原文:Heitz A, Wang Y, Wang Z. Corporate political connections and favorable environmental regulatory enforcement[J]. Management Science, 2023, 69(12): 7838-7859.
Corporate political connections and favorable environmental regulatory enforcement
ABSTRACT: We examine whether the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) uniformly enforces the Clean Air Act for politically connected and unconnected firms using a close election setting. We find no difference in regulated pollutant emissions or EPA investigations between the two groups, although connected firms experience less regulatory enforcement and lower penalties. These results are more pronounced for firms connected to politicians capable of influencing regulatory bureaucrats and for connected firms that are more important to their supported politicians. Taken together, our results show that campaign contributions can indirectly benefit firms by way of reduced environmental regulatory enforcement and penalties.
原文:Yang R, Caporin M, Jiménez-Martin J A. Measuring climate transition risk spillovers[J]. Review of Finance, 2024, 28(2): 447-481.
Measuring climate transition risk spillovers
ABSTRACT: In this article, we study the transition risk spillover among six major financial markets from 2013 to 2021. The USA is the main transition risk contributor, while Japan and China are the net risk receivers. Risk spillover may change over time and change according to different types of transition risk shocks. It takes around 6 weeks for transition risks to be fairly transmitted. On average, around 50% of local climate shocks to a given financial market originate from other markets. Transmission channels include the transmission of information and the economic connections between countries.
原文:Hsu P H, Liang H, Matos P. Leviathan Inc. and corporate environmental engagement[J]. Management Science, 2023, 69(12): 7719-7758.
Leviathan Inc. and corporate environmental engagement
ABSTRACT: In a 2010 special report, The Economist magazine termed the resurgence of state-owned, publicly listed enterprises “Leviathan Inc.” and criticized the poor governance and low efficiency of these firms. We compile a new comprehensive data set of state ownership of publicly listed firms in 44 countries over the period of 2004–2017 and show that state-owned enterprises are more responsive to environmental issues. The effect is more pronounced in economies lacking energy security and strong environmental regulation, and among firms with more local operations and higher domestic government ownership. We find a similar effect on corporate social engagement but not on governance quality. These results suggest a different role for “Leviathan Inc.,” especially in dealing with environmental externalities.
摘要:在2010年的一篇特别报道中,《经济学人》杂志将国有上市企业的复兴称为“利维坦公司”(Leviathan Inc.),并批评这些企业治理不善、效率低下。我们选用2004年至2017年44个国家的上市企业为样本,研究发现国有企业在环境问题上的响应更加积极。这种影响在能源安全不足、环境监管较弱的经济体中更为显著,尤其体现在本地运营更多且国内政府持股比例更高的企业中。此外,我们发现国有企业在社会参与方面也有类似表现,但在治理质量方面并无显著提升。这些结果表明,国有企业在应对环境外部性方面可能扮演着不同的角色。
审校:刘晗 谭传兴