both sexes, selected as experts in deviant intercourse and dubbed analists, copulated before him in triple unions to excite his flagging passions. Its bedrooms were furnished with the most salacious paintings and sculptures, as well as with an erotic library, in case a performer should need an illustration of what was required.


§44. Maiore adhuc ac turpiore infamia flagravit, vix ut referri audirive, nedum credi fas sit, quasi pueros primae teneritudinis, quos pisciculos vocabat, institueret, ut natanti sibi inter femina versarentur ac luderent lingua morsuque sensim adpetentes ; atque etiam quasi infantes firmiores, necdum tamen lacte depulsos, inguini ceu papillae admoveret, pronior sane ad id genus libidinis et natura et aetate…

筆記未鈔英譯,現補上:p.355: He acquired a reputation for still grosser depravities that one can hardly bear to tell or be told, let alone believe. For example, he trained little boys (whom he termed tiddlers) to crawl between his thighs when he went swimming and tease him with their licks and nibbles; and unweaned babies he would put to his organ as though to the breast, being by both nature and age rather fond of this form of satisfaction.



§45. Hence a stigma put upon him in an Atellan farce became current, that "the old goat was licking the does." [(p.356) hircum vetulum capreis naturam ligurire].



§56. He had the habit of putting questions at dinner suggested by his daily reading [(p.370) lectione cotidiana quaestiones super cenam proponere], & learning that the grammarian Seleucus inquired of the imperial attendants what authors Tiberius was reading and so came primed【高士奇。《全唐文》336(《舊唐書顏真卿傳》)《論百官論事疏》:“閹官袁思藝日宣詔至中書,玄宗動靜,必告林甫,得以先意奏請。玄宗驚喜若神。”《舊唐書元載傳》:“復結內侍董秀,多與之金帛,委主書卓英倩潛通密旨。以是上[代宗]有所屬,載必先知之,承意探微,言必玄合。”袁文《甕牖閒評》卷八:“盧多遜善取媚人主,以希進用。國初為參知政事,太祖常令館中取書。多遜豫戒主書吏立白之,即通夕覽讀。明日太祖指問書中事,同列罔措,多遜應答如響。此即丁謂之從駕東封回,眞宗欲幸孔子廟,謂于前一日先往廟中省視饌具,因詢其事務,以備明日顧問。”《清詩紀事》12870,《夢苕厂詩話》:梁再芬在張之洞幕府時,張每待讀何書,梁每次以龍洋十圓賄張侍者以告,亦取梁書熟讀。《簷曝雜記》卷二“高士奇”:“結近侍探上起居,報一事,酬以金豆一顆。……或覘知上方閱某書,即抽某書翻閱。《宋史》,盧多遜為相時,太祖每取書史館,盧預戒吏先白,通夕閱之。遇上問者,應對無滯。”李清《三垣筆記》卷上:“予為寧波司李,見鄭庶常鄤被參下獄,時王侍御章為鄞令,鄤同邑也,語次間極薄鄤。予曰:‘慎行孫宗伯貴邑端人,何獨善鄤?’章曰:‘宗伯喜讀書,左右數人無不飽鄤賄,每宗伯閱某書,必馳報,越數日往謁,凡宗伯帳中之秘,鄤皆口誦如流。宗伯因大服’。”】[(p.370) a ministris suis perquirere, quos quoque tempore tractaret auctores, atque ita praeparatum venire], he at first banished the offender from his society, and later even forced him to commit suicide.



§58. Many acts were regarded as capital crimes, e.g. to carry a ring or coin stamped with his image into a privy or a brothel [(p.372) nummo anulo effigiem impressam latrinae aut lupanari intulisse].


§59. Let them hate me, provided they respect my conduct [(p.376) Oderint, dum probent].cf. infra p.452


§61. Not a day passed without an execution… The word of no informer was doubted. Every crime was treated as capital, even the utterance of a few simple words [(p.378) Nemini delatorum fides abrogata. Omne crimen pro capitali receptum, etiam paucorum simpliciumque verborum]… Since ancient usage made it impious to strangle maidens, young girls were first violated by the executioner and then strangled. [(p.380) Immaturae puellae, quia more tradito nefas esset virgines strangulari, vitiatae prius a carnifice, dein strangulatae.] Those who wished to die were forced to live [(p.380) Mori volentibus vis adhibita vivendi]. cf. Bk. IV. §30(pp.450-2); Montaigne, Essais, II. 27 (Pléiade , p.676) 


 《外文筆記》第11冊第485頁:(676) Les tyrans, pour faire tous les deux ensemble, et tuer et faire sentir leur colère, ils ont employé toute leur suffisance àtrouver moyen d'allonger la mort. Ils veulent que leurs ennemis s'en aillent, mais non pas si vite qu'ils n'aient loisir de savourer leur vengeance.(按:Essays of Michel de Montaigne. Charles Cotton英譯:Tyrants, at once both to kill and to make their anger felt, have employed their capacity to invent the most lingering deaths. They will have their enemies despatched, but not so fast that they may not have leisure to taste their vengeance. “mort” 下眉批有注:cf Suetonius, Caesars, Tiberius, 61 (Loeb, I, p.380), Caligula, 30 (p.450-2).


§62. He devised the following torture: he would trick men into loading themselves with copious draughts of wine, and then on a sudden tying up their private parts, thus torment them at the same time by the torture of the cords & the stoppage of their water [(p.382) ut larga meri potione per fallaciam oneratos, repente veretris deligatis, fidicularum simul urinaeque tormento distenderet]. 【《太平廣記》268王旭(《朝野僉載》卷二:括宅中及別宅女婦,風聲目色,有不承者,以繩勒其陰,命壯士彈竹擊之,酸痛不可忍。Montaigne,Essais, III. 4: “L'opiniâtreté de mes pierres, spécialement en la verge, m'a parfois jeté en longues suppressions d'urine, de trois, de quatre jours, et si avant en la mort que c'eût été folie d'espérer l'éviter, voire désirer, veu les cruels efforts que cet état apporte. Ô que ce bon Empereur qui faisait lier la verge à ses criminels pour les faire mourir à faute de pisser était grand maître en la science de bourrellerie! ”(Pléiade , p.804)

 Essays of Michel de Montaigne. Charles Cotton英譯:The obstinacy of my stone to all remedies especially those in my bladder, has sometimes thrown me into so long suppressions of urine for three or four days together, and so near death, that it had been folly to have hoped to evade it, and it was much rather to have been desired, considering the miseries I endure in those cruel fits. Oh, that good emperor, who caused criminals to be tied that they might die for want of urination, was a great master in the hangman’s’ science!


§69. He was immoderately afraid of thunder [(p.390) tonitrua tamen praeter modum expavescebat] & always wore a laurel wreath [(p.392) coronam lauream capite gestavit].

