孤独的单身男人想要浪漫,孤独的单身女性不会 | 今日心理学

时事   2024-12-05 07:57   山东  
Lonely Single Men Want Romance.
Lonely Single Women Don’t.
A recent study challenges the assumption that everyone is looking for love.
Posted November 30, 2024 
Reviewed by Margaret Foley
发表于 2024 年 11 月 30 日
由 Margaret Foley 测评

1. romance [rəˈmæns, rəʊ-] n. (通常指短暂的)浪漫史,爱情关系,风流韵事;爱情,恋爱;传奇色彩,浪漫情调;(对某物的)迷恋,钟情;爱情故事;传奇故事;浪漫曲 v. 向……求爱,追求(某人);夸张,渲染;讨好,奉承 adj. (语言)罗曼语的 【名】 (romance)(西)罗曼塞(人名);romances;romances;romancing;romanced;romanced

2. assumption [əˈsʌmpʃən] n. 假定,假设;取得,承担;assumptions

3. romantic [rəˈmæntɪk] adj. (人)浪漫的,有情调的;(事物)富有浪漫色彩的,充满浪漫气息的;爱情的,情爱的;不切实际的,空想的;(文学、艺术和音乐)浪漫主义的(romantic) n. 浪漫的人;爱幻想的人,空想者;浪漫主义作家(或音乐家、艺术家)(romantic);romantics

4. married [ˈmærɪd] adj. 结婚的,已婚的;婚姻的,夫妇的;专心于……的,全神贯注于……的;紧密结合的 n. 已婚者 v. 结婚,嫁,娶;为……主持婚礼;把……嫁给,为……娶亲(marry 的过去式和过去分词形式);marrieds;married

5. striking [ˈstraɪkɪŋ] adj. 惊人的,异常的;妩媚动人的,标致的;罢工的;打击的 n. 撞击,碰撞 v. 打,撞;(用手或武器等)打;罢工(strike 的现在分词形式)

6. finding [ˈfaɪndɪŋ] n. 结果,发现;判决,裁决;(制作服装、鞋子或首饰用的)一应小物件(或小工具) v. 找到,感到(fin. 的现在分词形式);findings

7. grace [greɪs] n. 优美,优雅;文雅,高雅;风度,体面;恩宠,恩典;饭前感恩祷告;宽限期,延缓期;大人(用于对公爵、公爵夫人或大主教的尊称) v. 为增色,装饰;使增光,使荣耀 【名】 (grace)(英)格雷斯,格雷丝 (女名),(法)格拉斯(人名);graces;graces;gracing;graced;graced

8. issue [ˈɪsjuː] n. 议题,争论点;(报纸、杂志等的)期,号;发放,分配;(新股票或邮票等的)发行;子女,后嗣;流出,发出;结果,后果 v. 发表,颁布;分发,分配;正式发行;流出,发出;由……产生,由……得出;issues;issues;issuing;issued;issued

9. rarely [ˈreəlɪ] adv. 罕有,很少;异乎寻常地,极度

10. sample [ˈsæmpl] n. 样本,样品;试用产品,试样;(供科学或医学检测用的)抽样样本;(抽查的)样本,抽选人员;(用于新乐曲中的)选录的歌曲片段 v. 品尝,尝试(食品、饮料);体验(活动);对……作抽样调查;节录,选录(歌曲等,用于其他录音);确定(模拟信号)瞬时值 adj. 样品的,实例的 【名】 (sample)(美、英、爱尔兰)桑普尔(人名);samples;samples;sampling;sampled;sampled

11. solo [ˈsəʊləʊ] adj. 单独的,独自的;独奏的,单人表演的;(击球时)垒上无跑垒员的;(摩托车)没有跨斗的 n. 单人表演,单飞,独自完成的事情;单人纸牌戏,惠斯特纸牌戏;惠斯特纸牌戏中为赢五圈牌的叫牌;没有跨斗的摩托车 v. 独奏,独唱;单独飞行;单人攀登 adv. 单独地,独自地;solos;soli;soloes;solos;soloing;soloed;soloed

12. commit [kəˈmɪt] v. 犯(罪、错);调拨,投入;(使)承诺,承担义务;郑重承诺,忠于;把……关进医院(监狱),监禁;传唤(某人)到法院受审;订婚,决定与(某人)保持长期感情;把……托付给;commits;committing;committed;committed

13. survey [sɜːˈveɪ] n. 民意调查,民意测验;考察,调查;(对课题或情况的)全面考察,概述;测量,勘测;测绘图,勘测记录;测量部门;(尤指为欲购房者所做的)房屋鉴定;查勘报告 v. 做民意测验,做民意调查;(尤指认真地)审视,检查;测量,勘测;(尤指为可能的买家)查勘,检视(建筑物的状况);全面评述,概述;surveys;surveys;surveying;surveyed;surveyed

14. numb [nʌm] adj. 麻木的,失去感觉的;迟钝的,呆滞的 v. 使麻木,使失去知觉;使迟钝,使呆滞;使(某种感觉)减轻,使减弱;number;numbs;numbing;numbed;numbed

15. remarkable [rɪˈmɑːkəbl] adj. 引人注目的,非凡的

16. straightforward [streɪtˈfɔːwəd] adj. 简单的,易懂的;(人)诚实的,坦率的 adv. 直截了当地,坦率地

17. initiate [ɪˈnɪʃɪeɪt] v. 开始实施,发起;使了解,传授;(尤指在秘密仪式上)使加入,接纳 n. 新加入某组织的人,新入会的人;initiates;initiates;initiating;initiated;initiated

18. divorce [dɪˈvɔːs] n. 离婚;离婚判决;分开,脱离 v. 与(某人)离婚;使分离,割裂;divorces;divorces;divorcing;divorced;divorced

19. division [dɪˈvɪʒən] n. 分开,分配;除法;部门;分歧,不和;分界线;(军队编制中的)师;(英国议会的)分组表决;(足球等体育运动中联赛的)级;divisions

20. household [ˈhaʊshəʊld] n. 家庭,一家人;家务;王室(the household) adj. 家用的,家务的;全家人的;家喻户晓的;皇家的(household) 【名】 (household)(美、瑞)豪斯霍尔德(人名);households

21. assume [əˈsjuːm] v. 假定,假设,认为;装出,做出;承担,就职;呈现,具有;夺取,篡夺;assumes;assuming;assumed;assumed

22. identify [aɪˈdentɪfaɪ] v. 认出,识别;查明,确认;发现;证明(身份),表明;认同,理解;认为……和……一致;和(某人)打成一片;identifies;identifying;identified;identified

23. embrace [ɪmˈbreɪs] v. 拥抱;欣然接受,乐意采纳;包括,涉及;围绕,环绕 n. 拥抱;接受,信奉;embraces;embraces;embracing;embraced;embraced

24. unlikely [ʌnˈlaɪklɪ] adj. 不大可能发生的;未必真实的,难以相信的;非心目中的,不大恰当的;不典型的;(两个人或物)不般配的 adv. 未必;unlikelier

25. mostly [ˈməʊstlɪ] adv. 多半,主要地;几乎全部,几乎所有

26. speculate [ˈspekjəˌleɪt] v. 猜测,推测;投机;speculates;speculating;speculated;speculated

27. motivate [ˈməʊtɪveɪt] v. 成为……的动机,是……的原因;激励,激发;申请;motivates;motivating;motivated;motivated

28. nurture [ˈnɜːtʃə] v. 培养,促进;养育,培育;抱有,怀有;扶持,帮助;滋养,滋生 n. 养育,培育;教养;(总称)环境因素;nurtures;nurturing;nurtured;nurtured

29. regardless [rɪˈgɑːdlɪs] adv. 不顾,不加理会;不管怎样,无论如何 adj. 不管的,不注意的

30. significant [sɪgˈnɪfɪkənt] adj. 显著的,相当数量的;重要的,意义重大的;别有含义的,意味深长的 n. 象征,有意义的事物

31. fundamental [ˌfʌndəˈmentl] adj. 根本的,基本的;必需的,必不可少的;不能再分的 n. 基本原理;基音,基频;fundamentals

Single people who are lonely want to go on dates and start romantic relationships, right? For lonely single men, that’s true. But for lonely single women, not so much. In fact, among single women who had previously been married, more than 70 percent of the loneliest of them were not very interested in romance.

孤独的单身人士想去约会并开始浪漫的关系,对吧?对于孤独的单身男性来说,这是真的。但对于孤独的单身女性来说,情况就不那么好了。事实上,在以前结过婚的单身女性中,超过 70% 的最孤独的人对浪漫不是很感兴趣。

Those were some of the striking findings reported in "Is everyone “looking for love?" by Yale sociologists Hannah Tessler, Meera Choi, and Grace Kao. The article was published earlier this year (2024) in the Journal of Family Issues.

这些是耶鲁大学社会学家 Hannah Tessler、Meera Choi 和 Grace Kao 在《每个人都在“寻找爱”吗》中报告的一些引人注目的发现。这篇文章于今年(2024 年)早些时候发表在《家庭问题杂志》上。

Is Everyone Looking for Romantic Love? Not at All.


The assumption that just about everyone is looking for romantic love is so pervasive, and until recently so rarely challenged, that it strikes some people as a truism about human nature. That’s just what it's like to be an adult: It is normal and natural to want to be in a romantic relationship. Only it isn’t.


In 2019, the Pew Research Center found that among a national U.S. sample of solo single people (not married, not cohabiting, and not in a committed romantic relationship), half were not interested in a romantic relationship or even a date. When they conducted a similar survey in 2022, the percentage had increased a bit: 56 percent were just not interested.

2019 年,皮尤研究中心发现,在美国全国性的单身人士样本中(未婚、未同居、未承诺的浪漫关系),一半人对浪漫关系甚至约会不感兴趣。当他们在 2022 年进行类似调查时,百分比略有增加:56% 的人只是不感兴趣。

Tessler and her colleagues found the same thing. In their analysis of a national U.S. sample of solo single people surveyed in 2021, they learned that 51 percent of them were not interested in going on dates or starting a romantic relationship.

Tessler 和她的同事发现了同样的事情。在他们对 2021 年接受调查的美国全国单身人士样本的分析中,他们了解到其中 51% 的人对约会或开始浪漫关系不感兴趣。

That number, 51 percent, came from averaging across all of the solo single people in the study. It mattered, though, whether they were men or women and whether they had always been single (never married) or had been previously married.

这个数字 (51%) 来自研究中所有单身人士的平均值。不过,重要的是他们是男人还是女人,他们是一直单身(从未结婚)还是以前结过婚。

Among the previously married, a remarkable 73 percent of the women were not interested in romance. Among the previously married men, that number was 50 percent.

在以前结过婚的人中,有 73% 的女性对浪漫不感兴趣。在以前结过婚的男性中,这个数字是 50%。

Among those who were never married, the women were again more likely to say they were uninterested in dating or romantic relationships than the men, but the difference was much smaller, 47 percent vs. 44 percent.

在从未结婚的人中,女性再次比男性更有可能说她们对约会或浪漫关系不感兴趣,但差异要小得多,分别为 47% 对 44%。

For both the never-married and previously married women, the older solo singles were even less likely to be interested in romance than the younger ones. (The patterns were less straightforward for the men.)


The researchers did not have data available to explain their results. Typically, when previously married women express less interest in romantic relationships than men, and when it is shown that they are more likely to initiate divorce, what happens inside the marriage is posited as an explanation. For example, even as the division of household chores and caring for children has become more equal over time, women, on average, still do more than their share.


Those kinds of explanations may well have some validity, but they assume that women want to be single because of what they didn’t like about being married. What I have learned in my study of the single at heart is that many people—men, women, and people who identify as neither, the previously married as well as the lifelong single people—are attracted to single life because they appreciate what it has to offer. They are not so much avoiding romance as embracing the freedom, the social connections, and the psychological richness of single life. Because they appreciate solitude rather than being afraid of it, they are especially unlikely to feel lonely.


Loneliness as a Possible Driver of Romantic Interest—or Not


Among solo singles who have never been married, the loneliest among them do typically want romance. But again, that was mostly true for the single men. Among the previously married, too, the lonely single men were especially interested in dating and having a romantic relationship.


Tessler and her colleagues did not test any explanations for these differences, so we can only speculate. Maybe when women feel lonely, they are more motivated to reach out to friends and family than to a romantic partner. They often have more experience at nurturing ties with friends and family than men do. Or maybe they have learned, through experience, that the promise of romantic relationships as a cure for loneliness is often a false one.

Tessler 和她的同事没有对这些差异进行任何解释,因此我们只能推测。也许当女性感到孤独时,她们更有动力去联系朋友和家人,而不是浪漫的伴侣。他们通常比男性更能培养与朋友和家人的联系。或者,也许他们已经通过经验了解到,浪漫关系可以治愈孤独的承诺往往是错误的。

Regardless of the explanations for their findings, what Tessler and her colleagues have documented is significant. In this research, and in some of Tessler’s other work, she is throwing data at the presumption that everyone is looking for romantic love, and knocking it down. She is taking aim at something fundamental—what we assume to be normal and natural and universal desires among adults.

无论对他们的发现有何解释,Tessler 和她的同事们记录的内容都很重要。在这项研究以及 Tessler 的其他一些工作中,她将数据抛向每个人都在寻找浪漫爱情的假设,并将其推翻。她瞄准的是一些基本的东西——我们认为是成年人中正常、自然和普遍的愿望。


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