What does the tightness of our clothes say about our emotions? You’d be surprised
Desperate to be swaddled, embraced or comforted? You may find yourself reaching for a skintight T-shirt or some Kim Kardashian shapewear
渴望被包裹、拥抱或安慰?你可能会发现自己想要一件紧身 T 恤或一些金·卡戴珊塑身衣
Moya Sarner
Mon 2 Dec 2024 11.00 GMT
2024 年 12 月 2 日星期一 11:00 GMT
Now that winter has arrived, with its bone-chilling winds and dark nights that start in the afternoon, I find myself reaching more and more for one particular jumper, which used to be loose-fitting and now is anything but. When I took it out of the washing machine and realised it should never have been in there in the first place – and that, as a result, it looked like something my toddler might wear – I felt angry and disappointed with myself for my mistake. But this soon transformed into elation when, after giving it a bit of a stretch, I found not only that it still fitted, but that it did so like a glove.
In shrinking, the fabric has transformed. Previously a lightweight spring number, the jumper has become a tightly woven, thermal-style top that keeps me toasty, letting no air in or out and giving very little, like a woollen wetsuit. In it, I am impervious to the cold – I don’t even need a coat. Wearing it feels like receiving a tight hug, which, in these dark days, is exactly what I want. The only problem is that the neck sometimes seems so constricting that it feels as if I can’t breathe.
But what on earth, you may be thinking, has this got to do with building a better life?
Well, sometimes a shrunken jumper is not just a shrunken jumper. At times, we all find ourselves reaching for a protective outer layer that feels comfortable and comforting because it is impenetrable. We unconsciously believe that this psycho-emotional thermal will shield us from the cold, darkness and rejection that threaten to come from other people and, perhaps more frighteningly, from within us. It feels safe and warm inside this protective force field – but the reality is that, in a fundamental way that has nothing to do with oxygen, we cannot breathe. We might feel relieved to be at a distance from others who could reject us, but we might also find ourselves unable to make contact with others who could offer us love, care and attention. And we might find ourselves unable to love them back.
Deep down, we crave a feeling of emotional containment, but this kind of psychological skin cannot be ordered online
Whether the dark and cold come from the climate outside or our own internal weather, the temptation to wrap up comprehensively needs to be thought about. If we wear too many thick layers, we will end up a hot, sweaty mess; if we give in to the instinct to hibernate, barricade the doors, eschew the office party and do nothing but watch movies and eat chocolate for months, we could find that we never want to leave the house again. And if our response to heartbreak – whether romantic or platonic – is never to let anyone in, to keep all others at a safe distance where they cannot hurt us, we risk a loneliness that is even more painful, and far more difficult to emerge from, than a relationship breakdown.
I often wonder about the psychological and emotional meaning of wearing clothes that cling: skinny jeans, skintight T-shirts and Kim Kardashian’s Skims shapewear. I think it’s not just about how these clothes make us look, but also about how we want to feel inside. Deep down, we crave a feeling of emotional containment, but this kind of psychological skin cannot be ordered online. When we are missing a sense of feeling secure with boundaries, safe within ourselves – unable to find meaning in our emotions and thoughts, instead feeling constantly overwhelmed by them – perhaps we seek a secure physical container instead. One thing I have noticed is that the deeper I have gone into psychoanalysis, the looser my clothes have become. Slim-fit rather than skinny. A little more space to breathe.
我经常想知道穿着紧身衣服的心理和情感意义:紧身牛仔裤、紧身 T 恤和金·卡戴珊的 Skims 塑身衣。我认为这不仅关乎这些衣服让我们看起来如何,还关乎我们内心想要的感觉。在内心深处,我们渴望一种情感包容的感觉,但这种心理上的皮肤无法在网上订购。当我们缺乏一种有界限的安全感、内心安全感时——无法在我们的情绪和思想中找到意义,反而感到不断被它们压倒——也许我们会寻求一个安全的物理容器。我注意到的一件事是,我对精神分析的了解越深,我的衣服就变得越宽松。修身而不是紧身。多一点呼吸的空间。
You may argue that these changes came about because fashion has moved on, I have aged and my style has changed for other reasons – a natural progression from skinny jeans to mom jeans. I am sure that’s also true. Part of growing up in my analysis has meant being able to hold in mind that many different things can be true at the same time. But I also think that, as my analyst has offered me a different kind of containment, and as my own psychic skin has grown more robust as a result, I have less need to seek this in my wardrobe.
This brings me back to my shrunken jumper, which I continue to wear, despite its suffocating neck. It is comfortable and uncomfortable – like those old skinny jeans. It may be that I cling to it so tightly because I cannot bear the loss of a much-loved sweater that came to harm by my own hand. That’s the thing about building a better life and a more comfortable wardrobe (and about breathing out): you have to learn to let go.
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