叙利亚叛军攻占大马士革,推翻了阿萨德王朝 | 金融时报

时事   2024-12-09 07:57   山东  
周日,叙利亚反对派占领了大马士革,巴沙尔•阿萨德(Bashar al-Assad)总统的政权在反对派在全国各地发动的惊人攻势面前崩溃。


1. rebel [ˈrebəl] n. 造反者,反抗者;反抗权威者;叛逆者,不守规矩者 v. 反叛,造反;违抗,不服从(权威);反对,反抗(规定、行为规范等);(胃、腿、头脑等)不听使唤 adj. 造反的;反抗的 【名】 (rebel)(美、德、荷、法、俄)勒贝尔(人名);rebels;rebels;rebelling;rebelled;rebelled

2. regime [reɪˈʒɪːm] n. (尤指独裁的)政府,政权;(机构、公司、经济等的)管理制度,组织方法;饮食起居制度,养生法;regimes

3. collapse [kəˈlæps] v. 倒塌,塌下;崩溃,瓦解;突然倒下,昏倒;瘫倒;突然贬值,暴跌;萎陷,瘪掉;折叠 n. 倒塌,塌陷;突然失败,崩溃;病倒,垮掉;突然贬值,暴跌;collapses;collapses;collapsing;collapsed;collapsed

4. stun [stʌn] v. 使震惊,使惊讶;使昏迷,(尤指)打昏;给(某人)以深刻印象,使深深感动 n. 昏迷;打昏;惊倒;stuns;stunning;stunned;stunned

5. offensive [əˈfensɪv] adj. 无礼的,冒犯的;令人不快(讨厌)的;攻击的,进攻性的;(体育比赛中)进攻的,攻势的 n. (军事)进攻,攻势;(引人注意的)系列行动,攻势;offensives

6. flee [flɪː] v. 逃离,逃避,逃跑;flees;fleeing;fled;fled

7. retreat [rɪˈtrɪːt] v. (军队)撤退;后退,离开;(水、雪或土地)范围缩小;隐退,躲避;悔棋;改变意见,改变看法;(股价)下挫,下跌;向后倾 n. 撤军,撤兵;后退,离开;退隐处,静居处;(主意、观点、决定的)改变;(股票)贬值;静修期间(或活动);retreats;retreats;retreating;retreated;retreated

8. career [kəˈrɪə] n. 职业,事业;职业生涯;速度,行程 adj. 就业的,职业的;终身从事的 v. 猛冲;careers;careers;careering;careered;careered

9. financial [faɪˈnænʃəl, ˌfɪ-] adj. 财政的,金融的;有钱的;(俱乐部或社团成员)已缴费的 n. (组织或个人的)财务状况;金融公司股票

10. resident [ˈrezɪdənt] n. 居民,住户;(旅馆的)住宿者;住院医生;寄宿制学校学生;(英国政府派驻半独立国家的) 特派代表;驻外特工;留鸟,无迁徙习性的蝴蝶(或其他动物) adj. (在某地)居住的,居留的;常驻的;属于(某个群体)的;(鸟、蝴蝶等)非迁徙性的;(计算机程序、文件等在存储器中)驻留的;residents

11. smash [smæʃ] v. 打碎,(使)粉碎;(使)猛击,(使)猛撞;(用力)撞开,闯过;击溃,使结束;撞毁,撞坏(交通工具);(网球等比赛中)扣球,打高压球;(轻松)打破(记录) n. 猛烈撞击声,破碎时的哗啦声;猛击;撞车,车祸;(网球运动中的)高压球,扣球;大获成功的歌曲(或戏剧、电影)(=smash hit);(由白兰地、果味水和冰混合调制的)斯马喜(混合烈酒)饮料;破产,投资失败 adv. 哗啦一声 adj. 非常轰动的,出色的;smashes;smashes;smashing;smashed;smashed

12. civilian [sɪˈvɪljən] n. 平民,百姓(区别于军、警) adj. 平民的,民用的;civilians

13. clothe [kləʊð] v. 给……穿衣;为……提供衣服;赋予(某人某品质);clothes;clothing;clothed;clad;clothed;clad

14. release [rɪˈlɪːs] v. 释放,放走;使出院;把(动物)放生;解救;放开;拉开,松开(装置);发射,投(弹);公布,发布;发行,上映;表达,发泄;释放,排放(物质);解除(职务或工作),解雇;放弃,让予;使不紧张;开放,解禁 n. (人或动物的)释放,放出;排放,泄漏;(设备的)松开,拉开;释放装置(如按、拉的装置);表达,宣泄;解脱,轻松感;放松的机会;新发行的东西;公开,发布;公映;(责任等的)免除,解除;免责书;放弃,让予;放弃文书;传球;releases;releases;releasing;released;released

15. property [ˈprɒpətɪ] n. 所有物,财产;地产,房地产;房地产股票(或投资)(properties);所有权,处置权;特性,性质;properties

16. speaker [ˈspɪːkə] n. 发言者,演讲者;说话者;讲某种语言的人;扬声器,喇叭;(议会或立法机构的)议长(speaker) 【名】 (speaker)斯皮克(人名);speakers

17. claim [kleɪm] v. 声称,断言;索取,索要(钱);要求(拥有),认领;使丧生,致命;赢得,获得;值得,需要(花时间或精力) n. 声称,断言;索要,索赔;权利,所有权;要求得到的土地使用权;专利新特征申明;claims;claims;claiming;claimed;claimed

18. gang [gæŋ] n. (青少年的)帮派,团伙;犯罪团伙;一群(体力劳动者);一伙(常聚会的朋友);(安装在一起的)一套开关,插座(或其他电气、机械装置) v. 成群,结伙;将(电气设备或机器)连接,编组 【名】 (gang)(英)甘,(法)冈,(罗)甘格(人名);gangs;gangs;ganging;ganged;ganged

19. historical [hɪsˈtɒrɪkəl] adj. (有关)历史的;历史学的;(书籍、电影或图片)描述历史的,基于史实的;按历史顺序排列的

20. militant [ˈmɪlɪtənt] adj. 好斗的,激进的 n. 激进分子;militants

21. spark [spɑːk] n. 导火线,诱因;火花,火星;电火花;一丝,略微;生气,活力,才华;愤怒的情感,激烈的情绪;军队中对无线电报务员(或电工)的昵称(sparks);生龙活虎的小伙子;(内燃机里火花塞的)放电 v. 引发,触发;产生火花(电火花);点燃;增加趣味(或活力、风味等);求婚 【名】 (spark) (美)斯帕克(人名);sparks;sparks;sparking;sparked;sparked

22. shatter [ˈʃætə] v. (使)破碎,碎裂;破坏,摧毁(抽象物);使极为惊愕难过,给予极大打击 n. 碎片;受到极大打击的状态;shatters;shatters;shattering;shattered;shattered

23. fragment [ˈfrægmənt] n. 碎片;片段;残存部分 v. (使)破碎,分裂;fragments;fragments;fragmenting;fragmented;fragmented

24. region [ˈrɪːdʒən] n. 地区,区域;行政区;(首都以外的)地方(the regions);身体部位;领域,界;regions

25. clash [klæʃ] n. 冲突,交战;争论,争执;交锋,比赛;分歧,差异;(金属的)撞击声;(时间上的)冲突,撞期;(颜色、图案等的)不相配 v. 迥然不同,抵触;冲突,交战;争论,争执;(时间上)相冲突,同时发生;(颜色、图案等)不协调,不相配;(体育)交锋,对阵;(使)撞击发出铿锵声;clashes;clashes;clashing;clashed;clashed

26. sham [ʃæm] n. 假装;骗子;赝品 vt. 假装;冒充 vi. 假装;佯装 adj. 假的;虚假的;假装的 n. (sham)人名;(英、印、毛里塔)沙姆;shams;shams;shamming;shammed;shammed

27. confine [ˈkɒnfaɪn] v. 限制,局限;防止……扩散;关押,监禁;使离不开(或受困于床、轮椅等) n. 边界,范围;限制,局限;confines;confines;confining;confined;confined

28. affiliate [əˈfɪlɪeɪt] v. 使隶属,使紧密联系;加入;(组织)接纳……为成员 n. 附属机构,分支机构;affiliates;affiliates;affiliating;affiliated;affiliated

29. prime [praɪm] adj. 主要的,首要的;优质的,第一流的;最可能的,最适合的;最理想的,最典型的;最初的,原始的;素(或质)数的(如2,3,5,7,11);互为素或质数的 v. 事先指点,使(某人)做好准备;把(某事物)准备好,使备用;给(表面)涂上底色 n. 盛年,壮年时期;质数,素数;上标符号('),(数字后)分钟(或英尺)符号;(八个防御姿势的)第一姿势;(自行车比赛中设特别奖的)特设行程;起始,原初;晨经,晨祷(传统上于白天中的第一个小时即早晨六点所做的祈祷,现罕用) 【名】 (prime)(英)普赖姆,(德)普里梅(人名);primes;primes;priming;primed;primed

30. leadership [ˈlɪːdəʃɪp] n. 领导,领导地位;领导才能;领导人员,领导层;领先地位;leaderships

31. unity [ˈjuːnɪtɪ] n. 团结,统一;整体性,统一性;三一律(指戏剧在时间、地点和情节三点上的统一性);统一体;(数目或数字)一 【名】 (unity)尤妮蒂(人名);unities

32. contact [ˈkɒntækt] n. 联系,联络;接触,触摸;联络人,熟人,社会关系;会见,往来,接触;传染病接触者;隐形眼镜;接通电,触点,接头;(无线电)通信 v. 联系,联络;接触 adj. 供联络的;接触性的,通过接触而起作用的;contacts;contacts;contacting;contacted;contacted

33. emerge [ɪˈmɜːdʒ] v. 浮现,出现;显露,知悉;恢复过来,幸存下来;形成,兴起;emerges;emerging;emerged;emerged

34. military [ˈmɪlɪtərɪ] adj. 军事的,军队的;陆军的;军人般的,军人作风的 n. 军人,军方;militaries;military

35. medium [ˈmɪːdɪəm] n. 媒介,媒体;方法,手段;(艺术创作)材料,素材;灵媒,巫师;培养基;环境;中等,中号;存储(或打印)介质;(颜料)溶剂(如油或水);(品质、状态)中等,中庸 adj. 中等的,中间的,适中的;五分熟的,半熟的;(程度、强度或数量)平均的;(颜色)不深不浅的,适中的;(投球,投球手)中速的;media;mediums

36. cling [klɪŋ] v. 抓住,抱紧;黏附,粘住;依恋,依附;坚持,坚信;紧抓不放,坚守 n. 粘核桃;clings;clings;clinging;clung;clung

37. provided [prɜːˈvaɪdɪd] conj. 假如,只要,在……条件下 v. 提供;规定;为(可能事件)作充分准备(provide 的过去式和过去分词形式)

38. vital [ˈvaɪtl] adj. 至关重要的,必不可少的;生机勃勃的,充满活力的;生命的,维持生命所必需的 n. 身体的重要内脏,维持生命的重要器官(vitals) 【名】 (vital)维塔尔(人名);vitals

39. preside [prɪˈzaɪd] v. 主持,担任主持;主管某地,掌管(局势)(preside over);(尤指键盘乐器)领奏,主奏(preside at);presides;presiding;presided;presided

40. hollow [ˈhɒləʊ] adj. 空的,空心的;凹的,凹陷的;虚伪的,不真诚的;无用的,无价值的;(声音)沉闷回荡的;空腹的;沉闷回荡的 v. 使凹陷,使下陷;挖洞(成某物);形成空洞 n. 凹陷处,坑洼处;坑,洞;山谷 【名】 (hollow)(英)霍洛(人名);hollows;hollower;hollowest;hollows;hollowing;hollowed;hollowed

41. bankrupt [ˈbæŋkrʌpt] adj. 破产的,倒闭的;沦丧的,无价值的 v. 使破产,使极其贫困 n. 破产者;bankrupts;bankrupts;bankrupting;bankrupted;bankrupted

42. economic [ˌɪːkəˈnɒmɪk] adj. 经济的,经济学的;有利可图的;节约的

43. hardship [ˈhɑːdˌʃɪp] n. 困苦,艰难;hardships

44. mount [maʊnt] v. 组织,开展;爬上,登上;骑上;增多,增加,上升;增强,加剧;镶嵌,裱贴,安置;上演,展出;爬上(雌性动物的背)进行交配;设置(岗哨),担任(警卫);把(观察对象)固定于显微镜的载玻片 n. 山,山峰;坐骑,马;登,骑;(相片)框,(艺术品)装帧,衬托纸;底座,底架;(贴邮票用的)透明胶纸;(显微镜观察的)封片;掌丘 【名】 (mount)(英)芒特(人名);mounts;mounts;mounting;mounted;mounted

45. melt [melt] v. (使)熔化,融化;(逐渐)减少,消失;(使)软化,变得温柔;变成,融入 n. 融化,融合;熔化的金属,熔化物;一次的熔化量;奶酪三明治;melts;melts;melting;melted;melted;molten

46. distract [dɪsˈtrækt] v. 使分心,使转移注意力;使困惑,使迷惑;distracts;distracting;distracted;distracted

47. humiliate [hjə(ː)ˈmɪlɪeɪt] v. 羞辱,使蒙羞;humiliates;humiliating;humiliated;humiliated

48. naval [ˈneɪvəl] adj. 海军的,军舰的 【名】 (naval)(西、德、印)纳瓦尔(人名)

49. intervene [ˌɪntəˈvɪːn] v. 干预,干涉;插话,打岔;干扰,阻挠;发生于其间,介于中间;调停,斡旋;intervenes;intervening;intervened;intervened

50. ally [əˈlaɪ, æˈlaɪ] n. 同盟国;盟友,支持者;辅助物,助手 v. 与……结盟,与……联合 【名】 (ally)(英)艾丽,(法)阿利,(巴基)阿利,(尼日利)阿利(人名);allies;allies;allying;allied;allied

51. prevail [prɪˈveɪl] v. 流行,盛行;(在比赛、竞赛或争辩中)击败,获胜;占优势,占上风;(继续)使用;说服,劝服(prevail on/upon);prevails;prevailing;prevailed;prevailed

52. designate [ˈdezɪgneɪt] v. 把……定名为,把……描述为;任命,指定;标明,标示 adj. 已当选而尚未上任的;designates;designating;designated;designated

53. turkey [ˈtɜːkɪ] n. 火鸡;火鸡肉;(电影或戏剧的)失败之作;笨蛋,傻瓜;土耳其(turkey);turkeys;turkey

54. moderate [ˈmɒdərɪt] adj. 普通的,中等的;不偏激的,温和的;有节制的,不过分的;(变化)不大的,有限的 v. 缓和,使适中;主持(讨论或会议);审核评分(查看不同阅卷人所打分数是否公平一致);(物理)使(中子)减速 n. 持温和政见者;moderates;moderates;moderating;moderated;moderated

55. grip [grɪp] n. 紧握;掌握,控制;理解;不打滑,走得稳;手柄;紧握(或抓牢)的方式;(拍摄电影时)摄影机和照明设备管理人员;发夹;旅行袋 v. 握紧,夹住;(尤指通过摩擦力)牢牢地附着,紧贴;使感兴趣,吸引住(某人)的注意;对……产生强有力的影响 【名】 (grip)(英、瑞典)格里普(人名);grips;grips;gripping;gripped;gripped

56. notorious [nəʊˈtɔːrɪəs] adj. 声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的

57. brutal [ˈbruːtl] adj. 野蛮的,凶残的;毫不掩饰的,直截了当的;令人不快的,糟糕的

58. repression [rɪˈpreʃən] n. 镇压,压制;抑制,压抑;repressions

59. hail [heɪl] v. 赞扬,欢呼;呼喊,招呼;下冰雹;(大量物体)像雹子般落下(或击打);表示问候或欢呼欢迎 n. 冰雹;雹子般的一阵;招呼(某人) 【名】 (hail)(阿拉伯、捷)海尔(人名);hails;hails;hailing;hailed;hailed

60. diplomatic [ˌdɪpləˈmætɪk] adj. 外交的,从事外交的;有手腕的,灵活变通的;(版本,副本)仿真的,和原件完全一致的

Syrian rebels seized Damascus on Sunday as President Bashar al-Assad’s regime collapsed in the face of the insurgents’ stunning offensive across the country.

周日,叙利亚反对派占领了大马士革,巴沙尔•阿萨德(Bashar al-Assad)总统的政权在反对派在全国各地发动的惊人攻势面前崩溃。

The rebels said in a statement that “the city of Damascus is free from the tyrant Bashar al-Assad” and that “Assad has fled” after various factions encircled the capital from the north and the south.


The whereabouts of Assad were unclear, with reports that he had fled, as the rebel onslaught brought an ignominious end to a family dynasty that has ruled Syria for more than 50 years.


第一,学习insurgent的用法。这个词做名词,表示one of a group of people fighting against the government of their own country, or against authority,起义者;暴动者;叛乱者,例:communist insurgents 共产党起义者

第二,学习encircle的用法。这个词做及物动词,表示to surround someone or something completely,围绕,环绕,例:The island was encircled by a dusty road. 那座岛屿为一条尘土飞扬的公路所环绕。

第三,学习ignominious的用法。这个词做形容词,表示making you feel ashamed or embarrassed,令人蒙羞的,丢脸的;可耻的,常用搭配为ignominious defeat / failure / retreat etc,可耻的失利/失败/撤退等,例:an ignominious end to his career 他职业生涯不光彩的终结

Videos sent to the Financial Times by a Damascus resident purportedly showed people inside the presidential palace, rummaging through rooms and smashing pictures of the Assad family.


A man dressed in civilian clothing appeared on Syrian state TV on Sunday morning, declaring that the rebels had “liberated” Damascus, and released detainees from “regime prisons”. He called on fighters to “protect the properties of the free Syrian state”.


The speaker was flanked by eight other men, also in civilian clothes. Several of the men had their arms around each others’ shoulders.


Residents of Damascus said there was celebratory shooting in the air, with clouds of smoke hanging across the capital.


第一,学习purport的用法。这个词做及物或者不及物动词,表示to claim to be or do something, even if this is not true,声称是……,据称是……,像是……,常用搭配为purport to do sth,例:Two undercover officers purporting to be dealers infiltrated the gang. 两位伪装成毒贩的警员打入了那个团伙。

第二,学习flank的用法。这个词做及物动词,表示to be on both sides of someone or something,位于……两侧,例:Lewis entered flanked by two bodyguards. 刘易斯在左右两名保镖的陪同下走了进来。

“I can’t believe it. Everyone is in the street, everyone is shouting,” said Abdallah, a Damascus resident. “It’s something historical. No one has suffered as much as the Syrian people.”


He added that rebel militants were posted outside banks and other public institutions to guard them.


While the downfall of the Assad regime sparked celebrations across Syria, it will also usher in a period of huge uncertainty for a nation shattered and fragmented after 13 years of civil war, and for the wider region. The country shares borders with Israel, Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon. Rebel groups have clashed with each other in the past.  


The rebel offensive has been led by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, an Islamist movement that was confined to Syria’s north-west province of Idlib before beginning its offensive 12 days ago. The group, which was once an affiliate of al-Qaeda, rocked the country by seizing Aleppo, Syria’s second city, within 48 hours and then marching southwards towards the capital.

叛军攻势由沙姆解放组织(Hayat Tahrir al-Sham)领导。该组织是一个伊斯兰运动,在12天前开始攻势之前一直局限于叙利亚西北部的伊德利卜省。该组织曾是“基地”组织的附属组织,在48小时内攻占叙利亚第二大城市阿勒颇,随后向南进军首都,震撼了叙利亚。

第一,学习southwards的用法。这个词做副词,表示towards the south,向南,朝南,例:We followed the coast southwards. 我们沿海岸向南走。

第二,学习march的用法。这个词做不及物动词,表示if soldiers or other people march somewhere, they walk there quickly with firm regular steps,行进,行军,齐步前进,例:On 29 August the royal army marched into Inverness. 8月29日皇家军队开进因弗内斯。

It has been working with Turkish-backed rebels who operate under the umbrella of the Syrian National Army, but Syria is home to myriad factions and the degree of co-ordination between them all is unclear.


As rebels entered the palace, Syrian Prime Minister Mohammad Ghazi al-Jalali said he was ready to work with any leadership chosen by the people and called for unity, saying “Syria is for all Syrians”. “We are ready to co-operate and all the properties of the people and the institutions of the Syrian state must be preserved,” he said. “They belong to all Syrians.”


Jalali said he last had contact with Assad on Saturday evening and has no idea where he is. Soon after he spoke, video emerged of armed rebels leading Jalali from his office to a car.


There was no official statement by the Syrian presidency, the military or state media about the Assad or the situation in the country. Al-Ekhbaria, one state-run TV channel, had been broadcasting pre-recorded footage of Syrian architecture set to light guitar music.


Assad, a London-trained eye doctor, has ruled Syria since 2000, when he succeeded his late father Hafez al-Assad. The civil war broke out in 2011 after his forces brutally sought to put down a popular uprising.


He managed to cling to power with the backing of Iran, Iranian-backed militants and Russia, which provided vital air power. His regime had regained control over most of the country in recent years.


But he presided over a hollowed-out, bankrupt state and even many among his own Alawite community appeared to have given up on the regime after years of conflict and economic hardship.


When HTS mounted its offensive on November 27, regime forces seemed to melt away, while Russia, Iran and Hizbollah, the Lebanese militant movement, were all weakened and distracted by their own conflicts.


Rebels said they had gained full control of the strategic city of Homs, the last major city on the highway south to Damascus, in the early hours of Sunday.


Southern rebels, separate from HTS, took over Deraa, the birthplace of the Syrian uprising in 2011, as well as the cities of Suwaida and Quneitra, over the weekend, encircling Damascus from the south.


The rebel success is a humiliating blow to Iran, which reportedly pulled people out of Syria, and to Russia. Moscow gained access to air and naval bases on the Mediterranean after intervening in the war in 2015.


Russia’s foreign minister Sergei Lavrov had said on Saturday that Moscow would stand by its ally and was “trying to do everything not to allow terrorists to prevail, even if they say they are no longer terrorists”.


Meanwhile, Tehran’s support for Assad had given it a “land bridge” across Iraq to Syria and Lebanon, home to its most important proxy, Hizbollah.


HTS is designated a terrorist organisation by the US, the UN, Turkey and other powers, while Jolani, its leader, has a $10mn US bounty on his head.


In recent years, Jolani has sought to rebrand the group as a more moderate Islamist movement, building up an autocratic, centralised movement with a tight grip on Idlib, which is home to 3-4mn people.


The rebels said they had freed prisoners from the notorious Sednaya prison, which had become a symbol of the Assad regime’s brutal repression of its political opponents.


On Saturday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who has long backed some Syrian opposition forces, hailed “a new diplomatic and political reality in Syria”.


外刊文章来源,金融时报 2024年12月10日 Syrian rebels seize Damascus and topple Assad dynasty


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