麦秆画 | 非物质文化遗产

文摘   2024-08-11 16:07   马来西亚  


Wheat straw painting


Straw painting is one of China's unique characteristic handicrafts, a type of folk clip art in Anyang City, Henan Province, China. Although straw painting comes from the folk, it is very rare, especially as a royal tribute.


It is made from wheat straw and completed through more than ten processes such as steaming, boiling, soaking, cutting, scraping, grinding, pasting, cutting, ironing, pasting, and combination. Its themes mainly involve flowers, birds, insects, fish, landscape scenery, pavilions, towers, fashionable figures, ancient and modern poetry, etc. Wheat straw painting has a wide range of themes and rich content. It is not only suitable for decoration, conference gifts, and various souvenirs in living rooms, bedrooms, hotels, conference rooms, etc. Wheat straw painting is known as a "masterpiece of Chinese art" and a "masterpiece of Chinese handmade art", so it has extremely high collection value.



东汉刘秀被王莽追杀,万般无奈,藏于麦地之中,麦草随即化为树林保护刘秀。因此当地人视麦草为祈福迎祥之草,逐制作麦草画,供奉朝廷。 依此传说,东汉年间麦秆画的艺术层次与寓意又有了历史性的发展与升华。

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, Liu Xiu was chased by Wang Mang and had no choice but to hide in a wheat field. The straw immediately turned into a forest to protect Liu Xiu. Therefore, the locals regard straw as a source of blessings and auspiciousness, and gradually make straw paintings to worship the court. According to this legend, the artistic level and symbolism of straw painting in the Eastern Han Dynasty underwent a historic development and sublimation.


Wheat straw painting originated from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, and it belongs to the art of cutting and pasting together with Paper Cuttings and cloth pasting. It is a collection of the intellectual crystallization of hardworking and intelligent working people. Since the Qin Dynasty, it has been used as a high-end accessory, hanging in the attic of palaces and mansions of wealthy families. In the Sui and Tang dynasties, it was officially regarded as a palace craft and appreciated and collected among the royal family and nobles. This is also one of the reasons why the legendary wheat straw painting has been difficult to find for a long time.


In the late Song Dynasty, small shapes such as wheat straw fans, insects, auspiciousness, and blessings made by piecing together Chinese toon gum and peach gum appeared in the folk of Puyang. As the main food for survival, wheat has always been regarded as a sacred object by people. In ancient times, when worshipping heaven and earth, wheat was given a high status, symbolizing harvest and wealth.


Wheat straw painting not only has a strong folk flavor due to its material source, but also symbolizes auspiciousness and nobility. However, in the feudal agricultural society, although wheat straw paintings came from the folk, they were also very rare, and because they were a tribute to the royal family, they could not be popular among ordinary people. They could only be appreciated and collected as a rare art among the royal family and nobles.

Wheat straw painting


Production process


After multiple processes such as cutting, bleaching, scraping, grinding and ironing, on the premise of keeping the natural luster and texture of wheat straw unchanged, the author boldly uses painting, printmaking, Paper Cuttings, pyrography, relief and other expression techniques, and cuts and pastes them as needed to create exquisite arts and crafts works.

麦秆画的制作原料是麦子,用剪刀把头去掉,尾去掉,所剩的是中间部分 ,所选留的中间段麦秆粗细最好在 5 毫米左右,如果太粗的话皮就厚,细的话面又太窄了,都不适合后面的利用。

The raw material for making straw paintings is wheat. Use scissors to remove the head and tail, leaving only the middle part. The thickness of the selected middle section of straw should be around 5 millimeters. If it is too thick, the skin will be thick, and if it is too thin, the surface will be too narrow, which is not suitable for later use.


灌流:这个步骤要反复的进行十几次,要确保每一根麦秆都被水浸透,然后浸泡15 分钟左右。夏天的时候最好用凉水,冬天用温水,浸泡麦秆,是为了让麦秆充分的吃水、软化,这样便于下一步的操作。

刮料:15 分钟以后把麦秆从水里捞出来,然后轻轻的甩干,进行乱料。用水果刀从中间把麦秆刨开,然后进行刮平。刮的时候不要用力太大 ,要始终顺着一个方向刮,如果用力太大的话会损坏里面内层的薄毛。处理好麦秆这个平面以后该粘到纸上了,所用的纸是 60 克单胶纸,白纸。然后要加入一些清水和白乳胶 ,调适均匀就可以了。把胶埔到纸的表面,然后把麦秆粘上去,在贴的时候要注意 ,麦秆中间的抵压部分最多不能超过 1 毫米。注意按麦秆深浅颜色的不同,粘贴需要区分方向,粘满白纸就成为一块料。

Watering: Rinse the straw back and forth in water.

Irrigation: This step needs to be repeated more than ten times to ensure that each straw is soaked in water, and then soaked for about 15 minutes. It is best to use cold water in summer and warm water in winter to soak the wheat straw. This is to allow the straw to fully absorb water and soften, making it easier for the next step of operation.

Scraping: After 15 minutes, remove the straw from the water and gently shake it dry for mixing. Use a fruit knife to slice open the straw from the middle and then scrape it flat. When scraping, do not apply too much force, always scrape in one direction. If you apply too much force, it will damage the thin hair inside. After processing the flat surface of the straw, it should be glued onto paper. The paper used is 60g single adhesive paper and white paper. Then add some water and white latex, adjust evenly. Apply glue to the surface of the paper and then stick the straw onto it. When pasting, be careful not to exceed 1 millimeter of pressure in the middle of the straw. Pay attention to the different shades and colors of wheat straw, and distinguish the direction of pasting. When pasting white paper, it becomes a piece of material.

粘完麦秆以后,插上电熨斗的电源,一般需要 2--3 分钟,用手感觉一下,前面的有一点温度,切掉电源,然后用力推烫,这样有利于把麦秆压平,表面形成一个平面。把正面熨完以后翻过来,再用熨斗把潮气烘干,这样一板完整的料就做好了。然后把边缘去掉,做好以后,待用下料。

After sticking the straw, plug in the power of the electric iron, which usually takes 2-3 minutes. Use your hands to feel the temperature of the front part, cut off the power, and then push it hard to flatten the straw, forming a flat surface. After ironing the front side, turn it over and use an iron to dry the moisture. This way, a complete board of material is ready. Then remove the edges and prepare them for cutting.

Wheat straw painting




Straw itself has a natural luster and texture, and through the skillful handling of artists, it can present rich colors and delicate textures, making straw paintings have unique aesthetic value.


Wheat straw painting contains profound folk culture. As a unique Chinese handicraft, it inherits and promotes the art of wheat straw painting, conveys social responsibility, and reflects respect and inheritance of traditional culture. Wheat straw painting is regarded as a "unique masterpiece of China" and a "masterpiece of Chinese handmade art", with extremely high collection value. It is hailed as a "type of traditional Chinese folk handicraft", showcasing the unique artistic charm and cultural connotation of wheat straw painting.


Wheat straw painting has a wide range of themes and rich content, involving flowers, birds, insects, fish, landscape scenery, pavilions and towers, fashionable figures, ancient and modern poetry, etc. It is not only suitable for decoration in living rooms, bedrooms, hotels, hotels, conference rooms, as well as conference gifts and various souvenirs, but can also be applied to permanent indoor decoration in homes, hotels, shops, conference halls, etc., demonstrating its wide application value and artistic beauty.


The production and development of straw paintings not only enrich the spiritual world of humanity, but also protect the natural environment and promote sustainable development. Through continuous innovation and development, straw painting has integrated modern art ideas and painting techniques, creating works with clear layers, reasonable perspective, and natural light perception, which has revolutionized its production process and burst out with even more brilliant light. This combination of tradition and modernity injects new vitality into traditional handicrafts, enabling them to adapt to the needs and aesthetics of modern society.



Wheat straw painting has the advantages of glossy transparency, good decorative effect, and strong artistic appeal. The design of wheat straw painting is roughly the same as painting. When designing, full consideration should be given to the natural silk patterns on the wheat straw, and the horizontal, horizontal, vertical, and diagonal brightness presented by its cutting and pasting should be used to express the color and taste of the painting. In the design, the color tone and luster of the straw should be naturally harmonious, and the main tone should be clear.

The artistic expression of modern straw painting is no longer limited to paintings, but is more integrated with other art decorations or daily necessities, enhancing its practicality.

Wheat straw painting

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