
时事   2024-12-14 09:31   山东  



1. launch [lɔːntʃ, lɑːntʃ] v. 发动,发起;上市,发行;使(船或舰)下水;发射(武器或宇宙飞船);启动(计算机程序);投出,用力扔出;使投身于(事业等);起飞,出海 n. (航天器的)发射;(产品的)上市;(事件的)发起;汽艇,游艇;(新产品,出版物)发布会,推介会;launches;launches;launching;launched;launched

2. resident [ˈrezɪdənt] n. 居民,住户;(旅馆的)住宿者;住院医生;寄宿制学校学生;(英国政府派驻半独立国家的) 特派代表;驻外特工;留鸟,无迁徙习性的蝴蝶(或其他动物) adj. (在某地)居住的,居留的;常驻的;属于(某个群体)的;(鸟、蝴蝶等)非迁徙性的;(计算机程序、文件等在存储器中)驻留的;residents

3. contact [ˈkɒntækt] n. 联系,联络;接触,触摸;联络人,熟人,社会关系;会见,往来,接触;传染病接触者;隐形眼镜;接通电,触点,接头;(无线电)通信 v. 联系,联络;接触 adj. 供联络的;接触性的,通过接触而起作用的;contacts;contacts;contacting;contacted;contacted

4. fantasy [ˈfæntəsɪ, ˈfæntəzɪ] n. 幻想,想象;想象产物,幻想作品;虚拟比赛(游戏);幻想曲,集成曲;期望 v. 想象,幻想;fantasies;fantasies;fantasying;fantasied;fantasied

5. resort [rɪˈzɔːt] n. 旅游胜地,度假胜地;求助的方法,采用的手段;采用,诉诸,求助 v. 诉诸,求助于;常去,(成群结队地)去;resorts;resorts;resorting;resorted;resorted

6. enthusiasm [ɪnˈθjuːzɪæzəm] n. 热情,热忱;热衷的活动,热爱的事物;enthusiasms

7. learning [ˈlɜːnɪŋ] n. 学习;知识,学问 v. 得知,获悉;学习,学会;认识到,从……吸取教训(learn 的现在分词形式)

8. involve [ɪnˈvɒlv] v. 牵涉,涉及;包含,需要;使陷入,使卷入;(使)参加,加入;使承担,使面对;involves;involving;involved;involved

9. speaker [ˈspɪːkə] n. 发言者,演讲者;说话者;讲某种语言的人;扬声器,喇叭;(议会或立法机构的)议长(speaker) 【名】 (speaker)斯皮克(人名);speakers

In preparation for the summer Olympics in 2008, the authorities in Beijing, the host city and China’s capital, launched a campaign to teach English to residents likely to come in contact with foreign visitors. Police, transit workers and hotel staff were among those targeted. One aim was to have 80% of taxi drivers achieve a basic level of competency.


Today, though, any foreigner visiting Beijing will notice that rather few people are able to speak English well. The 80% target proved a fantasy: most drivers still speak nothing but Chinese. Even the public-facing staff at the city’s main international airport struggle to communicate with foreigners. Immigration officers often resort to computer-translation systems.


第一,学习competence的用法。这个词也可写作competency,表示the ability to do something well,能力,胜任,例:Students will gain competence in a wide range of skills. 学生们将学到多种技能。

第二,学习rather的用法。这个词作副词,表示fairly or to some degree,相当;颇,例:I was rather surprised to see him with his ex-wife. 我看到他和前妻在一起,感到相当惊讶。

第三,学习resort to sth的用法。这个词组表示to do something bad, extreme, or difficult because you cannot think of any other way to deal with a problem,采取,诉诸〔不好的事物〕,例:Officials fear that extremists may resort to violence. 官员们担心极端主义者会诉诸暴力。

For much of the 40 years since China began opening up to the world, “English fever” was a common catchphrase. People were eager to learn foreign languages, English most of all. Many hoped the skill would lead to jobs with international firms. Others wanted to do business with foreign companies. Some dreamed of moving abroad. But enthusiasm for learning English has waned in recent years.


第一,学习catchphrase的用法。这个词作名词,表示a short well-known phrase made popular by an entertainer or politician, so that people think of that person when they hear it,〔某演员或政治家的〕名言,时髦话,流行语

第二,学习enthusiasm的用法。这个词作名词,表示a strong feeling of interest and enjoyment about something and an eagerness to be involved in it,热情,热忱,例:Gillian and Darren greeted the speakers with great enthusiasm. 吉利恩和达伦非常热情地接待了演讲者。

第三,学习wane的用法。这个词作不及物动词,表示if something such as power, influence, or a feeling wanes, it becomes gradually less strong or less important,〔权力、影响或感觉等〕逐渐减弱[变小],例:My enthusiasm for the project was waning. 我对这个项目的热情逐渐减退了。


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