Visita da CG de Portugal e delegação AICEP à feira Design Xangai

文摘   2024-06-26 11:27   葡萄牙  


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 Design  Shanghai

A Cônsul-Geral de Portugal em Xangai, Sílvia Inácio, e o Diretor AICEP Xangai, Luís Costa, visitaram empresas portuguesas participantes na feira Design Xangai, um dos eventos mais relevantes na Ásia para o setor “lifestyle”.


The Consul General of Portugal in Shanghai, Sílvia Inácio, and the Director of AICEP Shanghai, Luís Costa, visited Portuguese companies taking part in the current edition of Design Shanghai trade fair, one of the most relevant events in Asia for the lifestyle sector.


 葡萄牙  室内装饰

Em interação com diversos expositores nacionais nesta feira (como a SERIP – iluminação; Abyss&Habidecor – têxteis-lar; Designer Pedro Sottomayor – smart lamps), foi possível constatar o cariz criativo, único, e sustentável dos produtos em exibição, que demonstraram ao público chinês as capacidades da indústria portuguesa de decoração de interiores.

在与各家参展商(如 SERIP - 照明;Abyss&Habidecor - 家纺;设计师 佩德罗-索托马约尔 - 智能灯具)的互动中,我们了解到,这些参展商的产品和服务都很受欢迎,展现了产品的创造性、独特性和可持续性,向中国公众展示了葡萄牙室内装饰行业的实力。

By interacting with various Portuguese exhibitors at the fair (such as SERIP - lighting; Abyss&Habidecor - home textiles; Designer Pedro Sottomayor - smart lamps), it was possible to see the creative, unique, and sustainable nature of the products on display, which demonstrated to the Chinese public the capabilities of the Portuguese interior design industry.

A Cônsul-Geral realizou ainda intervenção inaugural no Fórum “Breakthrough Boundaries: N+1 Ways of Living Outdoors”, paralelo à Design Shanghai, tendo destacado o espírito “inovador, sofisticado, e vanguardista” de Portugal, capaz de acompanhar e adotar novas tendências criadas mundialmente.

总领事女士还在与 "设计上海 "同期举办的 "突破边界:户外的N+1 种生活方式 "论坛上致开幕词。该论坛强调了葡萄牙的 "创新、精致和前卫 "精神,能够追随和采用全球创造的新趋势。

The Consul General also gave the opening speech at the "Breakthrough Boundaries: N+1 Ways of Living Outdoors" Forum, held in parallel to Design Shanghai, highlighting Portugal's "innovative, sophisticated and avant-garde" spirit, capable of keeping up with and adopting new trends created worldwide.
