Suetonius 1《管錐編》
王依民 景默
Suetonius(Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus)
《外文筆記》第30冊有The Lives of the Caesars(P658)、De Grammaticis(On Grammarians)(P585)、De Poetis(On Poets)(P686)。
采輯資源:Suetonius. The Lives of the Caesars, in Two Volumes, With an English Translation by J. C. Rolfe, Ph.D., “The Loeb Classical Library”雙語對照本, Harvard University Press, 1979. 其II包括De Grammaticis、De Poetis。以下簡稱“J. C. Rolfe英譯”。
參考資源:The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, and The Lives of the Grammarians, Rhetoricians and Poets. tr. by Alexander Thomson, 古登堡數字圖書。
(正文)語出雙關,文藴兩意,乃詼諧之慣事,固詞章所優爲,義理亦有之。(注)西塞羅用一字(tollendum),兼“抬舉”與“遺棄”二意,同時合訓,即所謂明升暗降(中略);蘇偉東《羅馬十二帝傳》轉述此謔,僅以西塞羅原字限於“遺棄”之意,外加一字以示“抬舉”(ornandum tollendumque),即未著合訓之用也(Suetonius,II. xii,“The Loeb Classical Library”,I,136)。
◎《外文筆記》第30冊, Bk. II, §12. others had openly said that he ought to be honoured and got rid of [(p.136) alii ornandum tollendumque iactassent] (Cicero, Epist. II. XI. 20.1; according to Vell. Paterc. 2.62. Cicero punned on the double meaning of tollo, "raise" & "put out of the way.") 【① cf. Hegel a propos of "aufheben": "Der Doppelsinn des lateinischen: tollere (der durch Ciceronianischen Witz: tollendum esse Octavium, berühmt geworden) geht nicht so weit, die affirmative Bestimmung geht nur bis zum Emporheben." (Wissenschaft der Logik, Reclams "Universal-Bibliothek", Bd. I, s.125) 依民按,楊一之譯《邏輯學》,商務印書館1982年版上冊第98頁:拉丁“取”字(tollere)的雙關意義(由西塞羅“屋大維高升了”的雋語而著名),卻沒有這樣深遠,肯定的規定只不過達到上升而已。】
王安石謂“天變不足畏”,儒生輩大譁。《通鑑》後唐明宗長興三年康澄上書曰:“國家有不足懼者五,有深可畏者六。陰陽不調不足懼,三辰失行不足懼,……”已先安石而公言之矣。主政者不反躬自省,而殺人以當天變,中外古史數載其事。《後漢書‧董卓傳》:“時太史望氣,言當有大臣戮死者。卓乃使人誣衛尉張温……殺之以塞天變。”《魏書‧天象志》四:“延昌四年,月犯軒轅,女主應之,其後皇太后高尼崩於瑶光寺。……胡太后害高氏以厭天變。”蘇偉東《羅馬十二帝傳‧尼羅傳》:“彗星(stella crinata)連夕見,説者謂天象主國君將薨。帝憂焉,聞占星者巴比勒士(Babillus)言,殺顯貴(illustri)可厭之,乃下令盡誅大臣”(Suetonius,VI,xxxvi,Loeb,Vol. II,p.150)。如出一轍。君臣、主僕、上司下僚之間,覓諉過之人,有替死之鬼,本屬恒情常態,此則見諸迷信者耳。
◎J. C. Rolfe英譯,II, p.151:Those outside his family he assailed with no less cruelty. It chanced that a comet had begun to appear on several successive nights, a thing which is commonly believed to portend the death of great rulers. Worried by this, and learning from the astrologer Balbillus that kings usually averted such omens by the death of some distinguished man, thus turning them from themselves upon the heads of the nobles, he resolved on the death of all the eminent men of the State;
(司馬遷《報任少卿書》“太史公牛馬走司馬遷再拜言”)“先馬走”猶後世所謂“馬前走卒”,即同書札中自謙之稱“下走”、“僕”耳。古羅馬貴者出門,亦有役使爲之開道,名曰“先走”(anteambulo),浸假而成詈人語,詩文中數見之。(注)Suetonius,The Lives of the Caesars,VIll. 2:“per contumeliam anteambulonem fratris appellat”,“Loeb”,II,284,note(Horace,Epist.,I. 17. 43;Martial,II,18. 5).
◎J. C. Rolfe英譯,II, p.285:… she constantly taunted him with being his brother's footman. p.284注此句:The anteambulo was the client who walked before his patron on the street and compelled people to make way for him ; cf. Mart. 2. 18. 5, tumidique anteambulo regis, where regis means “patron,” as in Hor. Epist. 1. 17. 43 and elsewhere. 依民按,注文中“tumidique anteambulo regis”,Loeb版Martial Epigrams,p.149,D.R. Shackleton Bailey英譯:… walking in front of my pompous patron.
【增訂四】蘇偉東《羅馬十二帝傳》第四卷第二九節即記一暴君(Gaius Caligula)淫威虐政,不惜人言,自誇具有斯多噶派所謂“無感受”之美德,以飾其“不知愧怍”(inverecundia)(Suetonius,op. cit.,Vol. I,p.451)。
①《管錐編》原注:Cf. Pubilius Syrus,§128:“Crudelis lacrimis pascitur non frangitur”,Minor Latin Poets,“Loeb”,30(依民按P31英譯:Cruelty is fed, not broken, by tears);M. Scheler,Wesen und Formen der Sympathie 11(die Grausamkeit als eine Funktion des Nachfühlens)(依民按,Deepl翻譯:The Nature and Forms of Sympathy: cruelty as a function of empathy).
◎《外文筆記》第30冊,Bk. IV. §29. He said that there was nothing in his own character which he admired & approved more highly than what he called his "immobility", that is to say, his shamelessness [(p.450) Nihil magis in natura sua laudare se ac probare dicebat quam, ut ipsius verbo utar, ἀδιατρεψία,【a Stoic virtue which in Gains took the form of callous indifference to suffering & to public opinion.①】hoc est inverecundiam].
按宋人詩話、筆記等記杜詩“身輕一鳥過”①,一本缺“過”字,“白鷗波浩蕩”,一本蝕“波”字,“林花著雨燕支濕”,題壁而“濕”字已漫漶,人各以意補之,及覩完本足文,皆爽然自失。(注)略似桓吉爾史詩遺稿缺而未完(inperfectos)之句,後人擱筆不能足成(Suetonius,De Poetis,II “Loeb”,II,478)。②
②參看《外文筆記》Vergil [Vita Vergili]。
◎J. C. Rolfe英譯,II, p.479:However, Varius published the "Aeneid" at Augustus' request, making only a few slight corrections, and even leaving the incomplete lines just as they were. These last many afterwards tried to finish, but did not wholly succeed owing to the difficulty that nearly all his half-lines are complete in sense and meaning, except "Quem tibi iam Troia." p.478注:Aen. 3. 340. This is no real exception, for we probably have the line as Vergil intended to leave it. Andromache purposely avoids naming the amissae parentis (341). 依民按,Aeneid中的Quem tibi iam Troia…和amissae parentis,H. Rushton Fairclough英譯分別是:“Whom now, lo, when Troy…”和“lost mother”。
◎張竹明等中譯,p.374:應奧古斯都的要求,瓦列烏斯發表了《埃涅阿斯紀》,只稍作了一點修訂,甚至按原貌留下了不完整的詩行。後來有許多人試圖完成這些詩句,却都不很成功,因爲這些半行的詩句在意思上幾乎都是完整的,除了“Quem tibi iam Troia”。注:“你在特洛亞的那人……” 見《埃涅阿斯紀》III卷,340行。其實這也幷不是例外,很可能是維吉爾故意不把這句話寫完整的。安德羅瑪刻是在故意避免提起傷心事。——英譯者