2024-12-13 15:08
相比于其他媒体,《经济学人》的年度书单显然主题跨度要大很多,不是单纯地分为虚构和非虚构,而是将传记、文化艺术、社政时事、科学健康等领域与小说都分列了出来,也展现了一个名牌时政杂志视野的广度。这里的很多书可能在国内都闻所未闻,甚至连我们编辑也会感到陌生,不过在一些领域内,我们还是可以发现一些熟悉的亮点。首先就是小说,瑞秋·库什纳的《创造湖》处在比较显眼的位置,作为布克奖短名单入围作品,它在多个年度书单出现或许在暗示自身的重要性。托卡尔丘克的《恶灵胜地》不管是作者的声誉还是尖锐和直观的性别内容表达,至少都让这部作品变得难以被忽视。珀西瓦尔·埃弗雷特的《詹姆斯》,同样也是今年的布克奖短名单作品,一度被视为大奖最有力的竞争者,最后还是败给了萨曼莎·哈维的太空牧歌《轨道》,但是失之东隅,收之桑榆,《詹姆斯》最后在“主场”摘了美国国家图书奖,并且依旧被不少媒体列为年度之书。萨莉·鲁尼的《间奏曲》依旧惹眼,不过确实比起当年的《正常人》影视化后掀起的巅峰热度来说,后续的任何新书都可能会显得冷一些,不过这本新作在某种程度上比她的上一本作品《美丽的世界,你在哪里》风评要好很多,主题和人物上也有所突破。科宾《长岛》也在榜上,科宾从人气上像是男版的萨莉,与萨莉·鲁尼可谓是爱尔兰文坛两颗明星,只不过更年长一些,展现的主题也更与社会、历史的相关性更大,他一旦出新作也会引起不少媒体的关注。同样上榜的还有英国文坛名家艾伦·霍灵赫斯的《我们的夜晚》。此外这一系列书单含布克奖的成分也不低,除了先前提到过的两本,入围过长名单的《游乐场》,以及入围过短名单的沃登的《保险箱》也被列入书单。在传记系列中,文穴编辑部先前分享过的《政坛教母》(或直译为《造王者》)也在榜上,还有一本关于卡夫卡的传记《变形记》也显得有些意思,探索了卡夫卡是如何从一个病怏怏的律师一路蜕变成世界级的文学符号和偶像的。还有一本是高更的传记——《野物》,据说这是30年来首部重要的传记。在商业经济科技一类中,《死后的数据》或许讨论了一个数字化时代大家忽视但是本身可能值得关注的问题:人死后,那些账号数据怎么办?此外《共智》/《智能协同》讨论是AI协同工作和生活的当下,人类该如何应对,或许也能给到读者一些AI协同工作的思考和灵感。其他有意思的书目也有很多,除了先前书单提到过的《里根传》《宽宽的大海》,《为什么有战争》《反情报行动》等也给了读者一些观察了解当下时局的新视角。此外《深度工作》的作者卡尔·纽波特的新书《慢生产力》也被列在书单上,这本书阐述了为什么在讨论工作和创造时,“慢即是快”,可以说是纽波特效率类作品《深度工作》某种意义上的延续。感兴趣的读者也值得一读。传记 Biography and memoir
How Publishing Legend Judith Jones Shaped Culture in AmericaPamela Harriman's Astonishing Life of Power, Seduction, and IntrigueAn Extraordinary True Story of Love, Shipwreck and SurvivalA Memoir of Foster Care, Family, and Social Class商业、经济与科技 Business, economics and technologyWhat Happens to Your Information When You Die and Why You Should CareHow to Navigate Chance, Ignorance, Risk and LuckLiving and Working with AIThe Incredible True Story of the Largest Sting Operation EverHow Economics Explains the WorldA Short History of HumanityHow Games Have Shaped Our WorldThe Epic Clashes Between Commanders in Chief and Titans of IndustryThe Lost Art of Accomplishment Without BurnoutAdventures in Love, Life, and CapitalismA Story of Friendship, Fraud, and Fine ArtA History of the Book in Eighteen LivesThe Invention of Reality TVA Mind-Bending Journey Among the Inspired Artists and Obsessive Art Fiends Who Taught Me How to SeeThe British Invasion of American EnglishA History of Childhood ReadingUnraveling the Mysteries of EtymologyLives of the Twentieth-Century NovelThe Ephemeral Life of the Classic in ArtA Health Resort Horror StoryA History of the First World WarThe Great and Deadly Race to Know All LifeThe Botanists of Besieged Leningrad and Their Impossible ChoiceA Galloping History of HumanityHow the World Made the WestDinosaurs, Darwin, and the Battle Between Science and ReligionThe Invention of Good and EvilA World History of MoralityWhy the Middle Ages MatterA Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AIRaiders, Rulers, and TradersThe Horse and the Rise of EmpiresIndonesia and the Birth of the Modern WorldA Writer's Journey through Opium's Hidden HistoriesTricks and Tools of the Dangerous Trade from Elizabeth I to the RestorationNadine Akkerman & Pete LangmanA Six-Day Hostage Crisis and the Daring Special-Forces Operation That Shocked the WorldThe Remarkable History of the Lagoon CityImperial Ambition, First Contact and the Fateful Final Voyage of Captain James Cook社政时事 Politics and current affairsThe Making and Remaking of the British EliteAaron Reeves & Sam FriedmanWhat the Secret World Can Teach Us About Problem-solving and CreativityWhy Nothing Works and How We Fix ItHow Our Culture Killed AdulthoodHope, War, and the Betrayal of an Afghan GenerationHow America Can Beat China in the Race for the Twenty-First CenturyDmitri Alperovitch with Garrett M. GraffThe Year of Living ConstitutionallyOne Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Constitution's Original MeaningHow the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental IllnessRNA and the Quest to Unlock Life's Deepest SecretsThe Genetic Book of the DeadA Biography of Brain SurgeryAn All-Consuming History of EnergyThe Trials of Charles DarwinSpaceX, Elon Musk, and the Reusable Rockets that Launched a Second Space AgeWhat Sex Workers, Milk Bankers, Plastic Surgeons, Bra Designers, and Witches Tell Us about BreastsThe Deep Roots of Our FutureJourneys to the Depths of the Ocean不代表平台立场