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Suetonius 2《談藝錄》《容安館札記》

王依民 景默



【增訂】又按西方典籍亦每擬人之醜弊者為“草稿”、“未定稿”。如古羅馬一帝(Claudius)幼時愚陋多病,其母曰:“大自然造人,此兒乃其著手而未完工之品物也”。(eum hominis dictitabatnec absolutum a naturased tantum incohatumSuetoniusV3LoebII8《十日談》記一姓人皆狀貌醜弊,或謔曰:此姓之家世最古亦最貴。上帝造其姓人時,初學繪事,尚未解作人物畫也;及造他姓人,則後來已工丹青矣E i Baronci sono più antichi che niuno altro uomosi che son piú gentiliVoi dovete sapere che i Baronci furon fatti da Domenedio al tempo che egli avea cominciato d’apparare a dipingnerema gli altri uomini furon fatti poscia che Domenedio seppe dipingnereIl DecameroneVI6Hoepli390-1cf BandelloLe NovelleII19opcit.,III50il suo viso teneva un poco di quelli di Baronzi《漢姆雷德》中王子斥下劣演員云:其人似為大自然之學徒所造,手藝甚拙,象人之形而獰惡可憎I have thought some of nature’s journeymen had made menand not made them wellthey imitated humanity so abominablyHamletIIIii稱醜人為塗改狼藉之人草稿un pentimento d’uomouna donna brutta come un rimorsoDProvenzalDizionanio dell immagini144-5亦常見近人著作中。(《談藝錄》p.346

依民按:Boccaccio Giovanni.The Decameron. G. H. McWilliam英譯: Since the Baronci are older than anyone else, they areipso facto more noble;… when the Lord God created the Baronci, He was still learning the rudiments of His craft, whereas He created the rest of mankind after He had mastered it.

依民按:Deepl翻譯:The Novelle: his face held a little of Baronzi's.

依民按:Deepl翻譯:Dictionary of Images: a man's repentancea woman as ugly as remorse.


R. BacchelliIl mulino del PoLa natura non si sapeva se avesse inteso di tirarlo su dritto per ingobbarloo gobbo per raddrizzarlo a metà dell’operaun pentimento d’uomoIb.p.114. Cf. Maria BorgeseLe meraviglie crescono nell’ortouna donna brutta come un rimorsoG. ManziniTempo innamoratoEra simile a una poesia scritta malesu una cartacciacon molti sbagliG. MarottainCor. d. Sera23 ott. 1950Chi mi disegno in un momento di cattivo umore certo mi butto via stizzitomainvece che nel cestinocadi nel mondoIb.p.115. The idea is as old as DecameroneVI. 6... i Baronci furon fatti da Domenedio al tempo che egli avea cominciato d’apparare a dipignereecc.ed. Ulrico Hoeplipp.390-1);see HamletIII. iiOthere be players that... have so strutted & bellowed that I have thought some of Nature’s journeymen had made men & not made them well... Cf. BandelloNovelleIIIp.50. Cf.《甌北詩鈔》七古卷一《十不全歌》:得非女媧摶土未定稿;《定庵古今體詩》卷上《人草稿》:因念造物者,豈無屬稿辰。John EarleMicrocosmographyAcquaintanceIs the first draught of a friendEdith SitwellTaken Care Ofp.42Though Dorothy Parker was of completely contemporary human originyet she aroused in me the conjecture that the Almighty had been trying on her His apprentice hand.】【Henri BaucheLe Langage populairep.132Va dire à ta mère qu’elle te refasse! = tu es laid...】【SuetoniusV. iiiClaudius’s mother called hima monster of a mannot finishedbut merely begun by Dame Natureeum hominis dictitabatnec absolutum a naturased tantum incohatumLoebIIp.8.】【Paul Bourget a coutume de dire que les grands écrivain s généralement un double inferiorqui les précede comme si la nature avait dû se reprendre à deux fois pour mettre au monde des cerveaux si puissants. Ainsi Ratron est le pithécanthrope de CorneilleAuguste Lafontaine celui de Stendhal. Et Balzac aussi a le sienqui est Restif de la BretonneÉ. HenriotLes Livres du second rayonp.299.

依民按:Deepl翻譯:The Po Mill: Nature did not know whether it had intended to pull him up straight to hunch himor hunchback him to straighten him out in the middle of the worka man's repentance.

依民按:Deepl翻譯:Wonders grow in the garden: a woman as ugly as a remorse.

依民按:Deepl翻譯:Time in love: It was similar to a poorly written poemon bad paperwith many mistakes.

依民按:Deepl翻譯:Whoever draws me in a bad mood sure I throw myself away stymiedbutinstead of in the basketcocks in the world.

依民按:Deepl翻譯:The Popular language: Go tell your mother to make you over! = you're ugly...

依民按:Deepl翻譯:Books in the second aisle: Paul Bourget used to say that great writers usually have a double inferiorwho precedes them, as if nature had had to work twice to bring such powerful brains into the world. Thus Ratron is CorneilleAuguste Lafontaine Stendhal's pithecanthrope. And Balzac too has hiswho is Restif de la Bretonne.

◎《外文筆記》第30,Bk. V.§3. His mother Antonia often called him "a monster of a man, not finished but merely begun by Dame Nature" [(p.8) eum hominis dictitabatnec absolutum a naturased tantum incohatum]cf.Decamerone, VI. 6;Hamlet, III.ii;龔定厂《人草稿》(See日札七三二則on D. Provenzal,Dig. d. Immag, p.114. R. Bacchelli ("un pentimento d'uomo")

Dizionano dell immagini的簡稱。見上引《談藝錄》末。其所引下半句,在《容安館札記》中標為Maria Borgese語。



AthenaeusThe Deipnosophists,第五冊)Bk. XII. 535PherecratesFor although Alcibiades is not a manyet he is today the one man of all the women.(p.417) Gulick 註引Diog. Laert. iv. 49SuetoniusIul. 52Cic. Verr. ii. 78 (192)。按 The Greek AnthologyBk. X272The Cinaedi denied their manhood & did not become womennor were they born menas they have suffered what women donor are they womensince a man’s nature was theirs. They are men to women & women to men.(Eng. tr. W.R. PatonThe Loeb Classical LibraryIVp.199) Diog. Laert.When he was a young boy he lured husbands away from their wivesbut when he was a young man he lured wives away from their husbands.尤可與 LucianA True Story論月中人云:They marry men & do not even know woman at all! Up to the age of 25 each is a wife& thereafter a husband.”(“The Loeb Classical Librarytr. A.M. HarmonIp.275)參觀。馮夢龍《山歌》卷五《姹童》按語云:張伯起先生有所歡,既婚而瘦,贈以歌云:‘個樣新郎忒煞矬,看看面上肉無多。思量家公真難做,弗如依舊做家婆。’俊絕,一時誦之。亦其類也。

依民按:Diogenes Laertius.Lives of the Eminent Philosophers. R. D. Hicks英譯: He(Bion) even abused Socrates, declaring that, if he felt desire for Alcibiades and abstained, he was a fool; if he did not, his conduct was in no way remarkable.He said in censure of Alcibiades that in his boyhood he drew away the husbands from their wives, and as a young man the wives from their husbands.

依民按:Cicero.In Verrem (Against Gaius Verres)in DelphiComplete Works of Cicero. C. D. Yonge英譯:But a man more inactive, more lazy, one who is more a man among women, a debauched woman among men, cannot be found.

◎《外文筆記》第30,Bk. I.§52elder Curio calls him "every woman's man & every man's woman." [(p.72) Curio pater… eum… omnium mulierum virum et omnium virorum mulierem appellat.]The Greek Anthology, Bk XI, no 272 (Loeb, Vol. IV, p.199): The Cinaedi "are men to women & women to men."; Diogenes Laertius, Bk. IV. 49 (Loeb, Vol.I, p.427) Bion "censure of Alcibiades that in his boyhood he drew away the husbands from their wives, & as a young man the wives from their husbands."



(第2條,前略)but cf. Nicarchus in Greek AnthologyXI. CCCXCVA fart which cannot find an outlet kills many a mana fart also savessending forth its lisping music”(“The Loeb Classical LibraryIVp.261cf. Le Quart Livrech. 17Plus de celluy honteux lequelpar retenir son vent et default de peter un meschant coupsubitement mourut en la presence de Claudiusop.cit.IVp.84an exaggeration of a passage in SuetoniusClaudius32.

依民按Francois Rabelais.Gargantua and Pantagruel. The Fourth Book. Sir Thomas Urquhart of Cromarty and Peter Antony Motteux英譯: Nor at the death of that bashful fool, who by holding in his wind, and for want of letting out a bum-gunshot, died suddenly in the presence of the Emperor Claudius.

◎《外文筆記》第30,Bk. V.§32.He is even said to have thought of an edict allowing the privilege of breaking wind quietly or noisily at table, having learned of a man who ran some risk by restraining himself through modesty [(p.62) Dicitur etiam meditatus edictum, quo veniam daret flatum crepitumque ventris in convivio emittendi, cum periclitatum quendam prae pudore ex continentia repperisset].cf.《法苑珠林》卷一一三、《紫桃軒三筆》卷四。The Greek Anthology, Bk XI, no.395 ("Loeb", Vol.VI, p.261,) Nicarchus:(王按:引文見《容安館札記》第627則,略)Metroclus inDiogenes Laertius, VI. 24 (Loeb, II, p.97); Rabelais,Le Quart Livre, ch. 17:(王按:引文見《容安館札記》第627則,略)(Oeuv. Comp., ed J. Plattard, IVp.84


《外文筆記》第34p.454跳接p.456455插入另頁): Hetrocles had been formerly a pupil of Theophrastus, and had been so far corrupted by weakness that, when he made a breach of good manners in the course of rehearsing a speech, it drove him to despair, and he shut himself up at home, intending to starve himself to death. On learning this Crates, after advisedly making a meal of lupins, tried to persuade him that he had committed no crime, for a prodigy would have happened if he had not taken the natural means of relieving himself.



(《紅樓夢》)第一百二十回襲人嫁城南蔣家一節。按與第九十七回黛玉焚稿一節,皆蘭墅續書中最警策之文。黛玉焚稿,寫厭生者之心堅意決。身亡命絕,而亦求聲名俱滅,神理不存。斬葛斷藤,燒灰揚燼。王彥章曰:“豹死留皮,人死留名。”耽詞章者,臨歿而摧燒生平吟咏,則皮之不存,才魄妖魂離散浮沉。【《儒林外史》20回牛布衣臨歿以兩本詩交老和尚:“替我流傳,死也瞑目!”Virgil 臨沒而欲焚Aeneid稿 igitur in extrema valetudine assidue scrinia desideravitcrematurus ipse— SuetoniusDe PoetisVita VergiliSuetoniusLoebIIp.478),則良工不示人以璞,出於矜惜其名。】借但丁語,謂之一死而兼“第二死”(la seconda morteInfernoI. 117可也。襲人嫁夫,寫忍死者之意轉心回。委蛇迤邐,情逐事遷,由忍死而不忍死,漸易初衷,仍萌故態。使四十回中更多此類筆墨,則曹規高隨,庶乎可爾。


視昔犹今注(依民按:即J. C. Rolfe英譯,IIp.479:“Therefore in his mortal illness Vergil constantly called for his book-boxesintending to burn the poem himself.

