彼得·贝列津(Peter Berezin)是在全球宏观策略师里面我们所关注的一个比较特别的存在,大部分时候,和爱抱团的全球市场同僚不太一样,他的观点经常是反共识的,特立独行,但总是很准确。北京时间11月28日,他发布了对特朗普治下关税的终极想法。
On October 15, speaking at the Economic Club of Chicago, Donald Trump called tariffs “the most beautiful word in the dictionary.” On Monday, he put those words into action by threatening to slap a 25% tariff on all imports from Canada and Mexico, and an additional 10% tariff on Chinese imports. Collectively, the three countries account for 45% of US imports.
Most investors I speak with think Trump is bluffing; that he will back down as soon as he receives some concessions (as he seemingly did with his post on Truth Social yesterday). However, I don’t think it is as simple as that. For Trump, tariffs are not a means to an end. They are an end in itself. He wants to erect a protectionist wall around the US because he really does believe that other economies are ripping off America.
我与之交流的大多数投资者认为特朗普是在虚张声势,认为他会在获得一定让步后退缩(正如他昨天在Truth Social上的发言似乎暗示的那样)。然而,我认为事情并不那么简单。对于特朗普而言,关税不是实现某种目标的手段,而是目标本身。他想要为美国构筑一堵保护主义的墙,因为他确实相信其他经济体正在剥削美国。
Plus, he needs the money. This is not 2016 when the 10-year TIPS yield was zero. Real yields are close to 2% and interest payments on the federal debt are soaring. I see four main economic implications for the US economy from the coming trade war:
First, higher tariffs will raise import prices, depressing real household disposable income in the process. I realize that Trump does not think this will happen, but this is what the evidence says. A particularly clean example, so to speak, occurred in early 2018 when the Trump administration hiked tariffs on washing machines. Not only did the price of imported washing machines rise in response to the tariffs, but prices of domestically produced washing machines increased too. To boot, dryer prices also went up, even though they were not subject to tariffs.
Poorer families spend more of their income on goods than richer ones. This makes tariffs a regressive form of taxation. According to the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, a 60% tariff on Chinese imports coupled with a 20% tariff on all other countries will reduce real income for the bottom quintile of income earners by 5.7%, but by only 1.4% for the top 1%
较贫困的家庭将更多收入用于购买商品,这使关税成为一种累退税形式。根据税收与经济政策研究所(Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy)的数据,对中国进口商品征收60%的关税,同时对其他国家征收20%的关税,将导致最低收入五分之一家庭的实际收入减少5.7%,而最高1%收入家庭仅减少1.4%。
Second, higher tariffs will increase business costs. More than half of global trade consists of intermediate goods, which will be subject to higher tariffs. Uncertainty over trade policy will also depress investment spending. In fact, according to the IMF, more than half of the damage to global growth from tariffs will stem from firms deciding to sit on their hands while they ascertain the fallout from the trade war. Higher business uncertainty is one reason why manufacturing construction failed to rise during Trump’s first term in office, despite lower corporate taxes.
Third, by curbing demand for imports, higher tariffs will push up the value of the US dollar. A stronger dollar, in turn, will limit exports and reduce the dollar value of overseas revenues. A standard rule of thumb is that every 1% appreciation in the trade-weighted dollar lowers S&P 500 EPS by 0.25%. The trade-weighted dollar has strengthened by 1.9% since the election and 4.8% since late September .
Fourth, higher tariff-induced inflation could force the Fed to curtail the pace of rate cuts and perhaps even raise rates. A scenario analysis conducted by the Fed in September 2018 implied that it should look through the impact of tariffs on prices, but only if inflation expectations remain well anchored.
Having been badly burned by the “transitory” narrative three years ago, the Fed might be reluctant to label the inflationary consequences of tariffs as transitory again. This could cause the yield curve to re-invert while weakening equity prices.