“manifest”,2024 年年度词汇? | 卫报

时事   2024-11-25 07:57   山东  
Celebrities make ‘manifest’ appear as 2024 word of the year
成为 2024 年年度词汇
Cambridge Dictionary opts for word now used as a verb meaning to will something into existence
Esther Addley
Wed 20 Nov 2024 05.00 GMT
2024 年 11 月 20 日星期三 05:00 GMT

1. celebrity [sɪˈlebrɪtɪ] n. 名声,名望;名人,明星;celebrities

2. manifest [ˈmænɪfest] v. 显示,表明;(鬼魂或神灵)显灵,出现;(病症)显现;把……列入货单 adj. 明显的,显而易见的 n. 旅客名单,载货清单;货运列车编组清单;manifests;manifests;manifesting;manifested;manifested

3. surge [sɜːdʒ] n. 激增,猛增;(风、水等的)奔涌,汹涌;(情感的)涌起,翻涌;(人群的)蜂拥;电流急冲,电涌;增兵,增援 v. 急剧上升,激增;(人群,自然力)汹涌,奔腾;(感情)涌起,涌现;(电压,电流)猛增,浪涌;(绳子,缆索,绞盘)突然松开,突然滑脱;surges;surges;surging;surged;surged

4. medium [ˈmɪːdɪəm] n. 媒介,媒体;方法,手段;(艺术创作)材料,素材;灵媒,巫师;培养基;环境;中等,中号;存储(或打印)介质;(颜料)溶剂(如油或水);(品质、状态)中等,中庸 adj. 中等的,中间的,适中的;五分熟的,半熟的;(程度、强度或数量)平均的;(颜色)不深不浅的,适中的;(投球,投球手)中速的;media;mediums

5. adjective [ˈædʒɪktɪv] n. 形容词 adj. 形容词的;从属的;adjectives

6. attribute [əˈtrɪbjə(ː)t] v. 把……归因于;认为是……所作;认为……具有某种特质 n. 属性,特质;标志,象征;定语;attributes;attributes;attributing;attributed;attributed

7. career [kəˈrɪə] n. 职业,事业;职业生涯;速度,行程 adj. 就业的,职业的;终身从事的 v. 猛冲;careers;careers;careering;careered;careered

8. derive [dɪˈraɪv] v. 获得,取得;起源于,来自;提取,衍生(化学物质) 【名】 (derive)(法)德里夫(人名);derives;deriving;derived;derived

9. latin [ˈlætɪn] n. 拉丁语;拉丁人;拉丁音乐 adj. 拉丁语的,用拉丁语写成的;拉丁语系国家(或民族)的;拉丁人的 n. (latin)(美)拉京(人名);latins

10. denounce [dɪˈnaʊns] v. 谴责,痛斥;检举,告发;denounces;denouncing;denounced;denounced

11. treason [ˈtrɪːzn] n. [法] 叛国罪;不忠;treasons

12. comic [ˈkɒmɪk] adj. 滑稽的,好笑的;喜剧的 n. 喜剧演员;连环漫画;comics

13. stocking [ˈstɒkɪŋ] n. (女式)长筒袜;(装礼物用的)圣诞袜;男袜;(尤指用于治疗静脉病的)袜状弹性绷带;(马小腿部的)白斑;短袜 v. (尤指为某个特定时刻或目的而)备货,囤积 (stock的现在分词形式);储存,贮备;(为销售而)备有,存有 【名】 (stocking) (美)斯托金(人名);stockings

14. bible [ˈbaɪbl] n. 圣经

15. cargo [ˈkɑːgəʊ] n. (船或飞机装载的)货物 【名】 (cargo)(英、西)卡戈(人名);cargoes;cargos

16. usage [ˈjuːzɪdʒ] n. (词语的)用法;使用,用量;(尤指形成权利,义务,标准等的)常规做法,惯例;虐待,不公待遇;usages

17. destiny [ˈdestɪnɪ] n. 命运,定数;天意,命运之神 【名】 (destiny)(英)德斯蒂尼,德斯蒂妮(人名);destinies

18. associate [əˈsəʊʃɪeɪt] v. 联想,联系;支持,同意;交往,(尤指)混在一起 n. 同事,伙伴;副学士,准学士;副职,副手;准会员;联想 adj. 副的,准的,非正式的;联合的,有关连的;associates;associates;associating;associated;associated

19. van [væn] n. (厢式)小型货车;面包车;(铁路上运送包裹、邮件等的)车厢;拖车;先锋 v. 用车搬运 【名】 (van)(老、泰、柬、缅)万(人名);vans;vans;vanning;vanned;vanned

20. psychology [saɪˈkɒlədʒɪ] n. 心理学;心理特点,心理状态;心理影响;心计,善解人意;psychologies

21. caution [ˈkɔːʃən] n. 小心,谨慎;提醒,告诫;(警察向犯轻罪的人发出的)警告 v. 警告,提醒;cautions;cautions;cautioning;cautioned;cautioned

22. illusion [ɪˈluːʒən, ɪˈljuː-] n. 错觉,幻觉;幻想,错误的观念;illusions

23. ritual [ˈrɪtʃuəl] n. (宗教等的)仪式,典礼;习惯,例行公事;(尤指某一宗教或教派特定的)程序,仪式 adj. 仪式上的,庆典上的;(行动)常规的,例行的;rituals

24. tremendous [trɪˈmendəs] adj. 巨大的,极大的;极好的,精彩的;令人望而生畏的,可怕的

25. writing [ˈraɪtɪŋ] n. 写作,著书;作品,著作;写,书写;字迹;(书写或印刷的)文字;(某作家或专题的)着作,作品(writings) v. 写字;写作;写信(write的现在分词);writings

26. procedure [prəˈsɪːdʒə] n. 手续,步骤;(商业、法律或政治上的)程序;外科手术;(电脑的)应用程式;procedures

27. prominent [ˈprɒmɪnənt] adj. 重要的,著名的;显眼的,突出的;突起的,高耸的 n. 舟蛾(=prominen. moth);prominents

28. setting [ˈsetɪŋ] n. (某事发生的)环境,场合;(戏剧、小说或电影的)场景,背景;舞台布景;(设备的)档位;(宝石的)镶嵌底座;(为诗、祷文等谱写的)乐曲;(供一人用的)一副餐具 v. (小心地)放置;嵌入(表面);(电影、戏剧、故事等)以……为背景(set 的现在分词形式);settings

29. crucial [ˈkruːʃɪəl, ˈkruːʃəl] adj. 至关重要的,决定性的;极好的

30. whereas [(h)weərˈæz] conj. (表示对比)但是,然而;鉴于(用于文件的开头) n. 序言,开场白;条件语句;whereases

Manifest”, meaning to dream or will something into existence, has been named the word of 2024 by Cambridge Dictionary, after a surge of celebrity-inspired popularity on social media.

“Manifest” 意为梦想或将某事变为现实,在社交媒体上因名人而人气飙升,被剑桥词典评为 2024 年最佳词汇。

Though far from a new coinage – as an adjective meaning “clear” or “obvious”, the word dates back in English to at least the 1300s – the dictionary’s decision rests on its newest meaning as a verb, which attests to the power of visualisation and positive thinking in making fervently held dreams come to pass.

尽管“显然”一词并非新造词(用作形容词,意为“清晰”或“明显”),其在英语中至少可以追溯到 14 世纪),但词典的决定基于其作为动词的最新含义,这证明了视觉化和积极思考在实现热切梦想方面所具有的力量。

The singer Dua Lipa has attributed her success – which included headlining Glastonbury in June – to manifesting, saying: “Manifesting is a big thing for me. I stand very firmly in the belief of putting things into the world. Subconsciously, you just work towards them. Nothing’s ever too big.”


Simone Biles, too, has been credited with manifesting her award-winning gymnastics career, after speaking of visualising future success when she was a young girl.


Wendalyn Nichols, the publishing manager of the Cambridge Dictionary, said the word manifest had “increased notably in lookups” this year, being searched for 130,000 times on the Cambridge Dictionary website.

剑桥词典出版经理温达琳·尼科尔斯 (Wendalyn Nichols) 表示,今年“manifest”一词的“搜索??量显著增加”,在剑桥词典网站上被搜索了 13 万次。

“Its use widened greatly across all types of media due to events in 2024, and it shows how the meanings of a word can change over time,” she said.

她说:“由于 2024 年发生的事件,这个词在各类媒体中的使用范围大大扩大,它表明了一个词的含义是如何随着时间的推移而发生变化的。”

Derived from French and Latin, the word, spelled “manyfest”, was used by Chaucer in the late 14th century in its adjectival sense meaning clear or obvious.

该词源于法语和拉丁语,拼写为“manyfest”,乔叟在 14 世纪后期使用它来作形容词,意为清晰或明显。

Shakespeare employed the word as both a noun and a verb, meaning both obvious and to make obvious. In King Lear, the Duke of Albany denounces Edmund for his “heinous, manifest, and many treasons”, while Twelfth Night’s tragi-comic figure Malvolio delights in supposed praise of his yellow stockings from Olivia, saying: “And in this she manifests herself to my love.”


The King James Bible of 1611 translates the first epistle of John to read: “In this was manifested the love of God towards us.”

1611 年版的詹姆斯国王圣经将约翰一书翻译为:“由此可见上帝对我们的爱。”

The word can also be used as a noun, meaning the full list of a ship’s cargo, a usage that dates to 1561, while “manifest destiny” was a term employed by the US president Andrew Jackson in the 1830s to suggest it was ordained that American settlers should spread westward across the continent.

该词也可用作名词,意为船上货物的全部清单,这种用法可以追溯到 1561 年,而“昭昭天命”则是美国总统安德鲁·杰克逊在 19 世纪 30 年代使用的一个术语,用来暗示美国定居者应该向西扩张到整个大陆,这是命中注定的。

However, its most recent meaning, of “speaking your dreams into existence” is first recorded only in the early 20th century, associated with Spiritualism, and has become widespread only more recently.

然而,其最近的含义是“将你的梦想说出来,使之成为现实”,最早记载于 20 世纪初,与唯灵论有关,并且只是在最近才广为传播。

Sander van der Linden, a professor of social psychology at Cambridge University, credited social media and the pandemic for popularising the term and practice of manifesting, but cautioned that it had no scientific validity.

剑桥大学社会心理学教授桑德·范德林登 (Sander van der Linden) 认为社交媒体和疫情使得“显化”这一术语和做法流行起来,但他警告说,这没有科学依据。

Manifesting is what psychologists call ‘magical thinking’ or the general illusion that specific mental rituals can change the world around us.


Manifesting gained tremendous popularity during the pandemic on TikTok with billions of views, including the popular 3-6-9 method, which calls for writing down your wishes three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon and nine times before bed.

“在疫情期间,愿望清单在 TikTok 上获得了巨大的人气,观看次数达数十亿,其中包括广受欢迎的 3-6-9 方法,即早上写下你的愿望三次,下午写下六次,睡前写下九次。

“This procedure promotes obsessive and compulsive behaviour with no discernible benefits. But can we really blame people for trying it, when prominent celebrities have been openly ‘manifesting’ their success?


“There is good research on the value of positive thinking, self-affirmation, and goal-setting … However, it is crucial to understand the difference between the power of positive thinking and moving reality with your mind – the former is healthy, whereas the latter is pseudoscience.”



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