史昊鹏 | “循声西归行”尾声篇:私奔 Elopement

文摘   2023-07-12 08:27   北京  

《私奔》先导片 Elopement' pilot film

私奔 —— “循声西归行”尾声篇


时间:2023.6.20 — 2023.6.25


Elopement - Epilogue to 'Bring Urban Voice to West'

Artist: Shi Haopeng

Time: 2023.6.20 - 2023.6.25

Location: Kubuqi Desert, Ordos, Inner Mongolia




Elopement' is the last work of the ' Bring Urban Voice to West ' project, which began with the artist's repeated trips to the desert during his 'Westward Journey'. In the midst of a fast-paced city life, a desert retreat is a rare and long time to repair one's fragmented sense of time and space.

In June 2023, the artist brought eight of the most essential objects of modern urban life to the desert and, between 20 and 25 June, ground each of these objects from modern civilisation with an abrasive wheel at the edge of the desert, leaving them in powder form and then walking naked into the depths of the desert, leaving only the wheel as a witness to the ritual.

Elopement is the final work of the project and a small part of the artist's four and a half year project ' Bring Urban Voice to West '.

 “循声西归行”海报 Poster for'Bring Urban Voice to West'

史昊鹏  出生于内蒙古自治区乌兰察布盟,工作生活于北京、内蒙古。近期的艺术实践主要是在“后主义”时代传统叙事方法被解构后,寻找视觉传达方式上新的可能性,以更准确表达当下的“现实”。

Shi Haopeng was born in Ulaanchabu, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and lives and works in Beijing. His recent artistic practice focuses on the deconstruction of traditional narrative methods in the 'post-ism'era and the search for new possibilities in visual communication in order to more accurately express the 'reality' of the present.
