Global Value Chain and Structural Change
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Global value chains (GVCs) have been a major means of international trade and manufacturing in the 21st Century. To a large extent, the super-globalization before 2018 was achieved through the proliferation of GVCs, which gave rise to significant changes in trade patterns, the paths of industrialization in developing countries, and economic structures of developed countries. In the post-pandemic era, strengthening the resilience of GVCs has been a top priority by national governments and multinational corporations, leading to the geographic reconfiguration of GVCs in both high-tech and labor-intensive products. Therefore, a new wave of economic structure changes would be inevitable for many economies.
Theoretical and empirical studies on global value chains (GVCs) and structural change The impact of GVCs on industrialization and economic development The effects of GVCs on employment, inequality and income distribution The impact of GVCs on innovation, productivity, and competitiveness The impact of GVCs on energy, resource and environment The challenges and opportunities of GVC participation for firms and countries The implications of GVCs for trade policy, industrial policy, and development policy
Submission deadline: 31 September 2024.
The submission link is: https://www.editorialmanager.com/streco
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联系:成璐 lu.cheng.19@ucl.ac.uk