
教育   2024-12-14 08:01   上海  

“数”探亚洲文化 “形”启奇妙之旅


Delving into Asian Culture through Numbers and Shapes: Embarking on a Magical Journey — Asian Carnival Mathematics Exploration Activity


In the transdisciplinary exploration event of the Asian Carnival, mathematics was no longer confined to abstract symbols and formulae! Have you ever imagined how three-dimensional shapes in Asian architecture used mathematics to create spatial wonders? What mathematical secrets lay behind the geometric patterns on the national flags of Asian countries? How does mathematics explain the omnipresent symmetry in Asian architecture? What mathematical wisdom is hidden in the use of circles within Asian culture? How do measurements and calculations in Asian cuisine showcase the delightful interplay of math and taste? Join us in the SUIS Qingpu 2024 Asian Carnival to explore its mathematical chapter. 



Building Asia: Architectural Culture Construction Fun



First graders transformed into little architects and embarked on an exciting exploration of Asian architectural culture. They used coloured paper to craft the Shanghai skyline, stacked small paper boxes to build walls, constructed the Great Wall with small blocks, assembled the Taj Mahal with paper tubes, erected the Tokyo Tower using plastic sheets, recreated the Merlion with LEGO, shaped Gyeongbokgung Palace with foam, and moulded the Grand Palace with clay. Using a variety of materials, they constructed the Oriental Pearl Tower and Canton Tower. During the showcase, the children confidently presented their creations and became star presenters who shared the fascinating stories behind each structure, taking us into the three-dimensional world of Asian architecture.



Ingenious Flags of Asia: A Grand Exploration of Geometry in National Flags

二年级的孩子们聚焦亚洲国家国旗的几何奥秘探索上,从鲜艳的五星红旗到神秘的沙特阿拉伯国旗,每一面国旗都如同一扇通往亚洲各国文化与数学奥秘的大门。从中国国旗五角星的角与边,领悟到团结奋进的力量;日本国旗的圆形,感受到人们对和谐圆满的向往;韩国国旗里的太极八卦对称图形,蕴藏着阴阳平衡哲理;泰国国旗条纹与图案布局,原来是对王室宗教的敬重;印度国旗用简单三色,感受多元包容…… “原来数学就在这些漂亮的国旗里藏着呀!”“每面国旗上的图案都有一个大大的秘密呢!”孩子们在亚洲国旗里进行图形探秘的同时,学会尊重不同国家文化,拓宽视野。

Second graders focused on uncovering the geometric mysteries of Asian national flags. From the vibrant Five-Star Red Flag of China to the intriguing flag of Saudi Arabia, each one served as a gateway into the cultural and mathematical secrets of Asian countries. They discovered the power of unity through the angles and edges of the stars on China's flag; the circle on Japan's flag inspires a longing for harmony and completeness; the symmetrical Taiji and Bagua symbols on South Korea's flag embody the philosophy of yin-yang balance; the stripes and patterns on Thailand's flag shows respect for the monarchy and religion; and India's simple tri-colour flag symbolizes diversity and inclusivity.

“Wow, mathematics was hidden within these beautiful flags!” “Every pattern on a flag held a big secret!” As the children explored the shapes on Asian flags, they learned to respect different national cultures and broadened their global perspectives.



Cutting Rhythms of Asia: The Beauty of Axial Symmetry in Traditional Art


Third graders embarked on an exploration of the intersection between papercutting art and mathematics, further improving their understanding of axial symmetry through this traditional craft. In the classroom, they used videos and texts to learn about the history, styles, and mathematical principles of papercutting, allowing them to see the cultural significance behind the art through a mathematical lens. As they admired symmetrically designed papercutting works, they engaged in thinking, imagining, drawing, and experimenting on their own. Ultimately, using their class' carnival theme as a design element, they collaborated to create a large papercutting piece unique to their class. Through each cut and fold, the children experienced the wonder and wisdom of Chinese culture and the artistic beauty found within mathematics.



Round Art of Asia: The Precision of Circles in Everyday Creations


四年级学生在“圆” 创亚洲——生活 “圆” 艺数学探究活动中,深入探寻圆在亚洲文化中的踪迹:中国的中秋明月与春节团圆饭桌、日本国旗中的“日之丸”、韩国传统房屋屋顶的圆韵,都成为灵感源泉。孩子们或用彩纸剪出多个圆形,拼贴成中秋月圆下的家庭团聚场景;或在纸片上雕琢出日式红日,再用线绳装饰成日式风格挂件;还可以用布料塑造出韩式屋顶形状的小摆件……孩子们在数学世界“理性圆”的基础上发挥想象与创造,带我们领略圆与亚洲文化融合的魅力。

In the "Circle Creations in Asia — A Mathematical Exploration of Circular Art in Daily Life" activity, fourth graders delved into the presence of circles in Asian culture. They drew inspiration from the full moon of the Mid-Autumn Festival and the reunion dinner tables during the Spring Festival in China, the "Hinomaru" on the Japanese flag, and the circular elegance of traditional Korean rooftops. Some students cut out numerous circles from coloured paper to create collages depicting family gatherings under the full moon; others carved the Sun from Japanese motifs on paper and decorated it with string to make Japanese-style hangings; they even used fabric to fashion small ornaments in the shape of Korean rooftops. Built on the "rational circle" of the mathematical world, the children unleashed their imagination and creativity, offering a glimpse into the harmonious blend of circles and Asian culture.



Taste of Asia: The Magic of Measurement in Culinary Creations



Fifth graders embarked on a culinary journey, preparing Asian dishes and exploring the delights of taste. In making burrata with tomato salad, they carefully measured the weight of ingredients; for Umami Ali, they precisely calculated ingredient quantities for six servings; while creating rice pudding, they meticulously controlled financial costs. Preparing delicious, braised pork required examining the calorie content and the fat-to-lean ratio of pork belly to enjoy the dish without guilt. During the cooking process, they estimated braising time based on the amount of meat to achieve the perfect texture. During the showcase, the children created informative posters and videos to clearly present data and proportions. Of course, the most important aspect of food was sharing. As they experienced and savoured the magic of measurement in Asian cuisine, the children naturally discovered the connection between mathematics and Asian culinary culture.


In the Asian Carnival transdisciplinary exploration activity, mathematics served as a bridge connecting knowledge and culture, breaking the boundaries between the abstract and the concrete. The activity enabled our students to delve into diverse Asian cultural contexts and engage in hands-on exploration and innovative thinking. It also helped them understand the essence of Asian culture through the lens of 'numbers and shapes,' allowing them to appreciate the charm and value of interdisciplinary learning. We look forward to the next event, where mathematics will continue to open doors for children to explore new cultural realms, fostering a vibrant scene of cultural integration.


供稿 Written | 杨小菊 苏玉丽 潘泽浩 王弘羿 王东铭  沈诗雨

翻译 Translated | 陈静

中文审稿Chinese Proofread |

宋靓  高园生 潘泽浩

英文审稿 English Proofread | Callan Joy Beelders,Usman Kaleem,D. Scott Hockley,Adam Neufield

排版 Typeset | 施蓉


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