Nature最新加速在线| 芳香族亲核取代反应酶催化新突破

文摘   2025-01-17 08:35   江苏  



Nucleophilic aromatic substitutions (S N Ar) are amongst the most widely used processes in the pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries 1–4 , allowing convergent assembly of complex molecules through C–C and C–X (X = O, N, S) bond formation.


Despite the importance of S N Ar chemistry, there are only a handful of selective catalytic methods reported that rely on small organic hydrogen-bonding or phase-transfer catalysts 5–11 .




In the absence of suitable natural enzymes, here we adopt a 'bottom-up' approach to engineer efficient and enantioselective S N Ar biocatalysts.

具体地,作者以实验室此前设计的一种Morita-Baylis-Hillman (MBH)酶为起点,发现其具有一定的SNAr杂泛性。这种酶含有一个柔性的精氨酸残基Arg124,可作为氢键供体,有利于活化亲电底物。

These enzymes contain a flexible Arg124 residue as a hydrogen bond donor that sits adjacent to a binding site for electron-deficient aromatic substrates. Given that hydrogen-bonding catalysts have previously been shown to accelerate S N Ar reactions, we evaluated a selection of our in-house MBH enzymes for promiscuous S N Ar activity, using a small panel of activated aryl halides and carbon nucleophiles as coupling partners.

作者对MBH酶S N Ar1.0进行了3轮实验室定向进化,每轮针对40余个位点进行饱和突变,并筛选约1000个克隆,最终获得了6个有益突变的S N Ar1.3酶(图1c)。与野生型相比,S N Ar1.3的反应速率提高了160倍,对映选择性从5%提高到96%。

本文利用定向进化等技术手段,成功开发出了一种高效且对映选择性好的生物催化剂S N Ar1.3,用于催化芳香族亲核取代(SNAr)反应。主要关键结果如下:

一、SN Ar1.3催化剂的获得及其催化性能评估

通过对亲电试剂结合位点附近的氨基酸位点进行3轮饱和突变和筛选(图1c),作者从Morita-Baylis-Hillman (MBH)酶出发,获得了6个氨基酸突变的S N Ar1.3酶(图1e)。

Following the evaluation of ca. 4000 clones, an S N Ar1.3 variant emerged containing six mutations (Fig. 1c and 1e, and Extended Data Fig. 1).

与起始的S N Ar1.0酶相比,S N Ar1.3的表观反应速率(k obs )提高了160倍,达到0.65 min -1 (图1d);对映选择性从5%提高到96%。

Michaelis-Menten kinetic analysis of S N Ar1.0 to S N Ar1.3 show a 160-fold improvement in k obs following evolution (0.0040 ± 0.0002 min -1 and 0.65 ± 0.01 min -1 for S N Ar1.0 and S N Ar1.3, respectively, Extended Data Fig. 2). (...) This improvement in catalytic performance also correlates with improvements in enantioselectivity, with S N Ar1.3 delivering the (R)-enantiomer of 3 in 96% e.e. compared with the modest 5% e.e. observed with the parent template.



二、SN Ar1.3对不同卤素取代基底物的催化性能

令人惊讶的是,尽管S N Ar1.3是针对含氯底物进化而来,但对溴代和碘代底物的反应速率反而更高,分别提高了3.8倍和8.6倍(图2b)。

Intriguingly despite performing evolution with aryl chloride 2, enzyme activity is improved by 3.8- and 8.6-fold using the bromide (4) and iodide (5) containing analogues of 2, respectively (3.67 ± 0.04 and 8.34 ± 0.11 mM -1 min -1 ) (Fig. 2b).

以碘代底物为例,S N Ar1.3的反应速率最高达到8.81 mM -1 min -1 ,对映选择性>99%,且转化数(TON)超过4000(图2c)。

Using its preferred aryl iodide substrate 5, S N Ar1.3 can operate at a rate of 8.81 ± 0.11 mM -1 min -1 (using 1 mM of 5, Fig. 2b) and affords product 3 in greater than 99% e.e. (Supplementary Fig. 4b). Furthermore, the enzyme is able to achieve greater than 4000 turnovers (Fig. 2c, Supplementary Fig. 4a).


这些结果说明S N Ar1.3对卤素类型具有一定适应性,而且催化效率和选择性随卤素原子序数增加而提高。进一步的分子模拟研究暗示,S N Ar1.3含有一个专一识别卤素阴离子的结合口袋,可能是其催化大位阻底物的结构基础。总之,作者揭示了S N Ar酶对不同卤代芳烃底物的催化规律,对指导催化剂设计和应用具有重要意义。

三、SN Ar1.3催化剂的底物普适性考察

为了考察S N Ar1.3在不同类型底物中的适用性,作者系统评估了各种芳香卤化物(亲电试剂)和亲核试剂的反应性能。结果表明:

  1. 对于硝基芳烃类亲电试剂,含腈基、三氟甲基、酯基、酮羰基、砜基以及吡啶环取代基的底物都能以优秀的产率(up to 99%)和对映选择性(up to 99% e.e.)得到相应的SNAr产物(图3a左)。

Importantly the enzyme tolerates a wide range of nitroarene substrates including those containing nitrile, trifluoromethyl, ester, ketone and sulfone substituents as well as pyridine rings (Fig. 3a) to afford S N Ar products with good to excellent e.e.

  1. 酶对含不同取代基的2-氰基丙酸酯类亲核试剂具有很好的兼容性,可构建含全碳手性季碳中心(17-22,24)和含氮手性季碳中心(23)的产物(图3a右)。

Analogues of 1 containing larger ester groups (17, 18, 19), amide motifs (20) and 2-alkyl substituents (21, 22) are well tolerated. (...) Beyond synthesis of all-carbon quaternary stereocentres, S N Ar1.3 also promotes the formation of optically enriched nitrogen-containing quaternary stereocentres (23) using ethyl 2-nitropropionate as a nucleophile.

  1. S N Ar1.3还能接受酚类和活化的醇类作为亲核试剂,高效构建手性联芳醚(26)和烷基芳基醚(27,28)(图3a右)。

Furthermore S N Ar1.3 can be used for C–O bond construction using phenols or activated alcohols as nucleophiles (pK a < 12.4) to generate biaryl ethers (26) or aryl alkyl ethers (27 and 28), respectively.

  1. 将S N Ar1.3进一步改造成S N Ar Ph 1.0,可立体选择性地合成含1,1-二芳基结构的手性季碳中心化合物(30-32)(图3b)。

Pleasingly the engineered S N Ar1.2 variant was able to promote this transformation with modest conversion (27%) and stereocontrol (46% e.e.). To enhance activity and selectivity, we subjected S N Ar1.2 to an additional round of directed evolution (Extended Data Fig. 5) to afford a double mutant (S N Ar Ph 1.0) which is 3-fold more active than the parent template and produces 30 in 84% e.e..


以上结果充分展示了S N Ar1.3酶催化剂在底物适用性方面的优异表现。它不仅能兼容结构多样的缺电子芳环和亲核试剂,而且对映选择性普遍很高。特别是在合成具有重要用途的全碳/杂原子取代的手性季碳中心以及二芳基季碳中心化合物方面,S N Ar1.3表现出了独特的合成优势,为制备复杂手性分子提供了新的催化策略。

四、SN Ar1.3催化剂的结构特征及反应机理

为了洞悉S N Ar1.3的结构与功能的关系,作者运用生化、晶体学和计算模拟等手段对其进行了系统表征。图4总结了主要结果:

首先,S N Ar1.3的晶体结构揭示其含有一个由Met64、Arg65、Arg124、Asp125和Pro128残基构成的卤素结合口袋(图4a,b)。其中Arg124和Asp125的突变导致酶活性分别下降180倍和22-68倍(Extended Data Fig. 8),表明该结合位点对S N Ar催化至关重要。进化获得的W88R突变使Arg65与Asp125形成新的相互作用(图4c),从而优化了卤素结合口袋的结构。

Soaking S N Ar1.3 with iodide (pink spheres) reveals two internal halide binding sites (HBS), with two conformations of the iodide ion presented for HBS2. The most occupied site (HBS1) was further investigated with knockout studies. The two most important residues for catalysis (Arg124 and Asp125) are shown as blue sticks. (...) Comparison of the S N Ar1.0 and S N Ar1.3 structures shows how the halide binding pocket has been modulated through directed evolution. In particular, the W88R mutation results in repositioning of Arg65 to optimize its electrostatic interactions with Asp125 (Fig. 4c).


Representative structure from MD simulations places 1 in the putative nucleophile binding pocket, and suggests H-bonding interactions between Arg124 and the enolate of 1 may help to position the nucleophile for selective catalysis.




通过系统的实验与计算研究,本文取得了以下核心发现:1)利用定向进化策略,首次开发出高效的SNAr生物催化剂S N Ar1.3;2)与天然酶催化剂相比,S N Ar1.3具有优异的催化活性、选择性以及底物适用范围,尤其擅长催化具有重要应用价值的季碳手性中心化合物的不对称合成;3)结构生物学和分子模拟研究揭示了S N Ar1.3特有的结构特征,阐明了卤素结合口袋和关键催化残基在底物识别与活化中的重要作用,为后续催化剂改造提供了理论基础。总之,本文在方法学和机理认识两个层面上,为发展高效的酶催化SNAr反应提供了系统性的解决方案,具有重要的学术价值和应用前景。


从学术角度来说,本研究首次将一类重要的化学反应SNAr带入了生物催化领域,为发展更高效、更绿色的选择性SNAr方法提供了全新思路。同时,相关的生化、结构和计算研究,也为揭示S N Ar酶的催化机制提供了重要线索。

从应用角度来说,S N Ar酶的发展将显著推动制药工业绿色化升级。一方面,高效的酶催化过程可在温和条件下进行,大幅减少能耗和污染物排放;另一方面,酶催化剂的高选择性,可显著提高药物合成效率,降低分离纯化成本。此外,SNAr酶为精准合成复杂手性分子提供了新的催化平台,有望加速候选药物的筛选和先导优化。

Crucially, the structural and mechanistic studies described herein provide insights into the active site features of S N Ar1.3 responsible for efficient and selective catalysis. This analysis provides an important blueprint for the de novo design of customized S N Ar biocatalysts with active site geometries and arrangements of functional components required for a target transformation.





Deeper exploration of protein sequence space will undoubtedly deliver more potent S N Ar biocatalysts in the future, including those that operate on poorly activated electrophile and nucleophile coupling partners.


By combining modern protein design methods with high-throughput laboratory evolution, we are optimistic about the prospects of developing biocatalysts for a wide variety of valuable S N Ar processes, including those that are beyond the reach of existing methodologies.


Critical Thinking


文中提到提高反应浓度至250 mM以上时,酶的稳定性受到影响,表明SNAr酶在高底物浓度下可能发生变性失活。后续研究需要进一步提高酶催化剂的稳定性,以便在高底物浓度下保持活性,这对于工业应用至关重要。




