大家知道吗?我们的校园已然化身成一座流光溢彩的宝库,仿若一场盛大的亚洲文化狂欢节,其间满溢着无尽的故事与声音,亟待我们去探索!于 SUIS VOICE 活动里,我们倾听了源自不同亚洲国家的奇妙故事,就像打开一个神秘的魔法盒,每个故事都似一颗璀璨夺目的宝石。
Have you heard the news? Our campus was transformed into a colourful treasure trove, like a grand carnival of Asian cultures, filled with endless stories and voices to be explored! In our exhilarating SUIS VOICE event, we listened to amazing stories from different Asian countries, like opening a mysterious magic box, and each story was a dazzling jewel. Are you one of the lucky ones who can find the treasure in the SUIS Qingpu Carnival?
Book Reading Before the Activity
Before this exciting activity began, our teachers thoughtfully selected a series of books related to Asian culture, much like a treasure hunter finding hidden gems. We explored numerous texts, including stories from China, legends from India, and tales about Asian cuisine and wildlife. These books not only imparted knowledge but also enriched our appreciation and love for Asian culture. Throughout our reading journey, we were eager to share these stories with our friends so that everyone could experience the charm of Asian culture together!
Asian Carnival party in the Classroom
As our affection for these Asian stories deepened each day, we were eager to integrate this delightful storytelling and newfound knowledge into our class activities.
On the day of the event, our classrooms were transformed into vibrant art exhibitions. Our class activities felt like an enormous party as the walls were adorned with beautifully crafted posters designed by the students, each highlighting the allure of Asian culture. Every corner was filled with a festive atmosphere. Students carefully chose their outfits, with some wearing traditional attire from different Asian countries, adding a special and ceremonial touch to the occasion.
Everyone prepared thoughtfully to present their stories of Asia in English. Some students also became singers, using their voices to express the rhythms of Asia, filling the classroom with the melodies of Asian culture. Additionally, we enjoyed a variety of spectacular performances, including singing, dancing, martial arts and drama, with everyone applauding and cheering for the performers. Our class activities felt like a vibrant and joyful Asian cultural festival, allowing each of us to experience the charm and excitement of Asian culture. Everyone was deeply engaged and happy!
The Sounds of Asia - Fantastic SUIS Voice!
你快听!那阵阵嘹亮的欢呼呐喊声是从哪里传来的?原来那是SUIS VOICE的决赛现场!你瞧,两位来自协和航空的机组人员正向我们缓缓走来,至此,我们的奇幻亚洲之旅也即将启程。四年级的各位参赛选手们都变成了超级演说家,他们用声音和热情点燃了整个舞台。从历史长河中熠熠生辉的中国古代发明,到以千年静默诉说着大秦帝国辉煌与神秘的兵马俑,从铸就中华民族不屈不挠、勇往直前壮丽诗篇的红军长征,到历史的暗影中编织着神秘与传说的日本忍者,从神话到历史,从想象到现实,在场的每一位同学都在他们声情并茂的演绎中大开眼界,并且共同见证了阅读给他们带来的自信与魅力。
Listen. Can you hear those loud cheers? That's the grand finale of SUIS VOICE! Look! Two crew members from SUIS Airlines enter the stage, signaling the start of our incredible journey through Asia. The Grade 4 participants have been transformed into outstanding presenters, lighting up the stage with their voices and enthusiasm. They took us from the brilliant inventions of ancient China to the Terra Cotta Warriors, who silently tell the tales of the Qin Empire's glory and mysteries. We journeyed through the Red Army’s Long March, embodying the Chinese nation's invincible spirit, to the mysterious Japanese ninjas. From myths to history, imagination to reality, each student interpreted these tales with confident voices and emotion, showcasing the confidence and charm that reading has instilled in them.
With live music playing, the third-grade students became little tour guides, taking all students on a journey across Asia to experience the customs and traditions of various countries through their lively and energetic performances. The teachers also delivered a captivatingly hilarious performance which left the audience in delight!
When the lights suddenly dimmed, spotlights highlighted the beautifully dressed students, making them stand out from the crowd. It was evident that the teachers were not the only judges present, but also the student representatives from different classes, as they eagerly participated in voting for their favourite speaker. The dynamic interaction between the presenters and the audience became more than just a competition; it was a celebration of friendship and unity.
Our next stop was the Grade 2 finals. While these young contestants may be small in stature, their enthusiasm for reading is anything but! Some students confidently introduced the treasures of the East, others showcased the vast expanse of Russia. There were also students who presented on China, depicting a grand image where ancient civilisation and modern glory shine together. Though their voices may be youthful, each word was like a vibrant note, filling the theatre with acquired knowledge from their carefully chosen books.
Look who is approaching with such confident strides? They are the Grade 1 reading stars!
The Grade 2 children wore traditional attire from various countries and showcased the unique styles of China, India, Japan, and Thailand.
The foreign teachers put on a lively performance of "The Blind Touching the Elephant," which had the entire class laughing with its vivid and exaggerated depiction, perfectly illustrating the fusion of Chinese and foreign cultures. When the teacher on stage asked a question, the students all raised their hands eagerly to respond, creating a vibrant scene of knowledge and curiosity.
We wish to congratulate every student who courageously showcased their talents in the finals. Additionally, we celebrate all the students who achieved outstanding results, adding another impressive chapter to their life journeys. Although this flight will eventually land, our journey continues onward.
Reflections on the Activity
这次SUIS Voice活动让我们深刻体会到阅读的力量。它不仅让我们学到了知识,更让我们学会了如何表达自己,如何与他人分享和交流。我们每个人都在这个过程中收获了成长和快乐。阅读不仅丰富了我们的头脑,也温暖了我们的心。通过这次活动,我们更加坚信,阅读是连接世界的桥梁,是开启心灵之门的钥匙。现在,让我们来听听,阅读是如何在同学们的心中激起涟漪,点亮他们内心的火花的。
The SUIS Voice event has profoundly demonstrated for us the power of reading. It has taught us not only knowledge from books but also how to express ourselves, share, and communicate with others. Throughout this process, we have experienced growth and happiness as reading enriches our minds and warms our hearts. This event has not only strengthened our belief that reading is the bridge connecting us to the world, but it also let us hear how reading resonates in our students' hearts and ignites the sparks within them.
SUIS Qingpu Campus
No. 32, Yejin Road, Qingpu, Shanghai
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