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The 10th anniversary special exhibition of the Yuz Museum, titled "Out of Silence", will unfold in two chapters, with the first chapter opening on the 10th of August.
“于无声处:余德耀基金会收藏展”,余德耀美术馆展览现场,2024 摄影:Alessandro Wang
Installation view of “Out of Silence: A Yuz Foundation Collection” at Yuz Museum, Shanghai, 2024 Photo by Alessandro Wang
本次展览精选余德耀基金会收藏中 20 余组中外当代艺术家的作品,以其中表现或暗含的声音为线索,聆听那些隐于细微或渐被遗忘的无声处,呈现这些创作中所蕴藏的暗涌力量。而这些正是余德耀基金会与美术馆(YUZ)所致力于保护并留存的“迹”与“象”。
This exhibition showcases over 20 sets of works by Chinese and international contemporary artists from the Yuz Foundation collection. Guided by the clue of voices that are expressed or implied within the works, it invites viewers to listen to those subtle or gradually forgotten silences, revealing the hidden forces simmering within these creations. These are precisely the 'traces' and 'images' that the Yuz Foundation and Museum (YUZ) strive to preserve and retain.
YUZ 创始人余德耀先生
YUZ 创始人余德耀先生从 2004-2005 年开始初涉当代艺术收藏,随着他对艺术孜孜以求的持续深耕,逐步扩充收藏,于 2008 年摸索出以“迹”和“象”为两条主线的收藏脉络:“迹”,是线索,串联起在中国当代艺术发展过程中取得重要位置的成名艺术家的代表作;“象”,是征兆,满怀对年轻艺术家的支持和期望而收藏的新面孔和新作品。
Mr. Yuz, the founder of YUZ, embarked on his journey of contemporary art collection in 2004-2005. With his relentless pursuit and deep engagement in art, he gradually expanded his collection and, in 2008, developed a collecting strategy centered on two main themes: 'Traces' and 'Images'.
'Traces' refers to the thread that connects the representative works of renowned artists who have occupied important positions in the development of Chinese contemporary art. 'Images', on the other hand, signify omens, as YUZ collects new faces and works in support of and with high expectations for young artists.
塞昆迪诺·赫南德思 春夏之间四季之现 2015年 布面丙烯、油画、醇酸树脂颜料 550×300cm×4
余德耀基金会收藏 摄影:JJYPHOTO 图像由余德耀美术馆和维多利亚·米罗画廊提供,版权归艺术家所有
Secundino Hernández Four Seasons Between Spring and Summer 2015 Acrylic, oil and alkyd on canvas 550×300cm×4
Collection of Yuz Foundation Photo by JJYPHOTO Image copyright the artist and courtesy of Yuz Museum and Victoria Miro
这两条既侧重“历史”又聚焦“未来”的双向并行线成为 YUZ 后续收藏及展览项目的源头与核心。
These two parallel lines, which focus on both history and future, have become the source and core of YUZ's subsequent collection and exhibition projects.
闫珩 调频 2015-2016年 布面油画装置 318×216×12cm 余德耀基金会收藏
© 闫珩,艺术家与阿拉里奥画廊惠允
Yan Heng FM (Frequency Modulation) 2015-2016 Oil on canvas with installation 318×216×12cm
Collection of Yuz Foundation © Yan Heng, courtesy of the artist and Arario Gallery
此次展览也将沿着本源,重思藏品在“历史”与“未来”的进程中所处的位置以及相对关系。作品的选择并不囿于时间或地域等框架,以此彰显 YUZ 特有的兼具理性构建与感性理解的收藏色彩。
This exhibition will also delve into the origins, reexamining the positions and relative relationships of the collections within the context of 'history' and 'future'. The selection of works transcends temporal or geographical frameworks, demonstrating YUZ’s fascinating approach to art collecting that blends rational construction with emotional understanding.
艾迪·马丁内斯 内心的杂音 2019年
Eddie Martinez Inner Noise 2019
Oil, silkscreen ink, enamel, spray paint, collage, pink floor paper,
foam earplug, pushpin and debris on
莎拉·休斯 桥 2020-2021年 布面油彩与丙烯 250×1200cm 余德耀基金会收藏
版权:莎拉·休斯 艺术家与伊娃·培森胡柏画廊惠允 摄影:Lance Brewer
Shara Hughes The Bridge 2020-2021 Oil and acrylic on canvas 250×1200cm
Collection of Yuz Foundation
Copyright: Shara Hughes Courtesy of Galerie Eva Presenhuber, Zurich, Vienna
Photo credit: Lance Brewer
Each artwork in the exhibition is more than just a compilation of colors and an exploration of form; they are profound reflections of artists' inner lives and their journeys through life. They engage in deep dialogues with diverse histories, brilliant cultures, and complex social backdrops. This is a serene yet powerful visual feast, where beneath the calm exterior, rivers of thought and vast universes of spirit surge.
陈可 晨昏 2014年 油彩,二手家具木箱 97×56×46cm 余德耀基金会收藏 图片由星空间画廊惠允
Chen Ke Dawn and Dusk 2014 Oil, second hand wood chest 97×56×46cm
Collection of Yuz Foundation Image courtesy of Star Gallery
These creations are not merely expressions of artists' personal emotions but also mirror the symptoms of society and the times. With delicate brushstrokes, they outline the brightness and shadows of human nature, and with a grand perspective, they scrutinize social changes and the pulse of the era.
Every stroke encapsulates memories of the past while reflecting the present reality. Unwittingly, they also reveal certain contours of the future, with the latent energy guiding us to “the deafening silence”, to feel the vitality and energy, and to be reminded that history is not yet distant, and the future has already arrived.
“于无声处:余德耀基金会收藏展”,余德耀美术馆展览现场,2024 摄影:Alessandro Wang
Installation view of “Out of Silence: A Yuz Foundation Collection” at Yuz Museum, Shanghai, 2024 Photo by Alessandro Wang
From its humble beginnings in Jakarta to its dazzling presence on the West Bank of Shanghai, and to the continuous cultivation of project spaces, until now, embarking on a new chapter in Panlong Tiandi, the YUZ Museum has always been a stage for artists to realize their ambitions. Here, countless artists have found fertile soil for their ambitions, and each of their works and attempts has become an indelible mark in the history of art.
“于无声处:余德耀基金会收藏展”,余德耀美术馆展览现场,2024 摄影:Alessandro Wang
Installation view of “Out of Silence: A Yuz Foundation Collection” at Yuz Museum, Shanghai, 2024 Photo by Alessandro Wang
Excitingly, this exhibition will also showcase for the first time some groundbreaking and pivotal representative or masterpiece works. These may be the pinnacles of artists' careers or their bold attempts to explore new territories. Their debut will undoubtedly add more highlights and attractions to the entire exhibition.
杨振中 过道 2012年 单路视频 14分19秒 余德耀基金会收藏
Yang Zhenzhong Passage 2012 Single-channel video 14min 19sec
Collection of Yuz Foundation
In the eternal cycle of the changing seasons and the passage of time, YUZ Museum invites us to traverse the hustle and bustle and jointly witness their ten-year journey in Out of Silence.
Out Of Silence
2024 年 8 月 10 日 - 2025 年 3 月 2 日
余德耀美术馆 上海蟠龙天地
Exhibition Dates
10th August 2024 – 2nd March 2025
Exhibition Venue
Yuz Museum, Panlong Tiandi, Shanghai
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