网红羊毛月,嘲笑00后找不到工作,引发公愤? | RADII

时事   2024-12-04 07:57   山东  


1. humor [ˈhjuːmə] n. 幽默,诙谐;心情 vt. 迎合,迁就;顺应;humors;humors;humoring;humored;humored

2. conceive [kənˈsɪːv] v. 构思,设想;使受孕,怀孕;conceives;conceiving;conceived;conceived

3. unemployment [ˈʌnɪmˈplɔɪmənt] n. 失业人数,失业率;失业,失业状态;失业救济金

4. spectacular [spekˈtækjələ] adj. 壮观的,令人惊叹的;惊人的,突如其来的 n. 壮观场面,盛大演出;spectaculars

5. torrent [ˈtɒrənt] n. 激流,湍流;(谩骂、问题等的)连发,迸发 【名】 (torrent)(西、法、美等)托伦特(人名);torrents

6. abuse [əˈbjuːz] v. 虐待;滥用,辜负;辱骂;糟蹋(某物);性侵犯 n. 虐待,凌辱;滥用,妄用;辱骂;舞弊,腐败;糟蹋;性侵犯;恶习,陋习 【名】 (abuse)(英)阿比斯(人名);abuses;abuses;abusing;abused;abused

7. version [ˈvɜːʃən] n. (同一种物件稍有不同的)样式,型号;(从不同角度的)说法,描述;(电影、剧本、乐曲等的)版本,改编形式;《圣经》译本;胎位倒转术 v. 创制……的新版本,更新……的版本;versions

8. elite [eɪˈlɪːt] n. 权力集团,上层人士;尖子,精英 adj. 出类拔萃的,精锐的;elites

9. controversy [ˈkɒntrəvɜːsɪ] n. 争论,争议;controversies

10. repeatedly [rɪˈpɪːtɪdlɪ] adv. 重复地,再三地

11. criticism [ˈkrɪtɪsɪz(ə)m] n. 批评,批判;意见;评论,评价;(对文学作品和历史文献的)考证;criticisms

12. privilege [ˈprɪvɪlɪdʒ] n. 特权,特殊待遇;荣幸,光荣;(富人或上层阶级的)权势;(律师、医生及其他专业人士的)保密权;言行免责权(尤指议员的权利);(授予个人,公司,某地的)特许经营权;(生活)优越 v. 给予特权,特别优待;特免,免除(某人);privileges;privileges;privileging;privileged;privileged

13. insult [ˈɪnsʌlt] v. 侮辱,冒犯;损害,危害 n. 侮辱,冒犯;(医)(对组织、器官的)损伤;insults;insults;insulting;insulted;insulted

14. criticize [ˈkrɪtɪsaɪz] v. 批评,指责;评论;criticizes;criticizing;criticized;criticized

15. furious [ˈfjʊərɪəs] adj. 狂怒的,暴怒的;狂暴的,猛烈的;喧闹的,热烈兴奋的

16. mock [mɒk] v. 嘲笑,(模仿)嘲弄;使显得徒劳,使显得可笑;(照原尺寸)模仿,仿制 (mock sth. up) adj. 假装的,假的;仿真的;(考试、作战等)模拟的,演习的 n. 模拟考试(mocks);嘲笑对象,笑柄;嘲笑;模仿,仿造(品) adv. 虚假地,不诚实地 【名】 (mock)(美、德)莫克(人名);mocks;mocks;mocking;mocked;mocked

17. reputation [ˌrepjə(ː)ˈteɪʃən] n. 名誉,名声;reputations

18. toxic [ˈtɒksɪk] adj. 有毒的,引起中毒的;令人极不愉快的,极其有害的,恶毒的;中毒的,中毒性的;(财政)(债务)有毒的,风险高的;(证券)有毒的 n. 有毒物质,毒药(toxics);toxics

19. highly [ˈhaɪlɪ] adv. 极其,非常;高度地,高水平地;钦佩地,赞赏地;在高处,地位高

20. offensive [əˈfensɪv] adj. 无礼的,冒犯的;令人不快(讨厌)的;攻击的,进攻性的;(体育比赛中)进攻的,攻势的 n. (军事)进攻,攻势;(引人注意的)系列行动,攻势;offensives

21. poisonous [ˈpɔɪznəs] adj. 有毒的;会产生毒素的;恶毒的,令人很不愉快的;有许多危害的,恶性的

22. dump [dʌmp] v. 丢弃,扔掉;乱堆,乱放;丢下,抛弃;分手,甩掉;倾销,抛售;转储,转存(计算机数据);(尤指系统发生故障后内存的)打印输出,卸出 n. 垃圾场;废料堆场;(金矿开采作业堆积而成的)矿山废石堆;脏地方;军需品临时存放处;转存;拉屎 【名】 (dump)(美)邓普(人名)

23. following [ˈfɒləʊɪŋ] adj. 之后的,接下来的;下列的,以下的;顺风的 n. 追随者,拥护者 prep. 在……之后,紧接着 v. 跟随;沿行;(时间、顺序)排在……之后(follow 的现在分词形式);followings

24. medium [ˈmɪːdɪəm] n. 媒介,媒体;方法,手段;(艺术创作)材料,素材;灵媒,巫师;培养基;环境;中等,中号;存储(或打印)介质;(颜料)溶剂(如油或水);(品质、状态)中等,中庸 adj. 中等的,中间的,适中的;五分熟的,半熟的;(程度、强度或数量)平均的;(颜色)不深不浅的,适中的;(投球,投球手)中速的;media;mediums

25. vicious [ˈvɪʃəs] adj. 凶险的,会造成伤害的;严厉的,恶毒的,恶意的;剧烈的,恶劣的;不道德的,罪恶的;(语言,推理)不完善的,谬误的 【名】 (vicious)(英)维舍斯(人名)

26. rack [ræk] n. 架子,支架;(固定台球球位的)三角框;一局台球比赛;(旧时的)拉肢刑具(the rack);(机器的)齿条,齿轨;(羊、猪等带前肋的)颈脊肉;一对鹿角;床;毁灭,毁坏;(吉他等乐器的)数字音响效果装置;伸长快步(指马侧蹄几乎同时依次抬起、四蹄偶尔同时离地的步态) v. 折磨,使痛苦;对……施以肢刑;把……放在架子里(或架子上);(台球比赛开局前)将球摆成三角形;用齿条及小齿轮传动;(从酒桶渣滓中)抽取(葡萄酒,啤酒等);走开,离去(rack off);(马)伸长快步跑,轻快小跑;不合理地提高(租金);(云)随风飘动 【名】 (rack)(法、德、意、匈)拉克(人名);racks;racks;racking;racked;racked

27. emperor [ˈempərə] n. 皇帝;(北美的)丽蝶,皇蝶;emperors

28. outrage [ˈaʊtreɪdʒ] n. 愤慨,愤怒;骇人听闻的事,暴行 v. 使愤怒,激怒;践踏(准则、法律等);凌辱,强奸;outrages;outrages;outraging;outraged;outraged

29. delete [dɪˈ lɪːt] v. 删除 n. 删除键;deletes;deleting;deleted;deleted

30. apology [əˈpɒlədʒɪ] n. 道歉;(因不能赴会的)道歉信;辩护,辩解;勉强(或不适当的)替代物;糟糕的例子;apologies

31. numb [nʌm] adj. 麻木的,失去感觉的;迟钝的,呆滞的 v. 使麻木,使失去知觉;使迟钝,使呆滞;使(某种感觉)减轻,使减弱;number;numbs;numbing;numbed;numbed

If there is one thing that young Chinese do not have a sense of humor about these days, it’s the state of the job market.


The influencer Yangmaoyue has learned that lesson the hard way in recent days, after his ill-conceived quip about youth unemployment backfired in spectacular fashion, leading him to lose over 1 million followers and receive a torrent of online abuse.


Yangmaoyue, whose real name is Yang Yue, has become a popular figure on Douyin, China’s version of TikTok, attracting over 8 million followers with videos showcasing his glamorous lifestyle as a graduate of the elite Peking University.


Confident and outspoken, Yang has never been afraid to court controversy — he has repeatedly faced criticism for flaunting his privilege and wealth in the past.


第一,学习ill-conceived的用法。这个词作形容词,表示not planned well and not having an aim that is likely to be achieved,计划不周的,例:The policy was ill-conceived and misguided. 这项政策规划不周,思路也成问题。

第二,学习quip的用法。这个词作动词,表示to say something clever and amusing,说俏皮话,说妙语,例:‘Giving up smoking is easy,’ he quipped. ‘I’ve done it hundreds of times.’ “戒烟很容易啊,”他风趣地说,“我已经戒过几百次了。”

第三,学习a torrent of sth的用法。这个词组表示a lot of words spoken quickly, especially in order to insult or criticize someone,连珠炮似的话语,例:When I asked him to move, he unleashed a torrent of abuse 我让他挪挪位置,他就破口大骂起来。

第四,学习court danger/death etc的用法。这个词组表示to behave in a way that makes danger etc more likely,招致危险/死亡等,例:To have admitted this would have courted political disaster. 承认了这件事就等于招致政治灾难。

But nothing could have prepared the online star for the furious reaction to his comments last week, when he decided to give his two cents on the struggles faced by China’s unemployed graduates.


Yang began by asking in a playful tone: “Is it really that hard to find a job?” Then, he mocked the generation born after 2000, known as post-00s in China, questioning their reputation for being fearless social justice warriors.


“Aren’t the post-00s supposed to be cleaning up toxic workplace cultures? How come you can’t even enter the workforce?” he quipped.

“难道不是00后应该清理有毒的企业文化吗?你怎么连工作都找不到?” 他开玩笑地说。

Young Chinese were not amused. The country’s youth unemployment rate was recorded at 17.1% in October. Many jobless Gen-Zers found Yang’s suggestion that they weren’t trying hard enough to find work highly offensive — especially given that the influencer has never had to apply for a job himself.


第一,学习mock的用法。这个词作及物动词,表示to laugh at someone or something and try to make them look stupid by saying unkind things about them or by copying them,讥笑,嘲弄;〔通过模仿〕取笑,例:Opposition MPs mocked the government’s decision. 反对党议员讥笑政府的这一决策。

第二,学习toxic的用法。这个词作形容词,表示containing poison, or caused by poisonous substances,有毒的;由有毒物质引起的,例:fumes from a toxic waste dump 有毒废料堆产生的毒气

Yang began growing his following on social media while still a student at Peking University, and became a full-time influencer after he completed his master’s degree in 2021.


The backlash against Yang was swift and vicious. Within days, he had lost more than 1 million followers on Douyin. Furious comments about him flooded the microblogging platform Weibo, with a related hashtag racking up more than 180 million views.


Many commenters compared Yang to Emperor Hui, the 3rd-century Chinese ruler who famously asked, “Why don’t they eat meat?” when his advisors informed him that his subjects had no rice to eat.


Like Marie Antoinette, Emperor Hui has become a byword in China for a clueless member of a privileged elite, who doesn’t understand the realities faced by ordinary people.

像玛丽·安托瓦内特一样,晋惠帝在中国已经成为一个不知民间疾苦的特权精英的代名词。Yang tried to quell the outrage, deleting his original video and posting an effusive apology to his account over the weekend.


“I’m sorry for expressing myself inappropriately on such a serious topic,” he said. “I sincerely apologize for hurting people’s feelings and making an already difficult job-hunting season even harder.”



第一,学习vicious的用法。这个词作形容词,表示unpleasantly strong or severe,剧烈的;恶劣的,例:a vicious gust of wind 一阵很猛烈的风

第二,学习rack sth up的用法。这个词组表示to get a number or amount of something, especially a number of points in a competition,取得〔数目或数量〕;〔尤指比赛〕得〔分〕,例:He racked up 41 points. 他得了41分。

第三,学习be a byword for sth的用法。这个词组表示to be so well known for a particular quality that your name is used to represent that quality,成为某事物的代名词,例:His name has become a byword for honesty in the community. 在这个社区里,他的名字成了诚实的代名词。

外刊文章来源,Chinese Influencer Sparks Outrage by Mocking Jobless Youth RADII 2024年12月2日


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