
文摘   2024-08-31 08:01   天津  



片段P2的三条合成路线如下,Route A,Route B,Route C。






  • 化合物20为原料,和双甲基的双溴代物,在溴化钴/配体/锌/碘条件下制备手性环丙烷,得到化合物21

  • 再去除Boc得到目标物

  • 常用的[2 + 1]型环丙烷的构建方案,有一点Simmons−Smith感觉。


To a reactor were added THF (1240 L, 4 L/kg), L1(87 kg, 0.15 equiv), CoBr2 (45 kg, 0.15 equiv), and zinc (225kg, 2.52 equiv). To this mixture was added a solution of iodine(87 kg, 0.25 equiv) in THF (310 L, 1 L/kg). This resulted in a purple-colored solution. Dehydroproline 20 (310 kg, 1 equiv) was added. 2,2-Dibromopropane (358 kg, 1.30 equiv) was then added over 4 h. The mixture was stirred at 25−30 °C for at least one more hour. Water (2325 L, 7.5 L/kg), MTBE (930 L,3 L/kg), THF (310 L, 1 L/kg), and 36% HCl (1.6−1.8 equiv) were added. The mixture was stirred for at least 2 h. The layers were separated, and the aqueous phase was discarded. Water (2325 L, 7.5 L/kg), 36% HCl (0.8−0.9 equiv), and MTBE (620 L, 2 L/kg) were added. The layers were separated. The aqueous phase was discarded (H2SO4 can be used in place of HCl during the acidic washes). The organic phase was washed twice with water (2325 L, 7.5 L/kg for each wash). The organic phase was filtered and transferred to another reactor with rinsing with MTBE (310 L, 1 L/kg). The solution was concentrated at reduced pressure to an oil and then concentrated again after charging MTBE (310 L, 1 L/kg). Additional MTBE (310 L, 1 L/kg) and THF (698 L, 2.25 L/kg) were added. Gaseous HCl (180 kg, 3.6 equiv) was added, and the mixture was stirred at 20−25 °C for at least 10 h. At 0−5 °C, MTBE (310 L, 1 L/kg) was added, and the suspension was stirred for 1−2 h. The solid was filtered and washed with THF (1240 L, 4 L/kg). The wet solid was dried under a vacuum. On average, 205 kg of 2 was isolated (73% yield). 98.0−99.1 wt % assay, 99.23−99.62% HPLC purity, and>99.9% chiral purity.


J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 6467−6472

Org. Process Res. Dev. 2012, 16, 1468−1481
