不可错过!ART021首次在香港举办!ART021 HONG KONG Launches It’s First Edition

文摘   2024-09-01 18:59   上海  

首届ART021 HONG KONG 香港廿一当代艺术博览会于8月29日正式揭幕,标志着内地艺术展会品牌首次落地香港。


A prestigious contemporary art fair well established in both Shanghai and Beijing, ART021 Hong Kong has launched its first edition to much excitement and anticipation from the art world and enthusiasts. 

Opening it’s doors on August 29th this hugely successful project seeks to introduce a groundbreaking exhibition format, comprising five distinct sections; GALLERIES, VIDEOS, SCULPTURE, EXPANSION, and GBA ART WEEK. 

This exciting new event in the Hong Kong cultural calendar offers a hugely impressive range of artists from a wide range of styles and influences, and from seeing the first edition this year it can be a new opportunity able to redefine what we can expect from a high-end art-fair experience!


 Image courtesy of ART021 HONG KONG

本次ART021 HONG KONG立足本土,带来了全新的展会模式,设置五大展会单元,分为:主画廊单元、影像单元、艺构之旅、艺拓现场以及大湾区艺术周。



Having emerged as a key event in the art calendars of both Beijing and Shanghai, opening in Hong Kong will surely provide an opportunity for top galleries, high-end collectors and art aficionados to gather and share artwork of excellence from around the world. This is a genuinely exciting development for art appreciation and collection in Hong Kong and Art Spotlight is looking forward to watching it grow and develop in the coming years. 

The five distinctive sections showcase a total of 82 galleries and projects from 14 countries and regions, with 9 galleries participating in an art fair in Hong Kong for the first time.



“我们想尝试的是为香港增添新的生态面貌,是‘addition’,不是取代。”周大为如此阐述ART021 HONG KONG与其他在香港举行的艺博会及与香港本地的关系。目前国际大规模的拍卖行及艺博会都以欧美艺术品为主,香港作为全球最重要的艺术中心之一,拥有零关税和运输等方面的优势,国内一线城市比起缺少更成熟更多元的一级市场,更缺少勇敢的“搅局者”“开拓者””,而非是西方艺术市场的模仿者。

Gathering top-tier contemporary and modern artworks from around the world, the fair also highlights unique creations  by artists from across South Asia and the West, offering an insightful glimpse into the artistic developments across Asia and beyond.


 Image courtesy of ART021 HONG KONG





This section presents nearly a thousand outstanding works by renowned and emerging artists from across the globe. The highlight is particularly the easel works of artists who span generations.

大未来林舍画廊展位  Image courtesy of the Gallery and ART021 HONG KONG


Among the highlights is the masterpiece by Wu Dayu, a pioneer of Chinese abstract painting, presented by Gallery Exit. Born in Yixing, Jiangsu in 1903 and passed away in 1988, Wu Dayu's paintings transcend mere forms, showcasing bold brushstrokes, vibrant colors, and profound emotions that embody a unique abstract beauty.

Untitled, 吴大羽,2016壓克力顏料·畫布 

Wu Dayu,Acrylic on canvas, 91x65 cm



His innovative "Shi Xiang" (Momentum and Image) theory, which fuses Western abstract art concepts with traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting philosophies, has profoundly influenced the development of modern Chinese art. Wu Dayu's works inspire generations of Chinese artists, including Wu Guanzhong and Zhao Wuji.

拱形画廊展位 Image courtesy of the Gallery and ART021 HONG KONG

应空间展位 Image courtesy of the Gallery and ART021 HONG KONG


GALLERIES section also showcases notable works by mid-career and emerging artists, such as Wu Jingyu's intricate mixed-media pieces exploring nuanced emotions, presented by Tang Contemporary Art, and Tan Yongqi's large-scale paintings exhibited by Hive Center for Contemporary Art.




影像单元现场,亚洲协会香港中心 Image courtesy of ART021 HONG KONG.


The Videos section gathers cutting-edge video art explorations, featuring 14 artists from Asia and beyond with three screenings daily. 

YANG FUDONG 杨福东 竹林七贤 之四 2007 Edition of 10 YFDU086

Yang Fudong, Seven Intellectuals in Bamboo Forest, Part IV (zhu lin qi xian) (still), 2007.



Yang Fudong's Seven Intellectuals in Bamboo Forest  Part IV opens the section. This five-part series, filmed from 2003 to 2007, narrates an epic tale of young people resisting societal constraints. 

YANG FUDONG 杨福东 竹林七贤 之四 2007 Edition of 10 YFDU086

Yang Fudong, Seven Intellectuals in Bamboo Forest, Part IV (zhu lin qi xian) (still), 2007.




Seven Intellectuals in Bamboo Forest  Part IV specifically explores the ideals of a group of young people who seek utopia on an island, only to eventually depart, symbolizing the collapse of their spiritual world.

The Seven Intellectuals in Bamboo Forest  aimed to construct a utopia symbolizing the spiritual world of young people. This is a place where young people freely explore and experiment with their dreams, as well as an externalization of their inner world. However, the fact that the young people eventually leave in fishing boats hoisted by pulleys may represent the fragility of this dream and the intercession of harsh realities on these brave but naive young people. 

杨福东,雍雀 之二,摄影,101 (H) x 180 cm,2024

Yang Fudong,Sparrow on the Sea  ©图片致谢香格纳画廊

杨福东的作品《雍雀 之二》在本次ART021,以单价32万人民币已售出2版本,《雍雀》是杨福东全新创作的“建筑电影”,在香港取景拍摄,海边村庄和夜间城市街道在其中交替出现。雍雀,意指海边簇拥在一起的鸟群,引申为对香港这座城市的一种通感印象。 也象征性的隐喻为追求超越自我,积聚勇气试图“飞跃大海”的观者。

Yang Fudong's work Sparrow on the Sea has sold two versions at a unit price of 320,000 yuan in this ART021. Sparrow is Yang Fudong's new creation of an architectural film shot in Hong Kong with alternating scenes of seaside villages and nighttime city streets. Sparrow on the Sea, meaning the birds clustered together on the seaside, is extended to a general impression of Hong Kong as a city. It also symbolically represents the viewer who seeks to transcend himself and gather courage to attempt a "leap across the sea".


 The film schedule 


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.艺拓现场 “关于贝壳、瓷器和稀土的三件作品”

 Image courtesy of Zheng Mahler and ART021 HONG KONG

三场独具特色的展览惊艳亮相艺穗会现场。香港创意空间PHD Group力推艺术家组合郑马乐的“三部曲”——聚焦于贝壳、瓷器与稀土元素的深度探索,利用陶瓷工艺、影像技术及LED装置艺术,巧妙揭示了国际贸易脉络与历史变迁的轨迹。

EXPANSION at the Fringe Club hosts three exceptional exhibitions. PHD Group promotes the artist group Zheng Mahler's "Trilogy" -  focusing on an in-depth exploration of shells, porcelain, and rare earth elements, using ceramic craftsmanship, imaging technology, and LED installation art to cleverly reveal the trajectory of international trade and historical changes.

艺拓现场 “中国与墨西哥及全球南方的艺术对话”

 Image courtesy of ART021 HONG KONG


Curated by artist and scholar Zheng Shengtian, the documentary exhibition " “Art Dialogues Between China And Mexico In The Twentieth Century”  " traces over half a century of artistic exchanges between  Mexico and northern countries in the world.


 Image courtesy of the artist and ART021 HONG KONG


Additionally, Renlu Hong Kong Space showcases artist Li Binyuan's solo project "The Long Farewell" , blending video art and performance art to delve into various aspects of daily life, leading viewers on a profound journey of reflection and farewell.




艺构之旅  Image courtesy of ART021 HONG KONG

艺构之旅将在维多利亚公园中央草坪与艺穗会天台呈献多件公共装置雕塑,免费对公众开放。作品来自罗伯特·印第安纳、卡米耶·昂罗 、徐震等多位在公共艺术领域颇有成就的当代艺术家。

SCULPTURES presents various public sculptures and installations on the central lawn of Victoria Park and the rooftop of the Fringe Club, open to the public for free.

The works are from Robert Indiana, Camille Henrot, Xu Zhen and many other contemporary artists who have made remarkable achievements in the field of public art.

Robert Indiana, LOVE (Red Outside Violet Inside), 1966-1999, Polychrome aluminum.182.9 x 182.9 x 91.4 cm, 致谢艺术家遗产及佩斯画廊. Image courtesy of ART021 HONG KONG

商亮, 沙发人, 铝合金漆, 150 × 165 × 120 cm, 

致谢 Mao Space, Image courtesy of ART021 HONG KONG


Each selected work deeply explores the intricate relationship between art sculptures and audiences, either scrutinizing or inspiring each other, and possibly stimulating enthusiasm for interaction and participation. This is an art journey with no end, where every passerby is gently invited to join the feast. 

Here, art breaks free from the shackles of traditional thresholds, and participation becomes the most valuable pass. Every audience, regardless of their background, is given an important role, and their presence and feelings together weave the most splendid chapter of this art feast.

Camille Henrot, No Message, 2016, Bronze, 200 x132 x 41 cm, 致谢梅隆赫画廊. 

Image courtesy of ART021 HONG KONG




ART021 HONG KONG隆重启动大湾区艺术周,致力于深入香港及其周边地区的艺术发展动态,支持粤港澳大湾区充满活力的艺术社群。

Finally, ART021 HONG KONG is proud to launch the GBA Art Week, dedicated to delving into the artistic development dynamics of Hong Kong and its surrounding areas, and supporting the vibrant art community in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. 


Major art galleries and institutions participating in the GBA ART WEEK

ART021 HONG KONG邀约多家具备前瞻目光的艺术画廊及机构参与大湾区艺术周,同期推出一系列引人入胜的展览项目。

ART021 HONG KONG invites a number of forward-looking art galleries and institutions to participate in the GBA Art Week, and launches a series of fascinating exhibition projects during the same period.



8/29 - 9/1

地点:西九文化区管理局大楼 富艺斯亚洲总部

Venue: West Kowloon Cultural District Authority Building & Phillips Asia Headquarters

影像单元  VIDEOS

8/29 - 9/1


 Venue: Asia Society Hong Kong Center


8/29 - 9/1


Venue: Fringe Club



8/28 - 9/8


Venue: Victoria Park Central Lawn & Fringe Club Rooftop


大湾区艺术周  GBA ART WEEK

8/28 - 9/8


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