Asian Carnival Closing Ceremony
12 月 6 日,在一片欢腾与期待中,“溯源东方印迹,揽胜亚洲传奇”——这一备受瞩目的年度洲际嘉年华探究学习活动,终于圆满地落下了它绚丽多彩的帷幕。在刚刚过去的这个月里,小学部的孩子们仿佛化身为充满好奇,不惧挑战的探险家,在多学科智慧融合而成的密林中穿梭前行,深入地探寻着亚洲那如繁星般璀璨多元的文化与风情。他们像是灵动的小鱼,在知识的浩瀚海洋里欢快畅游;又似闪耀的星辰,在多学科碰撞交融的浩瀚天空中绽放出独属于自己的耀眼光芒。
"Tracing the footprints of the East, exploring the legends of Asia" — the Intercontinental Carnival has come to a graceful end. Through a month-long interdisciplinary exploration, primary school students have deepened their understanding and appreciation of Asia's diverse cultures and traditions. On 6 December, dressed in attire adorned with Asian elements, the faculty and students of SUIS Qingpu Campus enthusiastically celebrated the grand finale of the carnival.
The Asian carnival was particularly significant for the musical education of our students, as they enriched themselves by experiencing the diverse melodies and rhythms of various regions across the Asian continent. The distant and nostalgic melodies of Tibet blended seamlessly with the vibrant tropical rhythms of the Philippines, while the gentle sounds of Korea contrasted with the lively progressions of Saudi Arabia. The event was a magnificent feast of culture, rhythms, expression, and movement. Through dances, songs, poses, and formations, the students internalised and deeply appreciated the vast richness of various Asian cultures. They compared, analysed, valued, and discovered new aspects of the cultural expressions of Asian countries. Additionally, these activities and performances on stage fostered a sense of security, creativity, and self-confidence in the students, while also promoting values of fraternity, teamwork, and responsibility.
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在中外教英语老师携手精心打造的学习魔法世界里,学生们仿佛踏上了一趟奇妙的亚洲文化之旅。他们阅读亚洲文化相关书籍,就像是打开了一扇扇通往神秘亚洲各国的知识大门,在书中尽情学习亚洲各国丰富多彩的故事、传说、美食与动物知识,以满腔的热情和强烈的好奇心积极探索亚洲这片广袤大陆丰富多元的文化与历史,用心感受着各国独特的风情。班级活动中,学生们瞬间变身为舞台上的耀眼明星,通过激情澎湃的演讲、优美灵动的歌舞、引人入胜的戏剧等精彩纷呈的表演形式,尽情地展示着自我。年度“SUIS Voice”决赛更是将这场文化盛宴推向了高潮,学生们用如火的热情与横溢的才华,生动地诠释着亚洲文化的深刻内涵。在书籍报告展示、海报制作与歌曲表演等项目中,学生们的创造力如同烟花般绚烂绽放,照亮了整个学习的天空。
This year's Intercontinental Carnival was a distinguished journey of cultural exploration and personal development for our students. By immersing themselves in literature focused on Asian culture, they gained a profound understanding of its stories, legends, cuisines, and wildlife, thereby appreciating the unique charm of various Asian nations. During class activities, students actively showcased their talents through captivating performances, including speeches, singing, dancing, and drama, transforming the classroom environment into a vibrant celebration. The concluding competition was particularly thrilling, as participants passionately and skillfully articulated the deep meanings of Asian culture, displaying both enthusiasm and remarkable talent. Throughout this month-long carnival, students not only honed their expressive abilities through reading and practice but also boosted their confidence and experienced significant personal growth. Furthermore, they fostered a strong sense of unity, grasping the essence of reading and cultural exchange.
During ELA lessons, students explored Asia's diversity, with highlights including the "SUIS Voice" competition. They demonstrated creativity in book reports, posters, songs, and plays. Through ELA, Reading, Inquiry, and English Maths, students engaged with themes like animal conservation in South Asia, tourism in Central Asia, fisheries and pollution in coastal Asia, and Middle Eastern landmarks, deepening their understanding of environmental, economic, and cultural issues. The event celebrated learning, creativity, and the interconnectedness of Asian cultures.
Under the guidance of their Chinese language teachers, students embarked on unique cultural journeys, exploring Southeast Asian cuisine, creating playful Asian-inspired poems, delving into the beauty of Asian poetry, and entering the mythical world of The Classic of Mountains and Seas. They researched West Asian scripts, history, culture, literature, poetry, and folklore. The "Little Chefs" crafted pinyin newsletters and culinary videos, offering a glimpse into their love and unique perspectives on Southeast Asian food. The "Little Poets" used their imagination to blend colourful stickers into whimsical creations. The "Little Storytellers" read and explored texts, creating beast encyclopedias, adapting The Classic of Mountains and Seas, reinterpreting One Thousand and One Nights, and organising poetry recitals and folk story art exhibits. Through these activities, their language skills blossomed like spring flowers.
Math classes provided a fresh perspective on Asian culture, as students explored Asian architecture, flags, cuisine, and traditional paper cutting art. These activities showcased math's practical applications in geometry, proportion, and symmetry while fostering creativity and problem-solving in a multicultural context. By integrating Asian elements with math, students not only understood math concepts better but also gained respect for different cultures.
Students were fully immersed in the rich tapestry of Asian culture during the Asian Carnival by engaging in a variety of sports such as martial arts, badminton, table tennis, and orienteering. Martial arts, a prominent gem of traditional Chinese culture, offered them a fascinating and profound experience of the unique mystique of Eastern traditions. Both badminton and table tennis, immensely popular across Asia, not only promoted physical fitness but also provided the thrill of friendly competition. Orienteering challenged their sense of direction, increased their physical endurance, and enhanced their adaptability, adding another dimension to their participation in the event. Consequently, students had the opportunity to truly appreciate the allure and essence of the sports celebrated in the Asian Carnival.
在多元文化交织的艺术探索奇妙之旅中,各学段学生创意迸发、才华尽展。低年级同学率先开启东南亚文化探秘之旅,通过艺术创作展现印尼苏门答腊岛大王花的绚烂与泰国芭提雅水集文化的独特魅力。继而踏入南亚大陆,深入领略印度神秘艺术与马尔代夫迷人风情,精心绘制象征幸福的蔓海蒂,兴致勃勃开设印度飞饼摊,巧妙打造马尔代夫海滩盛景。中年级学生则一头扎进东亚漆器的深厚底蕴之中,细细钻研其前世今生,并在“科学 - 艺术跨学科合作项目—过山车”里大显身手,将知识与动手能力完美融合。高年级同学漫步于古老的丝绸之路,熟练运用剪纸技巧,生动再现丝路风貌。而后畅游西亚大地,深度解读中国戏曲脸谱丰富内涵,用心探寻中东几何纹样奥秘,尽情体验多元文化碰撞交融,最终收获了沉甸甸的艺术硕果,为这段精彩纷呈的艺术征程画上圆满句号。
During the incredible journey of art exploration intertwined with multiculturalism, students from all academic levels unleashed their creativity and fully displayed their artistic talents. The youngest primary school students embarked on an adventure to discover Southeast Asian culture, capturing the magnificence of the Rafflesia in Sumatra, Indonesia, and the distinctive allure of the water festival in Pattaya, Thailand, through their artistic creations. They ventured further into South Asia, immersing themselves in the enigmatic art of India and the enchanting landscapes of the Maldives, painting Mehndi as a symbol of happiness, eagerly setting up stalls selling Indian pancakes, and masterfully recreating the breathtaking vistas of Maldivian beaches. Meanwhile, the older primary school students delved into the significance of East Asian lacquerware, meticulously studying its history and evolution, and demonstrated their exceptional abilities in the "Science-Art Interdisciplinary Cooperation Project: Roller Coaster," seamlessly blending knowledge with practical skills. The eldest primary school students, not to be outdone, embarked on a stroll along the ancient Silk Road, skillfully employing paper-cutting techniques to vividly depict the characteristics of this historic trade route, and then journeyed freely through Western Asia, carefully interpreting the rich meanings behind Chinese opera makeup, attentively exploring the mysteries of Middle Eastern geometric patterns, and fully embracing the fusion of diverse cultures. In the end, all students reaped a wealth of artistic accomplishments, collectively drawing a perfect conclusion to this extraordinary and enriching artistic journey.
In STEAM lessons, students explored Asia through various projects. First graders initiated an investigation into weather patterns, discovering the climatic diversity across Asia and cultivating an appreciation for nature's varied beauty. Second graders dove into the realm of human physiology, unraveling the mysteries of life sciences and exploring the unique health characteristics of Asian populations. Third graders engaged in a "roller coaster" project, through which they grasped fundamental principles of physics in a fun and engaging manner. Fourth graders constructed lighthouse models inspired by the geographical features of Asian coastlines, skillfully integrating geographical knowledge with scientific practices. Fifth graders, inspired by China's remarkable advancements in the space industry, looked to the future and envisioned lunar bases, embodying Asia's pioneering spirit in aerospace exploration. This event not only equipped students with a wealth of interdisciplinary knowledge and skills but also encouraged a comprehensive exploration of Asia's rich scientific resources and cultural charm. It inculcated a genuine appreciation for the diversity and depth of Asian cultures while igniting a passionate enthusiasm for both scientific inquiry and Asia's vibrant heritage.
The 6th Intercontinental Carnival at SUIS Qingpu Campus has drawn to a successful close, marking the end of a vibrant month-long journey that has not only broadened students' horizons but also ushered-in significant personal growth. As they embark on their future educational and life endeavours, enriched with invaluable knowledge and cherished memories, the students will carry forward the wisdom gained during this extraordinary event. This colourful and meaningful chapter in their learning journey has left a lasting impact, and we eagerly anticipate the next installment of the Intercontinental Carnival, knowing it will continue to write remarkable pages in their adventure of discovery and growth.
SUIS Qingpu Campus
No. 32, Yejin Road, Qingpu, Shanghai
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