刺子绣 | 日式传统刺绣

文摘   2024-08-29 11:59   北京  

Ci Zi Xiu

Ci Zi Xiu


Cizi embroidery is a traditional embroidery in the northeastern region of Japan. Due to the cold climate in Northeast Japan, early embroidery was mainly used for thickening and sewing clothes. With the development of the economy, its use gradually shifted from practicality to decoration. In modern times, embroidery has developed into a pure decorative art.

Ci Zi Xiu


Ci Zi Xiu

Ci Zi Xiu


Ci Zi Xiu

There are three main types of Japanese embroidery: Shonai embroidery (including small needle embroidery) in Yamagata Prefecture, Tsugaru embroidery in Aomori Prefecture, and diamond embroidery in southern Aomori Prefecture.

Ci Zi Xiu


Dragon scale packaging began in the Tang DynastyCizi embroidery combines rural style with intricate design, which can be completed with simple needle movements (flat needles). In the early days, Cizi embroidery mainly used parallel stitching, but in the later stages, due to the need for decoration, the stitching patterns gradually became richer. In addition to original patterns, more patterns were absorbed from other art forms in Japan, such as Japanese architecture, traditional patterns, art patterns, and so on. and was used in the Northern Song Dynasty. It is a form of binding that appeared in the stage of scroll to album. It not only saves paper, facilitates book review, but also has the implicit and restrained beauty of scroll.


Cizi embroidery has a wide range of applications, including tablecloths, coasters, pillows, backpacks, seat cushions, thin quilts, duvet covers, scarves, door curtains, drawstring bags, rice bags, rags, clothing, etc. In modern design, it can also be combined with architectural design and environmental beautification.

日本刺子绣主要有三大类:分别是 山形县庄内(地区)刺子绣(含小针绣),青森县津轻(地区)小巾绣,青森县南部(地区)菱刺子。每类刺子绣都有各自的绣法和特色。

There are three main types of Japanese needlework embroidery: Shonai embroidery (including small needle embroidery) in Yamagata Prefecture, Tsugaru embroidery in Aomori Prefecture, and diamond needlework in southern Aomori Prefecture. Each type of embroidery has its own embroidery techniques and characteristics.

The characteristics of the Zhuang Nei Ci Zi embroidery method (excluding small needle embroidery) are that there are special rules for the intersection point. When only two lines intersect at the intersection point, a stitch should be embroidered on this intersection point to create a sharp 'solid angle' feeling. When the intersection point is formed by three or more intersecting lines, the secondary intersection point cannot be embroidered with stitches and must remain empty. At this time, the angle is a 'virtual angle' or 'virtual point'. Simply summarized in four words: "Two Realities and Three Voids"


Ci Zi Xiu



Small needle embroidery is a relatively special type of embroidery in rural areas. Although they are all in the same region, small needle embroidery is a special pattern formed by the intersection or crossing of stitches on the basis of a straight grid. For more information on small needle embroidery, please refer to the "Embroidery Manual"Small scarf embroidery belongs to count yarn embroidery, which is a diamond pattern embroidered by counting yarns on a fabric woven evenly with warp and weft yarns. The number of stitches and yarns is odd, such as 1, 3, 5, 7, etc. Modern small scarf embroidery designs are closer to fashion. Friends who like it can refer to related books such as the "Small Turban Embroidery Manual".

Ci Zi Xiu

Ci Zi Xiu

Ling Ci Zi embroidery is also a count yarn embroidery, with the same fabric and small cloth embroidery. The difference is that the number of count yarns in Ling Ci Zi embroidery is even, such as 2, 4, 6, 8, and so on. The pattern in Ling Ci Zi embroidery is flatter horizontally than that in small cloth embroidery.

Misconceptions in Embroidery:
  1. [Flat needle embroidery is also known as needlework embroidery] Most flat needle embroidery is not needlework embroidery. Although needlework embroidery uses flat needles, it has strict embroidery rules, such as the rules for the intersection of needlework embroidery in villages: "two solid and three virtual". Small needle embroidery, small scarf embroidery, and diamond needlework embroidery all have their own rules. The scope of flat needle embroidery is much larger than that of needle embroidery, and only works embroidered according to the rules of needle embroidery are considered needle embroidery. Many countries and regions have embroidery art mainly based on the flat needle technique, and it is necessary to respect the local embroidery names. Cannot be modified arbitrarily.


Ci Zi Xiu

2.【泰国刺子绣】 刺子绣是日本的传统刺绣之一,刺子绣是日文“刺し子”的中文翻译词,泰国+日本的刺绣名这样组合不恰当,同样的道理不能说泰国苏绣、泰国蜀绣。
Misconceptions in Embroidery:
2.[Thai Embroidery] Embroidery is one of the traditional embroidery styles in Japan. Embroidery is the Chinese translation of the Japanese word for "zhi し zi". The combination of Thai and Japanese embroidery names is inappropriate, and the same principle cannot be applied to Thai Su embroidery or Thai Shu embroidery.


Stitch embroidery may seem simple on the surface, but once you get started, you will understand that it is not that simple. Simplicity is the surface. To embroider stitch well, it is difficult to make progress without one or two years of effort and one or two kilometers of embroidery thread.

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