
时事   2024-11-20 07:57   山东  


1. lean [lɪːn] v. (身体)倾斜;倾向于做;倚靠,靠在 adj. 瘦且健康的;(肉)瘦的,脂肪少的;不景气的,贫乏的;精简的,效率高的;(混合汽化燃料)空气所占比例高的,稀化的 n. 倾斜,歪曲;瘦肉 【名】 (lean)(丹)利恩(人名);leans;leaner;leans;leaning;leant;leaned;leant;leaned

2. liberal [ˈlɪbərəl] adj. 思想开明的;自由主义的,支持变革的;(加拿大、英国等国)自由党的;慷慨的,大量给予的;通识(教育)的,文科的;不确切的,不拘泥字面的;自由主义神学的 n. 思想开明的人;自由主义者,支持变革的人;(加拿大、英国等国的)自由党党员,自由党支持者 【名】 (liberal)(葡)利贝拉尔(人名);liberals

3. practically [ˈpræktɪkəlɪ] adv. 实际地;几乎;事实上

4. stun [stʌn] v. 使震惊,使惊讶;使昏迷,(尤指)打昏;给(某人)以深刻印象,使深深感动 n. 昏迷;打昏;惊倒;stuns;stunning;stunned;stunned

5. seemingly [ˈsɪːmɪŋlɪ] adv. 貌似,看似(但可能并非如此);似乎,好像(是事实)

6. contradict [kɒntrəˈdɪkt] v. 反驳,否认;相抵触,相矛盾;发生矛盾;contradicts;contradicting;contradicted;contradicted

7. stride [straɪd] n. 大步,阔步;步态,步伐;步距,步幅;步速;进展,进步;裤子(strides);钢琴跨越弹奏法 v. 大步走,阔步走;跨越,跨过;跨坐在……上,跨立在……上;strides;strides;striding;strode;stridden;strode

8. proportion [prəˈpɔːʃən] n. 部分,份额;比例;正确的比例,均衡;大小,程度(proportions);(事情的)重要性,严重性;等比关系 v. 使(某物)成比例,使相称;分摊;proportions;proportions;proportioning;proportioned;proportioned

9. tendency [ˈtendənsɪ] n. 经常性行为,偏好;趋势,趋向;(性格中不良的)倾向;(政党内的)极端派别;tendencies

10. radical [ˈrædɪkəl] adj. 根本的,彻底的;激进的,极端的;顶呱呱的;全新的,不同凡响的;(增减)急剧的,大幅度的;(人,物)原本的,与生俱来的;(外科,医疗)根治的;(19世纪)自由党激进派的;(数)根式的,根号的;词根的;(植)根生的 n. 激进分子;游离基,自由基;词根;(汉字)偏旁,部首;(数)根式;根号;radicals

11. excitement [ɪkˈsaɪtmənt] n. 令人激动(或兴奋)的事,刺激因素;激动,兴奋;性兴奋;excitements

12. rub [rʌb] v. 擦,磨擦;揉擦,按摩(尤指疼痛部位);擦痛,磨损;涂,抹;摹拓,拓印(黄铜碑或墓石的)碑文;(滚木球)(球)受阻,转向;(使)相互摩擦,搓;把(配料)揉擦进(混合物)(rub sth. in/into/through) n. (用手或物体)擦,揉;按摩膏,面膜;困难,问题(the rub);(烹饪肉之前涂抹在肉表面的)混合香料;(球)受阻,转向;磨损处 【名】 (rub)(捷)鲁布(人名);rubs;rubs;rubbing;rubbed;rubbed

13. pit [pɪt] n. (地面的)坑,洼;(表面上的)疤痕,凹陷;矿井;异常凌乱的地方;(舞台前的)乐池,乐队席;非常糟糕的事物(the pits);(水果或蔬菜的)核;腋窝,心窝;(赛车道旁的)检修加油站;深渊,绝境;(交易所内特定股票或商品的)交易场;斗兽场;(剧场)正厅后座;无底洞,巨库;床 v. 使竞争,使对立;去除……的果核;(使)有疤痕,(使)凹陷;(为加油或维修而将赛车)开入检修加油站;使动物相斗(以取乐);窖藏 【名】 (pit)(东南亚国家华语)必(人名);pits;pits;pitting;pitted;pitted

14. mate [meɪt] n. 朋友,伙伴;同伴,同事;配偶,伴侣;配对物,一对中的一个;(男人之间常用)哥儿们,伙计;助手,下手;(船上的)大副;(美国海军的)军士;(国际象棋比赛中的)将死 v. (使)交配;连接,配备;(国际象棋中把对方)将死 【名】 (mat)(日)蛏(姓),(西、意、塞)马特,(波黑)马特,(罗、俄)马泰(人名);mates;mates;mating;mated;mated

15. criticize [ˈkrɪtɪsaɪz] v. 批评,指责;评论;criticizes;criticizing;criticized;criticized

16. supreme [sjuːˈprɪːm] adj. 最高的,至高无上的;(政府、司法或军事机构)拥有最高权力的;极大的,极度的;(处罚,牺牲)涉及死的;杰出的 n. 奶油沙司

17. overturn [ˌəʊvəˈtɜːn] v. (使)翻倒,(使)倾覆;推翻,撤销(判决等);颠覆,破坏(政府或体系);在英国大选中因获得多数席位而获胜 n. 颠覆,革命;(尤指水温分层的湖水每年两次的)湖水对流;overturns;overturning;overturned;overturned

18. poll [pəʊl] n. 民意调查,民意测验;选举投票,计票;投票数;投票点(the polls);头顶,头皮;无角动物(尤指无角牛) v. 对……进行民意测验(调查);获得(票数);(电信,计算机)轮询,探询;截掉(动物,尤指小牛)的角;修枝 【名】 【名】(poll)(德、匈、罗、英)波尔(人名);polls;polls;polling;polled;polled

19. medium [ˈmɪːdɪəm] n. 媒介,媒体;方法,手段;(艺术创作)材料,素材;灵媒,巫师;培养基;环境;中等,中号;存储(或打印)介质;(颜料)溶剂(如油或水);(品质、状态)中等,中庸 adj. 中等的,中间的,适中的;五分熟的,半熟的;(程度、强度或数量)平均的;(颜色)不深不浅的,适中的;(投球,投球手)中速的;media;mediums

20. circulate [ˈsɜːkjəleɪt] v. (液体或气体)环流,循环;传播,流传;传阅,传送;来往应酬,周旋;circulates;circulating;circulated;circulated

21. cast [kɑːst] vt. 投射(光,影);将(视线,目光)投向;浇铸(金属等);分配角色,选派角色;扔,掷,抛;把某人描写成,把某人表现为;投票;使产生怀疑,不确信;使(魔咒)生效,施法;抛(钓丝),撒(网);(生长过程中)蜕(皮),脱(角);(马)失(蹄铁);用(星相)占卜;抛锚,放测;安排,表现;(乡村舞蹈中的)转向(舞者沿外线移动位置);(猎)(狗)四处探寻失踪的嗅迹;用绳子绊倒(动物,尤指母牛) n. (电影、戏剧等的)全体演员;铸型,模型;(固定断骨用的)石膏;特性,外貌;轻度斜视;(蚯蚓钻洞时拱到地面的)小土堆;抛鱼线,撒网;浅淡的色调;(鹰或猫头鹰的)颗粒状呕吐物;(牧羊犬赶拢羊群时的)四周搜寻;一群鹰,隼 【名】 (cast)(法)卡斯特(人名);casts;casts;casting;cast;cast

22. ballot [ˈbælət] n. (无记名)投票选举,投票表决;选票;投票总数(the ballot) v. 要求(某人)投票;(为……)投票;抽签决定 【名】 (ballot)(英)巴洛特,(法)巴洛(人名);ballots;ballots;balloting;balloted;balloted

23. compound [ˈkɒmpaʊnd] n. 混合物,化合物;复合词;大院,有围墙的场地 adj. 复合的,混合的;以复利计算的 v. 使加重,使恶化;合成,混合;以复利计算支付;和解,私了;compounds;compounds;compounding;compounded;compounded

24. setback [ˈsetbæk] n. 挫折,阻碍;(建筑)壁阶;(建筑物的)缩进距离;setbacks

25. liberty [ˈlɪbətɪ] n. 自由,自由权;(某种)合法权利;冒犯行为(或言语),失礼;意志自由,选择自由;自以为是的言语,专断的行动;(水手的)上岸休假 【名】 (liberty)(英)利伯蒂(人名);liberties

26. conservative [kənˈsɜːvətɪv] adj. 保守的;保守派的,保守主义的(认为政府应该实行政治保守主义);(衣着)守旧的,传统的;低估的;保守党的;不愿冒险的,谨慎的 n. 保守者,因循守旧者;保守党党员,保守党支持者;conservatives

27. claim [kleɪm] v. 声称,断言;索取,索要(钱);要求(拥有),认领;使丧生,致命;赢得,获得;值得,需要(花时间或精力) n. 声称,断言;索要,索赔;权利,所有权;要求得到的土地使用权;专利新特征申明;claims;claims;claiming;claimed;claimed

28. concentration [ˌkɒnsenˈtreɪʃən] n. 专心,专注;关注,重视;集中,聚集;含量,浓度;concentrations

29. fracture [ˈfræktʃə] n. 破裂,断裂;骨折;(尤指岩层的)裂缝,裂痕;(语音)元音割裂;由单元音割裂成的复合元音 v. 破裂,折断;瓦解,分裂;毁坏,破坏;违反,越出……范围;fractures;fracturing;fractured;fractured

30. emerge [ɪˈmɜːdʒ] v. 浮现,出现;显露,知悉;恢复过来,幸存下来;形成,兴起;emerges;emerging;emerged;emerged

31. rally [ˈrælɪ] v. 召集,集合;公开支持(或反对);重新集合,重整(军队);恢复,重新振作;动员(全体人员)发愤图强;(价格)回升,升值;参加汽车拉力赛;对……善意打趣,嘲笑 n. 集会,大会;赛车,汽车拉力赛;(网球等比赛中的)相持,拉锯;(球队技艺的)改进,提高;恢复健康,康复;(尤指股价)止跌回升 【名】 (rally) (美)拉利(人名);rallies;rallies;rallying;rallied;rallied

32. liable [ˈlaɪəbl] adj. (在法律上)有责任的,有义务的;很可能会发生的;有……倾向的

33. abuse [əˈbjuːz] v. 虐待;滥用,辜负;辱骂;糟蹋(某物);性侵犯 n. 虐待,凌辱;滥用,妄用;辱骂;舞弊,腐败;糟蹋;性侵犯;恶习,陋习 【名】 (abuse)(英)阿比斯(人名);abuses;abuses;abusing;abused;abused

34. skull [skʌl] n. 颅骨,头骨;脑袋,头脑 v. 击中(某人的)头;skulls;skulls;skulling;skulled;skulled

35. executive [ɪgˈzekjətɪv] adj. 行政的,有执行权的;高档的,豪华的;供主管人员使用的;(有关)经营管理的,领导的 n. 主管,经理;行政部门,执行委员会;executives

36. academic [ˌækəˈdemɪk] adj. 学业的,学术的;学校的,学院的;学业(成绩)优秀的,善于学习的;不切实际的,空谈的 n. 大学教师,学者;(学校或学院的)课程;大学生;academics

37. gender [ˈdʒendə] n. 性别;(语法中的)性;(总称)男性,女性;genders;genders;gendering;gendered;gendered

38. myth [mɪθ] n. 错误的观点,荒诞的说法;神话,神话故事;虚构的人(或事),想象中的人(或事);myths

39. enormous [ɪˈnɔːməs] adj. 巨大的,极大的;凶暴的,极恶的

40. theater [ˈθɪətə(r)] n. 电影院,戏院,剧场;戏剧;手术室;theaters

41. curve [kɜːv] n. 曲线,弧线;转弯,弯道;图表曲线;曲线球;(女子身体的)曲线 v. (使)弯曲,(使)呈曲线形 adj. 弯曲的,曲线形的;curves;curves;curving;curved;curved

42. restrict [rɪsˈtrɪkt] v. 限制,控制(大小、数量、范围);限制(活动或行为),妨碍;约束,管束;(以法规)限制;封锁(消息);restricts;restricting;restricted;restricted

43. trend [trend] n. 趋势,动态;时尚,风尚;热门话题 v. 趋向,倾向;(尤指地理特征的)走向;成为热门话题;trends;trends;trending;trended;trended

44. largely [ˈlɑːdʒlɪ] adv. 很大程度上,主要地

45. curiosity [ˌkjʊərɪˈɒsɪtɪ] n. 好奇心,求知欲;珍品,奇事;curiosities

46. prevalent [ˈprevələnt] adj. 盛行的,普遍的

47. boost [buːst] v. 使增长,推动;偷窃;宣扬,推广 n. 推动,促进;广告,宣扬 【名】 (boost)(英)布斯特,(德)博斯特(人名);boosts;boosts;boosting;boosted;boosted

48. historian [hɪsˈtɔːrɪən] n. 历史学家,史学工作者;historians

49. offend [əˈfend] v. 得罪,冒犯;令人不悦,令人不舒服;犯罪,违法;违犯,违反;offends;offending;offended;offended

50. privilege [ˈprɪvɪlɪdʒ] n. 特权,特殊待遇;荣幸,光荣;(富人或上层阶级的)权势;(律师、医生及其他专业人士的)保密权;言行免责权(尤指议员的权利);(授予个人,公司,某地的)特许经营权;(生活)优越 v. 给予特权,特别优待;特免,免除(某人);privileges;privileges;privileging;privileged;privileged

51. opportunity [ˌɒpəˈtjuːnɪtɪ] n. 时机,机会;opportunities

52. instance [ˈɪnstəns] n. 例子,实例 v. 举……为例;instances;instances;instancing;instanced;instanced

53. unify [ˈjuːnɪfaɪ] v. (使)联合,(使)统一;使协调;unifies;unifying;unified;unified

54. immigrant [ˈɪmɪgrənt] n. (外来)移民,侨民 adj. 移民的,迁入的;immigrants

55. saw [sɔː] n. 锯;锯床;格言,谚语;锯齿状部位(或器官) v. 锯,锯开;乱剪;拉锯似的来回移动;(两人或多人) 通过互让解决,相互妥协 v. 看见;观看(电影、电视节目等);理解,领会(see 的过去式形式);saws;saws;sawing;sawed;sawn;sawed

56. stem [stem] "n. (植物、灌木的)茎,干;(高脚酒杯的)柄脚;(语法中的)词干;烟斗柄;主干;船头,艏柱;(机械装置的)阀杆,导杆,棒;血统;(手表的)发条转柄;(文字的)干线,(音符的)符干;鸦片烟枪 v. 阻止,遏制;止住(液体的流动);起源于;去梗,去柄;(船)逆流而行;(滑雪)向外转动(滑雪屐)以便转弯(或减速);给……装柄 abbr. (stem)理工科的统称(science;stems;stems;stemming;stemmed;stemmed;"n. (植物、灌木的)茎,干;(高脚酒杯的)柄脚;(语法中的)词干;烟斗柄;主干;船头,艏柱;(机械装置的)阀杆,导杆,棒;血统;(手表的)发条转柄;(文字的)干线,(音符的)符干;鸦片烟枪 v. 阻止,遏制;止住(液体的流动);起源于;去梗,去柄;(船)逆流而行;(滑雪)向外转动(滑雪屐)以便转弯(或减速);给……装柄 abbr. (stem)理工科的统称(science;technology;engineering

57. economy [ɪ(ː)ˈkɒnəmɪ] n. 经济;节省,简练;经济舱 adj. 经济实惠的 【名】 (economy)(英)伊科诺米(人名);economies

58. slaughter [ˈslɔːtə] n. (对动物的)屠宰;(对人的)屠杀;彻底击败,一边倒的比赛 v. 宰杀(动物);屠杀,杀戮;(在体育比赛中)使惨败;严厉批评 【名】 (slaughter)(美)斯劳特(人名)

59. career [kəˈrɪə] n. 职业,事业;职业生涯;速度,行程 adj. 就业的,职业的;终身从事的 v. 猛冲;careers;careers;careering;careered;careered

60. frame [freɪm] n. 框架,边框;(家具、建筑物、车辆等的)构架,支架;体格,骨架;眼镜框;(系统、概念或文章的)基本框架;镜头,画面;(连环漫画中的)一幅画;(网页的)一个区域;(斯诺克或保龄球的)一局;(玻璃或塑料的箱式)轻便温床;(纺织、编结或刺绣用的)框;替换框架 v. 装框架;勾勒出;围绕;陷害,诬陷;制定,拟订;(措词谨慎地)表达 adj. 有木架的 【名】 (frame)(英)弗雷姆(人名);frames;frames;framing;framed;framed

61. complicate [ˈkɒmplɪkeɪt] v. 使复杂化,使难以理解;引起并发症;使卷入,使陷入;complicates;complicating;complicated;complicated

62. complicated [ˈkɒmplɪkeɪtɪd] adj. 复杂的,难处理的 v. 使复杂化,使难以理解;引起并发症(complicate 的过去式和过去分词形式)

63. grind [graɪnd] v. 磨碎,碾碎;使锋利;用力挤压;摩擦(发出刺耳声);(跳舞者)扭摆臀部;摇动(碾磨机等机器的)手柄操作;用绞肉机绞(肉);(机器或车辆伴有噪音地)缓慢运转,费力移动 n. 苦差事;摩擦(声),碾磨(声);埋头苦读的学生;磨制级别;小型教学班;(舞蹈中的)扭臀动作 【名】 (grind)(法、德)格林德(人名);grinds;grinds;grinding;ground;ground

To many left-leaning Americans, it is resoundingly clear that women who backed Donald J. Trump in the presidential election voted against their own self-interest.


Liberal women, in particular, have spent recent days practically stunned, stewing over how other women could have rejected Kamala Harris, who would have been the first woman to lead the nation in its nearly 250-year history. Instead, they chose a candidate who spews misogyny seemingly with glee. For the second time.


One voter from Maine, interviewed after Mr. Trump declared victory, offered a takeaway shared by many. As she put it, “The sisterhood did not stand up.”


In many ways the election results seemed to contradict generations of progress made toward women’s equality and for feminism generally. Women have made strides in nearly every facet of American life in recent decades, generally making up a greater proportion of the U.S. work force than in the past, taking on high-paying jobs and outpacing men in higher education — though they remain underrepresented at the top levels of both business and government.


第一,学习leaning的用法。这个词做名词,表示a tendency to prefer or agree with a particular set of beliefs, opinions etc,倾向,偏爱,例:his radical political leanings 他那激进的政治倾向

第二,学习misogynist的用法。这个词做名词,表示a man who hates women,憎恨女人者,厌恶女人者

第三,学习glee的用法。这个词做名词,表示a feeling of satisfaction and excitement, often because something bad has happened to someone else,高兴,兴奋;幸灾乐祸,例:Manufacturers are rubbing their hands with glee as they prepare to cash in. 厂家准备收钱的时候高兴得直搓手。

They now find themselves in a country where Mr. Trump won decisively with a campaign that pitted men against women, sitting down with podcasters who trade in sexism and choosing a running mate who had criticized single women as “childless cat ladies.” Mr. Trump took credit for appointing the Supreme Court justices who overturned the constitutional right to abortion but appeared to pay little price at the polls. Immediately after the election social media posts were circulating by men that read, “your body, my choice.”


But women themselves clearly were divided in the election. Exit polls show that 45 percent of female voters cast ballots for Mr. Trump, and far more white women voted for Mr. Trump than Black women. The compounding rejection of first Hillary Clinton then Ms. Harris has exposed an uncomfortable but steady undercurrent of American society: Women do not necessarily agree on what counts as progress or a setback.


For Tiffany Justice, co-founder of Moms for Liberty, a conservative organization, the election of Mr. Trump is “the liberation of women out of the dark days of so-called feminism.”


第一,学习credit的用法。这个词做名词,表示approval or praise that you give to someone for something they have done,赞扬;赞许,常用搭配为take / claim / deserve etc (the) credit,例:She deserves credit for trying her best. 她尽了最大的努力,应该得到表扬。

第二,学习compounding的用法。这个词做形容词,表示to make a difficult situation worse by adding more problems,使恶化,加重,常用搭配为compound a problem / difficulty etc,例:Helmut’s problems were compounded by his lack of concentration. 注意力不集中使得赫尔穆特的问题更加严重。

第三,学习undercurrent的用法。这个词做形容词,表示a feeling, especially of anger or dissatisfaction, that people do not express openly,暗流,潜伏的情绪〔尤指愤怒或不满〕,例:He sensed an undercurrent of resentment among the crowd. 他觉察出人群中有一股暗藏的不满情绪。

“This,” she said, “is real American feminism.”


Ms. Justice sees Mr. Trump’s elevation of Susie Wiles as the first female chief of staff as the first of many moves by the next president that will be good for women.


“Every woman who feels like Donald Trump is going to be bad for their lives may want to just wait a minute and stop listening to the mainstream media and listen to what President Trump does,” she said.


In the days since the election, it seems as though womanhood itself has fractured. Plans have yet to emerge for a large show of togetherness like the pussy hat rally in Washington after Mr. Trump’s first election in 2016. Liberal women have blamed conservatives for siding with Mr. Trump, a known philanderer who was found liable for the sexual abuse of E. Jean Carroll, the former magazine writer. Some Black women have blamed white women for betraying them by voting for a candidate who says not only sexist but racist things.


第一,学习fractured的用法。这个词做形容词,表示broken or cracked,骨折的;有裂缝的,例:She suffered a fractured skull in the accident. 她在事故中颅骨骨折。

第二,学习liable to do sth的用法。这个词组表示likely to do or say something or to behave in a particular way, especially because of a fault or natural tendency可能[易于]做某事的,例:The car is liable to overheat on long trips. 这辆汽车跑长途容易过热。

Jamila K. Taylor, president and chief executive of the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, a think tank that aims to close inequality gaps for women, has tried to parse the fact that women in some states voted to protect abortion rights but also voted for Mr. Trump. To her, that indicates that some voters were uncomfortable voting for Ms. Harris because she is Black.


“We have to call it out — the misogyny and racism and sexism,” Dr. Taylor said.


To academics who study women’s movements and activists who have led them, the idea of a sisterhood where women stick together because of their gender, is a myth with deep roots in American society. In examples that start from the nation’s earliest days — through suffragist movements, racial integration and the legalization of abortion — some of the biggest opponents of women’s rights have been women.


“Women don’t speak with one voice,” said Lisa Levenstein, director of the Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. “They never have, they never will.”


Some of the biggest opponents of the fight to allow women to vote in the early 1900s were groups led by women. White mothers were among the loudest opponents of school desegregation and busing. In the 1970s, Phyllis Schlafly ridiculed feminists and glorified traditional roles for women as she fought to block the Equal Rights Amendment, saying it would lead to the complete unraveling of traditional American society.


Still, the election results last week came as a shock to many in a country where popular culture celebrates an awareness of women’s struggles and achievements.


America today is awash in examples of feminism’s popularity. Beyoncé on her summer tour sang to enormous crowds, “Who run the world? Girls.” Taylor Swift sold out arenas across the country calling out sexism she has faced (“If I was out flashing my dollars/I’d be a bitch, not a baller”). The “Barbie” movie drew hordes of people to theaters in red and blue states alike to see a doll with impossible curves turned into a feminist icon.


But pop culture did not translate to political culture, and signs of fractures among women were obvious during the campaign.


In Nebraska, female university athletes filmed a TV ad supportive of an ultimately successful ballot measure restricting abortion rights. Well-coiffed women from a North Carolina evangelical charismatic Christian church followed Mr. Trump to rally after rally.


Recently, the “tradwives” movement on social media picked up traction, celebrating the return of women to traditional roles as submissive wives. Mainstream media has treated the trend largely as a curiosity.


But for women who stay at home in lieu of low-paying jobs, including taking care of other people’s children, or are faced with workplaces where gender pay gaps are still prevalent, focusing on supporting their working husbands to better help their families is its own act of empowerment.


“There is still so much discrimination and pay inequity, you can see why some women would like to boost their husband’s status,” said Katherine Turk, a historian of second-wave feminism at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. “Women who are not feminist have different ideas about what it means to have a self-actualized life and meaningful choices.”


Some women this year said they themselves were uncomfortable with a woman being president.


“I’m a woman and it probably goes against the grain, but I think we need a man to deal with foreign countries,” said Lynn Lewis of Old Fort, N.C., who voted for Mr. Trump.


In the days before the election Mr. Trump vowed to be a protector of women, “whether the women like it or not.” Some women were offended, but for others that message appealed. Ms. Lewis, 60, said she fears foreign leaders might think they could push around a female president.


“There are certain things that men need to lead,” she said.


Many historians of women’s equality movements through the decades say that the gains won by women often didn’t benefit all women; rather, they helped privileged women secure more opportunities in society. The fight for legal equality allowed women with the necessary means to pay for college and find jobs with good salaries, for instance. That’s part of the reason women have not been unified in what they want from politicians.


In last week’s election, some women said they specifically appreciated Mr. Trump’s support for their role as mothers.


Conservative women argued that the national movement for transgender rights took power away from mothers to make decisions for their children. Some believe Mr. Trump will support their position that parents, not the government should decide whether children are vaccinated. They think his crackdown on the border will stop their children from accessing fentanyl, even though the largest group of known fentanyl smugglers are Americans, not immigrants, crossing through legal points of entry. And they said they saw the rising cost of groceries as an affront to women trying to feed their families, and something they think Mr. Trump can stem.


In her campaign, Ms. Harris tried to appeal to mothers and others by advancing “the care economy,” a set of policies aimed at helping parents and other caregivers.


Anne-Marie Slaughter, who gained renown after her article for The Atlantic about the difficulty of career advancement for professional women with children, said she once focused her fight for gender equity on the workplace and now sees it as just as important for women who care for others.


“Feminism should be framed in terms of care and career, but within that there are going to be lots of debates about what care reasonably encompasses,” she said. “I would not include it to mean control over all my children’s choices, but that is complicated ground.”


外刊文章来源,纽约时报 2024年11月15日 Was the Trump Election a Setback for Women? Even Women Do Not Agree.


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