
文摘   财经   2025-01-15 22:19   浙江  




原文:Li L, Qi B, Zhang P. The impacts of federal judge ideology on auditor litigation risk and auditor behavior[J]. Contemporary Accounting Research, 2024.

The impacts of federal judge ideology on auditor litigation risk and auditor behavior

ABSTRACTIn this paper, we investigate whether federal judge ideology, ceteris paribus, affects auditor litigation risk and auditor behavior. We find that auditors whose client firms are in jurisdictions dominated by liberal judges are more likely to be sued and make higher payouts to plaintiffs when sued. Furthermore, these client firms are more likely to receive goingconcern opinions and pay higher audit fees. Finally, we find no evidence that the quality of audited financial statements is affected by judge ideology. The evidence documented in this paper indicates that federal judge ideology affects auditor litigation risk and some aspects of auditor behavior.





原文:Drake K D, Goldman N C, Lusch S J, et al. Disclosure of tax-related critical audit matters and tax-related outcomes[J]. Contemporary Accounting Research, 2024, 41(2): 719-747.

Disclosure of tax-related critical audit matters and tax-related outcomes

ABSTRACTGiven that tax-related critical audit matters (tax CAMs) were prevalent among accelerated filers (18.5% of observations) during the initial year of CAM disclosures, we examine whether an auditor's disclosure of tax CAMs is associated with variation in tax-related financial reporting quality, tax avoidance, and tax-related earnings management. Finding an association between tax CAMs and one of these tax outcomes would indicate that the new auditor reporting standard has indirectly affected investors. Examining the first year of CAM disclosures, we do not find that tax CAMs are associated with broad proxies of tax-related audit or financial reporting quality (e.g., restatements, internal control weaknesses, comment letters) or tax avoidance (e.g., effective tax rates or book-to-tax differences). We do find that tax CAMs are associated with a modest increase in tax accrual quality, an increase in the reserve for unrecognized tax benefits, and a reduction in the likelihood of tax-related earnings management. However, we do not find these tax CAM effects persist into the second year of CAM reporting. Our evidence is consistent with tax CAM disclosures having a modest but short-lived effect on companies' reporting of tax accounts. Our findings should inform the PCAOB as they conduct their post-implementation review of the new audit reporting standard.





原文:Ma T, Wan C, Wang Y, et al. Individual auditor turnover and audit qualityLarge sample evidence from US audit offices[J]. The Accounting Review, 2024, 99(6): 297-324.

Individual auditor turnover and audit quality——

Large sample evidence from US audit offices

ABSTRACTWe examine the relationship between audit quality and office-level auditor turnover. Using resumes of over 106,000 Big 4 auditors, we find that audit offices with higher turnover have a greater likelihood of client annual report restatements. This detrimental effect is more pronounced when the departing auditors are more experienced and when the office faces tighter human capital constraints and is primarily attributable to voluntary turnover. Further, such negative effect is borne mostly by complex clients and intangible-intensive clients but is weakened for clients with greater product similarity to the client portfolio of the audit office. Last, the impact of office-level turnover on audit quality persists after controlling for firm-level turnover. Our findings inform the current policy debate on whether and to what extent audit firms should disclose auditor turnover as a potential indicator of audit quality.


摘要:文章研究了审计质量与分所层面审计师离职之间的关系。利用四大会计师事务所 106,000 多名审计师的简历,文章发现,审计师流失率较高的审计分所出现客户年报重述的可能性更大。当离职的审计师经验更丰富、分所面临更严格的人力资本限制时,这种不利影响会更加明显,而这主要归因于审计师的自愿离职。此外,这种负面影响主要由复杂客户和无形资产密集型客户承担,但对于与审计师事务所客户组合产品相似度较高的客户,这种影响则会减弱。最后,在控制了总所层面的人员流动后,分所层面的人员流动对审计质量的影响依然存在。文章研究结果为当前关于审计公司是否以及在多大程度上应披露审计师离职率作为审计质量潜在指标的政策辩论提供了参考。









审校:刘晗 谭传兴

