The Qingying Dance Team presented "Graceful Water Rhyme," which won first prize at the 8th National Primary and Secondary Student Art Performance. Through delicate body language, the students vividly displayed the agility and versatility of water. This dance not only demonstrated the perfect fusion of dance and nature but also provided a moment of spiritual enjoyment and emotional release. The audience felt as if they were immersed in a poetic world of water, experiencing the unique charm of the source of life.
The school drama club presented a "Journey to the West" spin-off, inviting everyone to follow in the footsteps of Tang Sanzang and his disciples into a mystical and adventurous fantasy world. The children's vivid performances infused courage, love, and sacrifice into the story, earning rounds of applause.
高中部同学带来了乐器表演《圣诞快乐 Lawrence 先生》,清脆音符如雪花飘落,悠扬旋律似炉火温暖人心,营造出浪漫的氛围,宛如将观众带入梦幻的圣诞夜。
High school students presented an instrumental performance of "Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence." The clear notes fell like snowflakes, and the melodious tune warmed the hearts of the audience, creating a romantic atmosphere as if it were bringing viewers into a dreamy Christmas Eve.
The high school girl group danced to "Armageddon," interpreting the splendour and resistance amidst the apocalypse with fearless poses. With powerful steps, they showcased the charm of unceasing life and dance, immersing the live audience in a unique sense of awe.
中学合唱校队带来爱尔兰民歌改编的《Down By The Sally Gardens》,歌声悠扬,仿佛将爱尔兰的微风与花园中的诗意哀愁带到现场,观众们在歌声中找寻到心灵的宁静与感动。
The middle school choir presented "Down By The Sally Gardens," adapted from an Irish folk song. The melodious singing seemed to bring the Irish breeze and poetic melancholy of the garden to the scene, allowing the audience to find tranquility and emotion in the music.
The Qingying Dance Team took to the stage once again with "Fly Desire." The little dancers, like newly hatched birds, portrayed the journey of growth through agile movements, transitioning from tender steps to powerful expressions, full of boundless longing and love for the future.
小学夜莺合唱团的孩子们带来两首风格迥异的歌曲——日本的《Sutoku in》和中国经典诗歌改编的《咏鹅》。孩子们用纯净歌声,描绘不同文化的独特画卷,展现音乐无国界的魅力。
The Nightingale Chorus of primary school children sang two songs with contrasting styles: Japan's "Sutoku in" and "Yǒng é," adapted from a classic Chinese poem. With their pure voices, the children portrayed unique cultural landscapes, demonstrating the charm of music transcending borders.
As the gala drew to a close, Vice-Principal Helen took to the stage to offer New Year blessings. She expressed heartfelt thanks to the parents for their support and to the teachers for their dedication. In a warm atmosphere, everyone lit up their flashlights and sang “Auld Lang Syne” together.
在夜莺合唱队悠扬的歌声中,2025 新年家委答谢晚会暨校队汇报演出圆满结束。本场音乐会不仅展示了音乐类校队孩子们在舞台的风采,同时也见证了其它学科校队的荣耀时刻。在大屏幕的视频中,大家在一起见证了过去一年中,校队学生用热血与汗水书写荣耀,在奋斗中实现自我超越。现场掌声雷动,满是对他们的骄傲与赞美,同时也被孩子们拼搏的精神深深感动。这场盛会,我们为学生们的成长与荣耀喝彩,更是为家校情谊鼓掌。愿新的一年,家校携手共进,续写协和辉煌篇章!
With the melodious singing of the Nightingale Chorus, the 2025 New Year Parent Support Group Appreciation Gala and School Team Performance concluded successfully. This concert not only showcased the stage presence of children in music teams but also highlighted the glorious moments of other academic teams. On the big screen, everyone witnessed how school team students wrote their own stories of glory with passion and dedication over the past semester, achieving self-transcendence through struggle. Thunderous applause filled the venue, expressing pride and admiration for them, while they were deeply moved by the children’s fighting spirit. This grand event celebrated the growth and achievements of our students and honoured the school-family bond. May we move forward together in the new year, continuing to write the glorious chapter of SUIS Qingpu!