本文于2024年11月20日在线发表于Nature。研究目标是发现一种新的小分子化合物胶质定(Gliocidin),它可以选择性地杀死胶质母细胞瘤(Glioblastoma, GBM)细胞,而不影响正常的增殖细胞。研究发现,胶质定通过间接抑制肌苷单磷酸脱氢酶2(INOSINE monophosphate dehydrogenase 2, IMPDH2),靶向GBM细胞中**嘌呤从头合成(de novo purine synthesis, DNPS)**途径的脆弱性。
Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most aggressive malignant primary brain tumour in adults and has a dismal prognosis. In clinical trials, targeted therapies and immunotherapies have failed to impact patient survival rates. This lack of sustainable response to various state-of-the-art therapeutics has been attributed to many traits specific to GBM, including high intratumoural heterogeneity, low mutational burden and an inherently immunosuppressive tumour microenvironment. Another key limitation is the challenge in achieving penetration of the blood–brain barrier (BBB). Therefore, additional therapeutic avenues are needed to improve outcomes for this fatal disease.
通过CRISPR-Cas9基因编辑系统进行的基因组范围筛选发现,胶质定的抗肿瘤活性依赖于**mTORC1(mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1)调控的代谢过程,包括tRNA修饰、DNPS、蛋白质翻译和核糖体生物发生。进一步的代谢分析显示,胶质定通过抑制关键酶IMPDH2,阻断GTP从头合成,导致鸟嘌呤核苷酸(guanine nucleotide)**水平下降,引起细胞内核苷酸失衡、复制应激和肿瘤细胞死亡。
有趣的是,胶质定本身是一种前药,需要被**烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, NAD+)补救途径中的关键酶烟酰胺单核苷酸腺苷转移酶1(Nicotinamide mononucleotide adenylyltransferase 1, NMNAT1)代谢激活成杀伤性代谢物-胶质定-腺嘌呤二核苷酸(GAD)。通过冷冻电镜(Cryo-EM)**技术解析了GAD与IMPDH2的复合物结构,揭示了GAD通过占据IMPDH2的NAD+ 结合位点而抑制其活性的分子机制。
>Gliocidin presents multiple advantages for treatment of brain tumours. It readily crosses the BBB. Its stability in brain parenchyma is higher than in plasma and other tissues, and there is no readily detectable toxicity or weight loss over prolonged periods of administration. The search for the unique cancer cell-specific toxicity of gliocidin veered circuitously through multiple intracellular pathways. The ultimate cause of glioma cell death was depletion of essential guanylates in the cell. However, the route commenced with gliocidin entering the NAD+ salvage pathway, in which, mimicking nicotinamide, gliocidin underwent phosphoribosylation and progression through NMNAT-dependent modifications to create the NAD+ mimetic GAD. GAD directly interferes with the NAD+ -dependent activity of IMPDH2 that transforms IMP into XMP along the de novo guanine synthesis pathway, thus creating guanylate depletion and causing cell death.
作者通过对一个包含超过200,000个化合物的文库进行高通量筛选,发现了一个名为胶质定(Gliocidin)的小分子化合物,其能选择性地杀死原代胶质瘤细胞,半数抑制浓度(IC50)约为200 nM,而对正常的小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞无明显毒性(图1b)。
We identified a small molecule, here named gliocidin (N-(pyridin-3-yl)thiophene-2-carboxamide; Fig. 1a), that was toxic to primary GBM cells with an IC50 of ~200 nM but did not affect normal dividing primary MEFs (Fig. 1b).
为了阐明胶质定的作用机制,作者进行了一项基因组水平的CRISPR-Cas9筛选(图1d,e)。结果发现,mTORC1(mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1)通路的多个正调控因子的sgRNA显著富集,提示它们的缺失可以让细胞对胶质定产生抗性;反之,mTORC1的负调控因子的sgRNA则被显著消耗,提示它们的缺失可增加细胞对胶质定的敏感性。进一步通过靶向敲除实验证实,mTORC1活性与胶质定的细胞毒性呈正相关(Extended Data Fig. 1i,j)。
In this scheme, over-representation of targeting sgRNAs in surviving tumour cells indicated protection from gliocidin through gene loss, whereas depletion of sgRNAs indicated enhanced sensitivity to gliocidin as a result of gene loss (Supplementary Table 1). Included among the targets for over-represented sgRNAs were genes from metabolic pathways regulated by mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1), including tRNA modification, de novo nucleotide synthesis, protein translation and ribosome biogenesis (Extended Data Fig. 1d). By contrast, depleted sgRNAs corresponded to negative mTOR regulators and protein ubiquitination-related proteins (Extended Data Fig. 1e,f).
基于mTORC1与胶质定敏感性的关联,作者推测胶质定可能干扰了鸟嘌呤核苷酸从头合成。通过定量代谢组学分析,他们发现胶质定处理后,IMPDH2(inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase 2)的上游底物IMP(inosine monophosphate)大量积累,而下游产物GMP、GDP和GTP含量显著下降(图2h,i)。外源性鸟嘌呤核苷酸的添加可以拯救胶质定导致的细胞死亡(图2b-g)。这些结果提示,胶质定可能通过抑制IMPDH2,阻断GTP从头合成,导致细胞内鸟嘌呤核苷酸耗竭而引起细胞死亡。
>Liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) demonstrated significant gliocidin-mediated accumulation of IMP upstream of IMPDH2 and a marked reduction in the abundance of IMPDH2's immediate downstream product guanine nucleotides GMP, GDP and GTP (Fig. 2h,i, Extended Data Fig. 2f and Supplementary Table 3). These results drew our attention to the steps catalysed by the IMPDH2 and GMP synthase (GMPS) enzymes, identifying these enzymes as candidates for the primary target of gliocidin-mediated blockade of guanylate synthesis (Fig. 2j).
然而,与已知的IMPDH2小分子抑制剂不同,胶质定并不能直接抑制IMPDH2的活性(Extended Data Fig. 2j,k)。这提示胶质定可能需要在细胞内经过代谢转化而成为活性物质。
通过化学合成胶质定的一系列衍生物作为对照,并结合LC-MS/MS分析处理后的细胞,作者鉴定出了几个关键的胶质定代谢产物(Extended Data Fig. 3)。他们推测,胶质定可能模拟NAD+合成底物NMN的结构,先被NAMPT磷酸化为MN形式,再被NMNAT1催化腺苷化为最终的活性形式GAD(Gliocidin-AD)(图3e)。GAD含量在NMNAT1敲除细胞系中显著降低,与胶质定敏感性降低相一致(图3f)。而过表达NMNAT1则可以显著提高GAD的生成和胶质定的细胞毒性(图3j,k)。
To evaluate whether gliocidin is intracellularly converted as proposed, we performed LC–MS/MS to detect the presence of gliocidin derivatives using self-synthesized synthetic standards as controls (gliocidin-R, gliocidin-MN and GAD; Extended Data Fig. 3a–f). All structures were validated by exact mass, retention time and MS/MS matching (Extended Data Fig. 3g,h). Gliocidin-treated cells produced gliocidin-R and gliocidin-MN (Extended Data Fig. 3i,j) as well as substantial quantities of the final product GAD (Fig. 3f). GAD levels were reduced in Nrk1-knockout cells, and GAD was nearly undetectable in Nmnat1-knockout cells (Fig. 3f). The degree to which GAD levels were reduced in Nrk1- and Nmnat1-knockout cells was commensurate with the corresponding gliocidin resistance (Fig. 3f), suggesting that NMNAT1 is the rate-determining enzyme for GAD production.
Comparison with the NAD+ -bound cryo-EM structure for IMPDH2 (ref. 3) revealed overlap of NAD+ and GAD through the adenine, the adjacent ribose moiety and the two phosphate groups, with the conformations otherwise diverging (Fig. 4d). In contrast to the NAD+ nicotinamide ring, which forms essential π–π stacking interactions with the six-membered ring of IMP for hydride transfer (Fig. 4e), the corresponding group in GAD is sequestered from IMP by an imposed molecule bend required to accommodate the additional length of the terminal thiophene ring of GAD (Fig. 4d). The thiophene ring is not parallel to and does not form stacking interactions with IMP (Fig. 4f). The active site of IMPDH2 therefore lacks a chemical group positioned for hydride transfer from IMP, the first step in XMP synthesis, which is accompanied by covalent attachment of IMP to the catalytic C331 residue.
在药代动力学研究中,胶质定表现出很强的穿透血脑屏障的能力(脑/血浆比为7.75)(Extended Data Fig. 7)。给药后,胶质定在脑组织中的滞留时间明显长于外周组织(Extended Data Fig. 7d-f)。在长期给药的小鼠中,未观察到明显的体重下降和器官毒性(Extended Data Fig. 7g, 8)。
We next tested gliocidin together with TMZ in mice with orthotopic GBM derived from PDX cells, which received vehicle, gliocidin or TMZ monotherapy, or a combination treatment. Although gliocidin did not have significant effects on survival, combination treatment prolonged survival (Fig. 5c).
能有效穿透血脑屏障,在脑实质中的稳定性高于血浆和其他组织。 在长期给药过程中未观察到明显的毒性和体重减轻。 能选择性杀伤GBM细胞,且作用机制新颖,靶向肿瘤特异性代谢脆弱性。 可与现有化疗药物TMZ联用,具有协同增效作用。 其抗肿瘤活性受NMNAT1调控,为精准医疗和患者分层提供了新的思路。
胶质定的药效及安全性评价,特别是在临床前和临床试验阶段。 胶质定耐药的分子机制研究,为克服耐药提供策略。 鉴定其他对胶质定高度敏感的肿瘤类型,扩大其应用范围。 NMNAT1在肿瘤发生发展中的作用及调控机制。 开发基于NMNAT1表达水平的患者分层诊断方法。 发掘其他靶向肿瘤代谢脆弱性的创新药物。
胶质定与其他治疗方式(如放疗、免疫治疗)联用的疗效及机制。 发掘其他可被NMNAT1激活的前药分子,建立新的药物研发平台。 基于肿瘤代谢特征的诊断标志物和成像示踪剂的开发。 其他靶向肿瘤DNPS代谢途径的创新药物研发。 研究胶质定对免疫微环境的影响,探索其与免疫治疗联用的可能性。
Critical Thinking
胶质定的人体药代动力学、安全性和有效性数据仍需进一步临床试验来获得。目前的研究主要局限于细胞和动物模型。 胶质定耐药的分子机制仍不清楚,这对其临床应用具有重要意义。文章提出嘌呤补救合成通路的上调可能是一种耐药机制,但仍需更多实验证据支持。 NMNAT1介导的胶质定激活在多大程度上影响其体内药效,不同肿瘤和患者间的NMNAT1表达差异对疗效的影响,这些问题还有待更多研究阐明。 胶质定长期使用的安全性数据还比较有限,还需要在大样本人群中评估其安全性。 作为前药的胶质定与其活性形式GAD在体药代动力学特征上的差异,及其对给药方案选择的影响,还需进一步研究确定。 胶质定与免疫检查点抑制剂的联用疗效及机制有待进一步研究。文章提到与现有化疗药物TMZ联用可增强疗效,但与免疫疗法联用的可能性还有待探索。
The search for the unique cancer cell-specific toxicity of gliocidin veered circuitously through multiple intracellular pathways. The ultimate cause of glioma cell death was depletion of essential guanylates in the cell. However, the route commenced with gliocidin entering the NAD+ salvage pathway, in which, mimicking nicotinamide, gliocidin underwent phosphoribosylation and progression through NMNAT-dependent modifications to create the NAD+ mimetic GAD. GAD directly interferes with the NAD+-dependent activity of IMPDH2 that transforms IMP into XMP along the de novo guanine synthesis pathway, thus creating guanylate depletion and causing cell death.
Biosyn导师:Luis F. Parada
Luis F. Parada是一位非常杰出的神经科学家和发育生物学家。他目前担任纽约市Memorial Sloan Kettering癌症中心的脑肿瘤中心主任,Albert C. Foster讲席教授和美国癌症协会研究教授。
鉴定和表征Trk受体酪氨酸激酶是生理神经营养因子受体。这一发现阐明了神经营养因子促进神经发育和存活的分子机制。 发现了抑制神经损伤后再生的关键分子,为神经再生研究提供了新的治疗靶点。 开发了多个遗传修饰小鼠模型,用于研究神经纤维瘤病、神经系统肿瘤、癌症干细胞、自闭症和神经发育等人类疾病。 系统阐述了脑肿瘤发生发展的分子机制,为脑肿瘤的诊断和治疗提供了重要线索。