无手机学校,可行吗?| 金融时报

时事   2024-11-14 07:58   山东  
菲利普•赫斯特(Philip Hurst)是一所学校的校长,他自豪地称之为“无手机学校”。
位于英国萨福克郡弗拉姆林厄姆的托马斯•米尔斯高中(Thomas Mills High School),正成为越来越多的选择对智能手机实施严格规定的英国学校之一。人们正日益担忧手机对儿童心理健康的影响。


1. mill [mɪl] n. 磨坊,磨粉厂;工厂,制造厂;一百万;磨粉机,磨麪机;密尔,厘;机器,铣床;引擎;一百万 v. (用磨粉机)碾碎,磨成粉;(一大群人)闲逛,转悠;碾(轧,铣)(金属);轧出(硬币的)边纹;使(羊毛或其他动物纤维)缩绒(或缩呢) 【名】 (mill)米尔(人名);mills;mills;milling;milled;milled

2. numb [nʌm] adj. 麻木的,失去感觉的;迟钝的,呆滞的 v. 使麻木,使失去知觉;使迟钝,使呆滞;使(某种感觉)减轻,使减弱;number;numbs;numbing;numbed;numbed

3. impose [ɪmˈpəʊz] v. 强制推行,强制实行;把(自己的观点、信仰等)强加于;打扰,麻烦;把(活字页)拼版;欺骗;imposes;imposing;imposed;imposed

4. mount [maʊnt] v. 组织,开展;爬上,登上;骑上;增多,增加,上升;增强,加剧;镶嵌,裱贴,安置;上演,展出;爬上(雌性动物的背)进行交配;设置(岗哨),担任(警卫);把(观察对象)固定于显微镜的载玻片 n. 山,山峰;坐骑,马;登,骑;(相片)框,(艺术品)装帧,衬托纸;底座,底架;(贴邮票用的)透明胶纸;(显微镜观察的)封片;掌丘 【名】 (mount)(英)芒特(人名);mounts;mounts;mounting;mounted;mounted

5. impact [ˈɪmpækt] n. 撞击,冲击力;巨大影响,强大作用 v. 冲击,撞击;挤入,压紧;(对……)产生影响

6. locker [ˈlɒkə] n. 锁柜,寄物柜;冷藏间;锁具;(衣服、杂物、器械、军火的)存放室,箱 【名】 (locker)(美)洛克(人名);lockers

7. financial [faɪˈnænʃəl, ˌfɪ-] adj. 财政的,金融的;有钱的;(俱乐部或社团成员)已缴费的 n. (组织或个人的)财务状况;金融公司股票

8. await [əˈweɪt] v. 等待,期待;将发生在,将降临到……身上;awaits;awaiting;awaited;awaited

9. whereas [(h)weərˈæz] conj. (表示对比)但是,然而;鉴于(用于文件的开头) n. 序言,开场白;条件语句;whereases

10. occurrence [əˈkʌrəns] n. 发生的事,事件;发生,出现(尤指意外且令人不快的事);occurrences

11. suicide [ˈsjəɪsaɪd] n. 自杀;自杀者;自杀性的行为,自取灭亡的行为;(篮球中的)自杀训练 adj. 自杀的,与自杀有关的 v. 自杀;suicides;suicides;suiciding;suicided;suicided

12. property [ˈprɒpətɪ] n. 所有物,财产;地产,房地产;房地产股票(或投资)(properties);所有权,处置权;特性,性质;properties

13. withstand [wɪðˈstænd] v. 顶住,抵住;经受住,承受住(攻击、批评等);反抗;withstands;withstanding;withstood;withstood

14. accord [əˈkɔːd] n. 协议,条约;符合,一致 v. 使受到,给予(某种待遇);(与……)一致,符合;accords;accords;according;accorded;accorded

15. poll [pəʊl] n. 民意调查,民意测验;选举投票,计票;投票数;投票点(the polls);头顶,头皮;无角动物(尤指无角牛) v. 对……进行民意测验(调查);获得(票数);(电信,计算机)轮询,探询;截掉(动物,尤指小牛)的角;修枝 【名】 【名】(poll)(德、匈、罗、英)波尔(人名);polls;polls;polling;polled;polled

16. survey [sɜːˈveɪ] n. 民意调查,民意测验;考察,调查;(对课题或情况的)全面考察,概述;测量,勘测;测绘图,勘测记录;测量部门;(尤指为欲购房者所做的)房屋鉴定;查勘报告 v. 做民意测验,做民意调查;(尤指认真地)审视,检查;测量,勘测;(尤指为可能的买家)查勘,检视(建筑物的状况);全面评述,概述;surveys;surveys;surveying;surveyed;surveyed

17. deposit [dɪˈpɒzɪt] v. 放下,放置;储蓄;存放,寄存;沉积,沉淀;支付(押金、订金或预缴费用) n. 沉积物,沉积层;订金;押金;存款;竞选保证金;deposits;deposits;depositing;deposited;deposited

18. significant [sɪgˈnɪfɪkənt] adj. 显著的,相当数量的;重要的,意义重大的;别有含义的,意味深长的 n. 象征,有意义的事物

19. medium [ˈmɪːdɪəm] n. 媒介,媒体;方法,手段;(艺术创作)材料,素材;灵媒,巫师;培养基;环境;中等,中号;存储(或打印)介质;(颜料)溶剂(如油或水);(品质、状态)中等,中庸 adj. 中等的,中间的,适中的;五分熟的,半熟的;(程度、强度或数量)平均的;(颜色)不深不浅的,适中的;(投球,投球手)中速的;media;mediums

20. despite [dɪsˈpaɪt] prep. 尽管,即使;不由自主地,忍不住地 n. 亵渎;轻蔑,鄙视 v. 蔑视;激怒;despites;despiting;despited;despited

21. minimum [ˈmɪnɪməm] adj. 最小的,最低限度的 n. 最小值,最低限度 adv. 最低,至少;minima;minimums

22. demonstrate [ˈdemənstreɪt] v. 证明;示范,演示;表露;游行,示威;demonstrates;demonstrating;demonstrated;demonstrated

23. disorder [dɪsˈɔːdə] n. 混乱,杂乱;骚乱,动乱;紊乱,疾病 v. 打乱,使紊乱;disorders;disorders;disordering;disordered;disordered

24. device [dɪˈvaɪs] n. 装置,设备;手段,方法;花招,诡计;炸弹,爆炸装置;图画,设计;(某物的)样式,外表;devices

25. correlate [ˈkɒrɪleɪt] v. 相互关联;显示紧密联系 n. 相关的事物;correlates;correlates;correlating;correlated;correlated

26. directly [dɪˈrektlɪ, daɪˈrektlɪ] adv. 直接地,径直地;坦率地;恰好,正好;立即,很快地 conj. 一……就……

27. global [ˈgləʊbəl] adj. 全球的,全世界的;全面的,整体的;(计算机)全局的;球形的

28. academic [ˌækəˈdemɪk] adj. 学业的,学术的;学校的,学院的;学业(成绩)优秀的,善于学习的;不切实际的,空谈的 n. 大学教师,学者;(学校或学院的)课程;大学生;academics

29. uncover [ʌnˈkʌvə] v. 揭露,发现;揭开盖子,移开覆盖物;发掘,挖出;脱帽(尤指表示敬意);uncovers;uncovering;uncovered;uncovered

30. linear [ˈlɪnɪə] adj. 直线的,线性的;长度的;连续的,连贯的;(关系)直接的,明显的

31. site [saɪt] n. (建筑的)工地,用地;(某事发生的)地点,现场;(作某种用途的)场所,场地;网站,站点(=website);(身体的某个)部位;(城镇、建筑物或纪念碑的)地基,选址;遗址,原址;(帐篷或大篷车内)歇脚的地方 v. 使坐落在,为......选址;sites;sites;siting;sited;sited

32. conservative [kənˈsɜːvətɪv] adj. 保守的;保守派的,保守主义的(认为政府应该实行政治保守主义);(衣着)守旧的,传统的;低估的;保守党的;不愿冒险的,谨慎的 n. 保守者,因循守旧者;保守党党员,保守党支持者;conservatives

33. learning [ˈlɜːnɪŋ] n. 学习;知识,学问 v. 得知,获悉;学习,学会;认识到,从……吸取教训(learn 的现在分词形式)

34. proposal [prəˈpəʊzəl] n. 提议,建议;(计划、建议等的)提出;求婚;proposals

35. consent [kənˈsent] n. 许可,允许;同意,赞同;正式批准文件,批文 v. 赞同,准许,同意 【名】 (consent)(美、法、荷)孔桑(人名);consents;consents;consenting;consented;consented

36. ensure [ɪnˈʃʊə] v. 确保,保证;保护,使安全;ensures;ensuring;ensured;ensured

37. version [ˈvɜːʃən] n. (同一种物件稍有不同的)样式,型号;(从不同角度的)说法,描述;(电影、剧本、乐曲等的)版本,改编形式;《圣经》译本;胎位倒转术 v. 创制……的新版本,更新……的版本;versions

38. timely [ˈtaɪmlɪ] adj. 及时的,适时的 adv. 及时地;早;timelier

39. pledge [pledʒ] n. 誓言,保证,承诺;捐款承诺;戒酒誓言(the pledge);信物;抵押品;(美国大学中)宣誓加入男生(女生)联谊会的人;为健康祝酒 v. 保证,发誓;使保证,使许诺;承诺给予,承诺提供;用……抵押,以……典押;宣誓加入(大学男生联谊会或女生联谊会);为健康祝酒 【名】 (pledge)(英)普莱奇(人名);pledges;pledges;pledging;pledged;pledged

40. disastrous [dɪˈzɑːstrəs] adj. 灾难性的,使损失惨重的;极失败的,很糟的

41. context [ˈkɒntekst] n. 背景,环境;上下文,语境;contexts

42. drain [dreɪn] v. (使)排出,滤干;喝光,喝干;使劳累,使疲惫;(使)逐渐消失;使降低,消耗;(通常指因惊吓或疾病而脸色)变苍白;漂亮地完成(投篮、射门等);将(球)轻击入穴 n. 下水道,排水管;流失,消耗;(将体内液体排走的)导管,引流管;(场效应晶体管的)漏极;使人疲倦的事物,负担 【名】 (drain)(英、美、法、加)德兰(人名);drains;drains;draining;drained;drained

43. resource [rɪˈsɔːs] n. 自然资源;资源(指钱、物、人等);有助于实现目标的东西,资料;(对付困境所需的)个人素质(resources);(逆境中的)出路,应付办法;谋略,智谋 v. 向……提供资金(或设备);resources;resources;resourcing;resourced;resourced

44. dumb [dʌm] adj. 哑的,不能说话的;一时说不出话的,不肯开口的;愚蠢的;(计算机终端)简易的 v. 使通俗化;使变哑,使沉默;dumber;dumbest;dumbs;dumbing;dumbed;dumbed

45. dissolve [dɪˈzɒlv] v. 解散,解除;消失;(以化学手段)除去,分散;(使)溶解 n. (电影中)(画面的)叠化,淡入淡出;dissolves;dissolves;dissolving;dissolved;dissolved

46. virgin [ˈvɜːdʒɪn] n. 处女,童男;无经验的人,新手;(昆)孤雌生殖的雌虫;圣母马利亚(the virgin);室女宫(the virgin. adj. 原始状态的,未开发的;处女的,处男的;(橄榄油)初榨的;(尤指白色物品)纯洁的,未玷污的;(黏土)未烧制的;(羊毛)未纺过的;(金属)从矿石直接提取的,原生的;virgins

47. overall [ˈəʊvərɔːl] adj. 总的,全面的;所有的,包括一切的 adv. 全部,总共;总的说来,大体上 n. (工作时穿的)罩衣;(上下连身的)工作服,防护服(overalls);背带工装裤(overalls);骑马裤,紧身制服裤(overalls);overalls

48. contact [ˈkɒntækt] n. 联系,联络;接触,触摸;联络人,熟人,社会关系;会见,往来,接触;传染病接触者;隐形眼镜;接通电,触点,接头;(无线电)通信 v. 联系,联络;接触 adj. 供联络的;接触性的,通过接触而起作用的;contacts;contacts;contacting;contacted;contacted

49. engagement [ɪnˈgeɪdʒmənt] n. 婚约,订婚;约会,约定;交战,战斗;演出任务;聘用,雇用;参加,从事;(与……的)密切关系,(对……的)了解;啮合;(与……的)密切关系,(对……的)了解;engagements

Philip Hurst is the headteacher of what he proudly describes as a “phone-free school”.

菲利普•赫斯特(Philip Hurst)是一所学校的校长,他自豪地称之为“无手机学校”。

Thomas Mills High School in Framlingham, Suffolk, is among a growing number of UK schools choosing to impose strict rules on smartphones as concerns mount over their impact on children’s mental health.

位于英国萨福克郡弗拉姆林厄姆的托马斯•米尔斯高中(Thomas Mills High School),正成为越来越多的选择对智能手机实施严格规定的英国学校之一。人们正日益担忧手机对儿童心理健康的影响。

Since September, the pupils — aged between 11 and 16 — have been asked to put their phones into lockers when they arrive, where they remain until the bell rings at the end of the day.


“The whole idea is that if they are out of sight, they are out of mind,” Hurst tells the Financial Times. Previously, the 1,000 children in his school were not allowed to look at phones while in lessons, but were allowed to keep phones in pockets and school bags.

“这个想法是,如果他们看不见手机,就不会去想。” 赫斯特告诉英国《金融时报》。在此之前,他学校的1000名学生在上课时不允许看手机,但可以把手机放在口袋和书包里。

第一,学习mount的用法。这个词作不及物动词,表示increase gradually in amount or degree,渐渐增加,逐渐增强,例:Tension here is mounting, as we await the final result. 我们等待着最终结果,这里的气氛也越来越紧张。

第二,学习out of sight, out of mind的用法。这个词组表示used to say that people soon stop thinking about something or someone if they do not see them for a while,眼不见,心不想

Just four phones have been confiscated since the ban was introduced two months ago, he said, “whereas that would have been a daily occurrence in the past”.


The death of British teenager Molly Russell, who took her own life after viewing thousands of posts about suicide, depression and self-harm online, was one reason behind Hurst’s decision to impose a ban.

英国青少年莫莉•拉塞尔(Molly Russell)在浏览了数千条关于自杀、抑郁和自残的帖子后自杀,这是赫斯特决定实施禁令的原因之一。

“I am seriously worried about the mental health effect of the time children are spending on phones,” he said. “I wasn’t prepared to just wait for someone to tell me I had to take action.”


Philip Hurst, headteacher of Thomas Mills High School, says he is ‘seriously worried’ about the effect of phones on children’s mental health


第一,学习confiscate的用法。这个词作及物动词,表示to officially take private property away from someone, usually as a punishment,把……充公,没收,例:Miss Williams confiscated all our sweets. 威廉斯老师没收了我们所有的糖果。

第二,学习occurrence的用法。这个词作名词,表示the fact of something happening,发生,出现,例:The frequent occurrence of earthquakes in the area means that the buildings must be specifically designed to withstand the force. 该地区地震频发,这意味着建筑物必须有专门的抗震设计。

Almost half the British public believe there should be a total ban on smartphones in schools, according to a poll by Ipsos for the FT.


Of the 2,175 adults surveyed, 48 per cent supported banning mobile phones in school buildings altogether, while 71 per cent said they supported asking students to deposit their phones in a basket during class.


Of those who responded, 30 per cent said they believed 11-12 years old was the most acceptable age for a child to be given a smartphone, while 28 per cent said 13-14 was more appropriate.  


In April, a study conducted by regulator Ofcom found nearly a quarter of children in the UK aged between five and seven own a smartphone. A significant number used social media apps such as TikTok and WhatsApp despite being below the minimum age limit of 13.


At the same time a growing body of research is starting to demonstrate how the proliferation of smartphones and social media apps is driving an increase in eating disorders, depression and anxiety among young people.


Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt argues in his book The Anxious Generation that smart devices have “rewired childhood”. He believes smartphones should be banned entirely for children under the age of 14.

社会心理学家乔纳森•海特(Jonathan Haidt)在他的著作《焦虑一代》(The Anxious Generation)中指出,智能设备已经“重塑了童年”。他认为应该完全禁止14岁以下的儿童使用智能手机。

Research carried out this year by the University of Oxford found social media use in teenagers is strongly correlated with poor mental health.

今年牛津大学(University of Oxford)进行的研究发现,青少年使用社交媒体与心理健康不佳有很强的相关性。

第一,学习deposit的用法。这个词作及物动词,表示to put something down in a particular place,放置〔某物〕,例:The female deposits her eggs directly into the water. 雌性把卵直接产在水中。

第二,学习proliferation的用法。这个词作名词,表示a sudden increase in the amount or number of something,激增,例:the proliferation of global media networks 全球媒体网络的激增

The academics behind the study told the FT they had uncovered a “linear relationship” between higher rates of anxiety and depression and time spent networking on social media sites.


For schools, guidance set out by the last Conservative government earlier this year states that it is up to individual heads to decide their own policies when it comes to the use of phones. But there is a growing call from parents and policymakers to make bans a statutory requirement.


“A growing body of evidence is showing that smartphones, and social media in particular, are negatively impacting children’s mental health, sleep and learning,” said Josh MacAlister, a Labour MP and former teacher, who is hoping to push his “safer phones” private members’ bill through the House of Commons next year.

工党议员、前教师乔什•麦克阿利斯特(Josh MacAlister)表示,“越来越多的证据表明,智能手机,尤其是社交媒体,对儿童的心理健康、睡眠和学习产生了负面影响。”他希望明年能够在下议院推动他的“更安全手机”私人草案。

The government has ruled out backing his proposal to legally mandate phone-free schools. But the MP said the government was “open minded” on other sections of the bill that were designed to make smartphones less addictive for children.


His bill would raise the age at which children can consent to data sharing without parental permission from 13 to 16, which he says would make it harder for social media companies to “make content so addictive”.


The second part of MacAlister’s bill would widen Ofcom’s powers to ensure apps’ “persuasive design features” — which the MP describes as “the bits that are addictive by design, long scrolling, nudges and notification” — are age appropriate, and not included in versions of social media used by children under 16.


Wes Streeting, UK health secretary, signalled the government’s support last month, posting on X: “Given the impact of smartphone use and addiction on the mental health of children and young people and the concerns from parents, this is a really timely debate.”

英国卫生大臣韦斯•斯特里廷(Wes Streeting)上个月表达了政府对此的支持,他在X上发帖:“鉴于智能手机对儿童和青少年心理健康的影响和成瘾问题,以及家长的担忧,这是一个非常及时的辩论。”

Ministers will be watching developments in Australia, where the government last week announced a ban on social media sites for children under the age of 16.


Another reason Hurst said he chose to introduce a phone ban at Thomas Mills High was the influence of a local group of parents, who are calling on schools to play a role in limiting their children’s use of devices.


Daisy Greenwell, co-founder of the Smartphone Free Childhood movement, is also based in Suffolk. The group, which initially started as a local WhatsApp group of parents pledging to hold off giving their children phones until the age of 14, has splintered off into separate groups across England and has swelled to 150,000 members.

黛西•格林韦尔(Daisy Greenwell)是“无智能手机童年”(Smartphone Free Childhood)的联合创始人,她也住在萨福克。这个团体最初是一个由父母组成的本地WhatsApp群组,承诺在孩子满14岁之前不给他们手机,如今已在英格兰各地发展出独立团体,会员人数已增至15万人。

Greenwell said it was a “no-brainer” that all schools should be smartphone free. “It gives kids six to seven hours a day in which they’re free to learn and socialise away from the addictive and predatory algorithms of Big Tech,” Greenwell said.


“Teachers tell us that smartphones are disastrous in a school context and a huge drain on their time and resources.”


As well as banning their use during the day, Greenwell would like to see schools ban smartphones entirely in favour of simpler “dumb” phones.


“It instantly levels the playing field and dissolves the insidious network effects of the smartphone — whereby kids need one solely because everyone else has one,” she said.


It is an idea that appears to be gaining traction among parents, with Virgin Media O2 reporting last month that they had seen the sale of non-smartphones double over the past year, with a “significant spike” in September.

这个想法似乎在家长中间越来越受欢迎,维珍媒体O2(Virgin Media O2)上个月报告称,过去一年非智能手机的销量翻了一番,9月出现了“显著增长”。

Hurst said children who break the no phones policy at Thomas Mills High School are given detention and parents are called to collect the devices.


Overall the ban has been responded to really positively,” he said. “The children and teachers say there is less disruption in classrooms, more eye contact and greater social engagement. We are slowly making it normal that going to school, like sitting in the cinema, is just not an appropriate place to be on your phone.”


外刊文章来源,Should smartphones be banned in schools? 金融时报 2024年11月12日


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