Atelier Moessmer:意大利山间美味奏响的“大地共生”可持续乐章

文摘   2024-11-14 12:15   希腊  

意大利布鲁尼科的Atelier Moessmer Norbert Niederkofler餐厅坐落在历史悠久的Moessmer纺织厂旧址内,这家餐厅不仅仅是美食的殿堂,更是山间美味的守护者。主厨诺伯特·尼德科夫勒将其“Cook the Mountain”理念融入每一道菜肴中,关注当地山脉的丰富食材,将自然与餐桌紧密相连。

Cook the Mountain‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍


Norbert Niederkofler(诺伯特·尼德科夫勒)的“Cook the Mountain”理念并不仅仅是简单的食材选择,而是与自然共生的生活方式。他倡导通过季节性食材的使用来呈现每一季的独特风味,并结合传统的保存技艺,让食物从产地到餐桌的旅程保持其本真的滋味。他对可持续发展的承诺更是展现了作为Top级厨师的责任感,通过创新的烹饪方式来接近零浪费,让每一份食材都被最大化地利用。



The scent, the song, the very essence of the Dolomites, of the valleys and waterways of South Tyrol, the value of people and human connections, the privilege of honoring small producers and farmers in a gesture of respect, protection, and elevation of raw ingredients. 


Mauro Siega, Executive Chef, brings forth a cuisine born from the mountains and forests, and delivers it to the plates at Atelier Moessmer Norbert Niederkofler, in a handover steeped in sustainability. 

主厨毛罗·西耶加(Mauro Siega)将源自山林的料理带至餐桌,在Atelier Moessmer Norbert Niederkofler演绎一场饱含可持续性的传承。

The veal tongue is a fusion of smoke and warmth, an enveloping and evolving aroma. Its journey begins with a deep marinade: herbs, spiced salts, fermented vegetables, hints of red wine, and balsamic apple vinegar to enhance each nuance. After resting overnight, it is laid on cast iron above glowing embers, finding a slow cooking process that bestows absolute tenderness, while cherry and spruce form a smoky, intense crust, preserving a juicy and profound core. 


It is served warm, crowned with a mountain chimichurri of roots, berries, horseradish, and fermented fruit. A narrative of the land - of the territory that surrounds us, and the one from which it all originates.


主理人&主厨Norbert Niederkofler

左:餐厅经理&首席侍酒师Lucas Gerges

 中:Ethical chef & 主理人 & 主厨Norbert Niederkofler

右:行政总厨Mauro Siega


Niederkofler不仅是“Cook the Mountain”理念的践行者,更是可持续美食的倡导者。他不断在全球范围内通过演讲和书籍传播这一理念,旨在提醒人们尊重土地与自然的馈赠。正如他所说:“烹饪不仅仅是技巧,而是与自然的对话。”通过这种方式,他不仅重新定义了意大利的山间美味,也在美食界掀起了一场有关自然与烹饪的思考浪潮。

New season, new flavours, and fresh inspiration. Nature is our source of creativity. It all begins here: the mountains are draped in autumn hues, the trees let go of their leaves, and woods come alive with vibrant colours. We follow the natural rhythm, waiting for the first gifts to enrich our autumn menu.




Atelier Moessmer仅开放有限的席位,使每位食客都能享受个性化的服务和专注的体验。从周三至周日营业的安排不仅展现了对食材的精细准备,更是对美食与客人之间的珍贵联系的敬重。在这里,用餐不再只是味觉的满足,更是对人与自然关系的深刻反思。



