Nature最新| FeSII介导固氮酶形成多聚状态复合物实现氧气保护

文摘   2025-01-10 08:35   江苏  




To counter O2 damage to nitrogenase, diazotrophs use O2 scavengers, exploit compartmentalization or maintain high respiration rates to minimize intracellular O2 concentrations. A last line of damage control is provided by the 'conformational protection' mechanism, in which a [2Fe:2S] ferredoxin-family protein termed FeSII (ref. 10) is activated under O2 stress to form an O2-resistant complex with the nitrogenase component proteins. Despite previous insights, the molecular basis for the conformational O2 protection of nitrogenase and the mechanism of FeSII activation are not understood.



  1. FeSII通过广泛的蛋白-蛋白相互作用将MoFeP和FeP连接在一起,使其金属簇处于催化失活但氧气保护状态。

FeSII mediates an extensive network of interactions with MoFeP and FeP to position their iron–sulphur clusters in catalytically inactive but O2-protected states.

  1. 这种三蛋白复合物可进一步聚合形成长丝状结构。

The architecture of the FeSII–nitrogenase complex is confirmed by solution studies, which further indicate that the activation of FeSII involves an oxidation-induced conformational change.

  1. FeSII作为氧化还原开关,其还原电势设定了FeSII激活的阈值,从而调控复合物的装配。

FeSII is a redox-based conformational switch whose reduction potential sets a trigger threshold of Ethreshold = −260 mV in diazotrophic bacteria.



1. 冷冻电镜揭示FeSII-固氮酶形成不同聚合状态的复合物

作者利用冷冻电镜技术,在O2暴露条件下观察到FeSII与固氮酶形成不同聚合状态的复合物,包括V形的2:2:1 MoFeP:FeP:FeSIIdimer核心复合物以及由其进一步聚合形成的长丝状结构(图1a):

The cryo-EM images of these samples (Fig. 1a and Extended Data Figs. 1 and 2) revealed a heterogenous mixture of small, discrete particles (5–10 nm in dimensions); intermediate, V-shaped species (approximately 20–30 nm); and long, zigzag-shaped filaments (up to 150 nm in length) (Fig. 1a).

相比之下,在厌氧条件下则未观察到类似复合物的形成(Extended Data Fig. 2b)。这表明FeSII-固氮酶复合物的形成依赖于O2暴露。


The broadness of the analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC) peaks may be attributed to the population of oligomers/polymers of different compositions (see Extended Data Fig. 3a for peak analyses). Doubling the total protein concentration led to an increase in the population of the 29 S assembly at the expense of the 12.2 S and 20 S complexes (Fig. 1b, blue trace, and Extended Data Fig. 3a), whereas halving the total protein concentration resulted in a decreased amount of the 20 S complex and a complete de-population of the 29 S species (Fig. 1b, orange trace, and Extended Data Fig. 3a).



2. 2.27 Å分辨率冷冻电镜结构揭示FeSII-固氮酶相互作用的分子细节

通过对O2暴露样品的冷冻电镜数据进行处理,作者解析了2:2:1 MoFeP:FeP:FeSIIdimer核心复合物的原子分辨率结构(图2,分辨率2.27 Å):

Despite its small size, the FeSII homodimer mediates an extensive network of protein–protein interactions that interconnects two FeP and two MoFeP molecules at the vertex (Fig. 2), acting as a macromolecular glue. Each of the symmetry-related ε1- and ε2-subunits of FeSII forms sizeable interfaces with both γ1- and γ2-subunits of an FeP molecule (total buried surface area (BSA) ≈ 1,800 Å2) and both the α1- and β1-subunits of a MoFeP molecule (BSA ≈ 2,700 Å2) (Fig. 2a–f).



结合先前的突变体研究,高分辨率结构还揭示了FeSII中多个关键残基(如K15、K16、H56等)在维持其核心结构以及与MoFeP和FeP相互作用中的作用(Extended Data Fig. 6):

Corroborating these functional effects (but not necessarily the predictions on their cause), we find Lys15, Lys16 and His56 to be involved in extensive intra- and intersubunit interactions that seem to be crucial in stabilizing the core structure of FeSII and the ε1–ε2-homodimer interface (Extended Data Fig. 6a–c).


3. 复合物结构揭示FeSII如何介导固氮酶的氧气保护



The steric protection of the [4Fe:4S] cluster is provided exclusively by the C-terminal tail (residues 118–122) of FeSII (Fig. 3b), which packs closely against the cluster to create a water-free environment.


The Arg24 sidechain of FeSII stretches over the αβ-subunit interface of MoFeP at a surface position right above the P-cluster, potentially providing a steric block against O2 access to the cluster (Fig. 3c,d).



In addition, the αIII domain of MoFeP that forms a lid above FeMoco is buttressed against both FeSII and FeP (Fig. 2h), which may decrease the mobility of this domain and prevent possible O2 access to FeMoco.


4. FeSII-固氮酶复合物具有内在的氧化还原敏感性

基于FeSII-固氮酶复合物结构,作者进一步分析了其内在的氧化还原敏感性。EPR实验表明,在三元复合物中,还原态FeP与氧化态FeSII之间可以发生快速电子传递(图3e, Extended Data Fig. 7):

Interestingly, when the incubation time before sample freezing was increased to 5 min, we detected FePto-FeSII electron transfer even in the absence of MoFeP (Extended DataFig. 7c). We thus conclude that FeP and FeSII are capable of forming an electron transfer-active binary complex in solution, which is further supported by the population of an approximately 95 kDa species within the mixture of chemically oxidized FeP, MoFeP and FeSII (Extended Data Fig. 3b). Yet, the efficiency of FeP-to-FeSII electron transfer is considerably increased when MoFeP is also present, consistent with the stabilization of the electron transfer-active FeP–FeSII docking geometry through the formation of the ternary 2:2:1 complex.

SAXS和圆二色谱实验证实,FeSII在氧化和还原状态下具有不同的构象和寡聚状态(图3f, Extended Data Fig. 3c,d):

The Kratky profile of the oxidized FeSII sample is consistent with the structure of the FeSII homodimer within the 2:2:1 complex (χ2 = 1.3) (Extended Data Fig. 8c) as well as with the closed conformation previously characterized by crystallography (χ2 = 1.4) (Fig. 3f). The scattering profile of the DT-reduced FeSII differs considerably from that of the oxidized protein (Fig. 3f), confirming the existence of an oxidation-dependent conformational switch.

分子模拟进一步预测,氧化态FeSII优先与氧化态FeP和MoFeP形成稳定复合物(Extended Data Fig. 9):

If we conservatively estimate that the reduction potentials of both FeP (Efree,nucleotide-bound = −420 mV) and FeSII (Efree = −260 mV) decrease by 100 mV upon complex formation to −520 mV and –360 mV, respectively, this would indicate that the formation of the 2:2:1 FeSII–nitrogenase complex with oxidized FeP and FeSII would be favoured by a total of 4.6 kcal mol−1 (greater than 3 orders of magnitude change in association constant) over their reduced counterparts.






  1. 阐明固氮生物如何在有氧条件下维持固氮酶活性,揭示了生物固氮与呼吸、光合作用等有氧代谢的协同进化机制。为设计耐氧固氮系统提供了理论基础。
  2. FeSII介导的可逆构象保护机制有望应用于控制其他对氧敏感的酶和蛋白质。通过类似策略构建氧化还原调控的蛋白质组装体,在生物催化、生物传感等领域具有应用前景。
  3. FeSII-固氮酶复合物的结构为理性设计和改造固氮酶提供了模板。基于对复合物界面的理解,可以定向进化FeSII和固氮酶,以优化其氧气保护能力和催化效率,并扩大固氮酶在非固氮生物中的应用。
  4. 本研究证实冷冻电镜可以高分辨率解析易损蛋白质动态复合物,拓展了其在结构生物学和酶学研究中的应用范围。结合其他溶液技术,实现从分子到细胞多层次表征蛋白质机器的功能调控机制。



  1. 氧化应激如何在蛋白和细胞水平动态调控FeSII与固氮酶的相互作用?基因组、蛋白组和代谢组分析有助于从系统层面阐明FeSII-固氮酶相互作用网络的调控机制。
  2. FeSII-固氮酶复合物的形成和解离动力学如何影响固氮效率?高时间分辨的结构生物学和单分子技术有望实时跟踪复合物装配过程,阐明构象保护和固氮催化之间的时空耦合。
  3. 除了FeSII,固氮生物中是否存在其他类似的氧化应激感受器?比较基因组和生物信息学分析有助于从进化的角度理解构象保护机制的起源与多样性。
  4. 通过定向进化和理性设计优化FeSII-固氮酶相互作用,能否提高固氮酶的耐氧性和催化效率?这需要将计算模拟、基因工程和高通量筛选等技术相结合。
  5. FeSII的分子开关特性能否推广到其他氧化还原敏感酶?基于FeSII-固氮酶复合物的结构基础,可以设计新型氧化还原调控蛋白,用于控制生物催化和信号转导过程。

Biosyn导师:F. Akif Tezcan

F. Akif Tezcan是加州大学圣地亚哥分校化学与生物化学系的教授,也是材料科学与工程项目和材料发现与设计研究所的成员。他在伊斯坦布尔的德国高中、明尼苏达州圣保罗的麦卡莱斯特学院(化学和生物学学士)以及加州理工学院(与Harry Gray合作的生物无机化学博士)接受教育,之后在加州理工学院作为Helen Hay Whitney研究员(与Doug Rees合作)进行了博士后研究。



