
文摘   财经   2024-12-15 19:43   浙江  




原文:Naumovska I, Lavie D. When an industry peer is accused of financial misconduct: Stigma versus competition effects on non-accused firms[J]. Administrative Science Quarterly, 2021, 66(4): 1130-1172.

When an Industry Peer is Accused of Financial Misconduct: Stigma versus Competition Effects on Non-accused Firms

ABSTRACT: Research on misconduct suggests that accusations against industry peers generate negative consequences for non-accused firms (a stigma effect). Yet, building on research on competitive dynamics, we infer that such accusations can benefit non-accused firms that compete with these peers (a competition effect). To reconcile these opposing perspectives, we posit that the negative stigma effect will increase with greater product market overlap between the non-accused firm and its accused peer, up to a point, beyond which the positive competition effect will counterbalance it. We further conjecture that the competition effect will be relatively more pronounced when the market classification used by investors for assessing the market overlap is more fine-grained. Accordingly, we suggest that more sophisticated investors, who rely on more fine-grained market classifications, increase their shareholdings in non-accused firms to a greater extent than less sophisticated investors as the market overlap between the non-accused firm and the accused peer increases. Using elaborate data on products and investments, we analyze investors shareholdings and stock market returns of non-accused firms in the U.S. software industry following accusations of financial misconduct by their industry peers, and we find support for our predictions. Our study elucidates the interplay between stigma and competition following misconduct by industry peers.





原文:Brown A B, Byard D, Darrough M, et al. The impact of M&A delistings on the information environment of industry peer firms[J]. Accounting Review, 2024, 99(2): 85-112.

The Impact of M&A Delistings on the Information Environment of Industry Peer Firms

ABSTRACT: The Impact of M&A Delistings on the Information Environment of Industry Peer Firms The Impact of M&A Delistings on the Information Environment of Industry Peer Firms This study documents that M&A delistings are associated with a deterioration in the quality of analysts information environment for industry peer firms, measured by an increase in analysts absolute forecast errors and dispersion. This effect persists for six quarters and is larger when the delisting target firm contributes relatively more to the industry information environment. Further, we find that, among analysts forecasting earnings for an industry peer firm, those who also followed the delisted target firm in the pre-M&A period experience a larger increase in their absolute forecast errors. A comparison based on public versus private target firms also suggests that the loss of target firms public disclosures plays a role in the deterioration in the quality of analysts information environment. In additional analyses, we find evidence consistent with this effect resulting from a deterioration in analysts ability to exploit across-firm information complementarities.





原文:Foroughi P, Marcus A J, Nguyen V, et al. Peer effects in corporate governance practices: Evidence from universal demand laws[J]. The Review of Financial Studies, 2022, 35(1): 132-167.

Peer Effects in Corporate Governance Practices: Evidence from Universal Demand Laws

ABSTRACT: Firms in the same networks tend to have similar corporate governance practices. However, disentangling peer effects, where governance practices propagate from one firm to another, from selection effects, where firms with similar preferences self-select into linked groups, is difficult to do. Studying board-interlocked firms, we utilize the staggered adoption of universal demand laws across states to identify and estimate causal peer effects in governance policies. We find support for the existence of peer effects in the adoption of antitakeover provisions. The impact of universal demand laws on the governance experience of interlocking directors likely explains these effects.











审校:刘乾 秦会

