
文化   2024-11-25 20:24   广东  


张翔 整理

按:文本翻译整理自1890年5月10日的《益闻西报》(The Chinese Times)。该报创刊于1886 年 11 月 6 日,由天津海关税务司德璀琳出资,是天津第一份英文报纸。其主编兼主笔为英国人亚历山大·宓吉(Alexander Michie)。该报停刊于1891年。本次译文借助了人工智能的机器翻译,在某些词语的使用上,我们也做了适当润色,以求更接近原始意思,不妥之处,尤其是专业术语,望各位方家不吝指正。


今天解放北路丽思卡尔顿酒店的位置,是曾经著名的戈登堂(Gordon Hall)。从1890年建成至1941年的英租界时期,为天津英租界工部局所在地;从1945年至1983年拆除,一直是天津市政府(人民委员会)所在地。




The Opening of the Town Hall


The original plan of a public opening of the new Municipal building had apparently fallen through,but some fortuitous circumstances have revived the idea, and the consequence has been a function of much interest and of some historical importance. It has always been the policy—of which the wisdom cannot be too much commended—of our local representatives to cultivate friendly and even confidential relations with the Chinese authorities,and this has been done with so much tact and judgment that pleasant and easy intercourse has been the rule between natives and foreigners in Tientsin. How much trouble has been avoided,and danger averted by this happy state of things it were vain to estimate, but many circumstances go to show a recognized continuity of interest between the foreign concessions and the native quarter immediately adjoining which contributes greatly to the peace and comfort of our life in Tientsin.


In copying our macadamized roads and posting uniformed police on the main thoroughfares to the city the Chinese have paid their foreign neighbours a compliment which is more than hollow. For it is of much practical importance that the foreign Municipal government, on the fringe of a populous native city, should enjoy the sympathy of the Chinese authorities and people. Acting on this principle, which has guided them throughout, the Municipal Council determined to invite His Excellency the Viceroy to open the new Hall, and his consent to preside at this interesting ceremony gives it an importance which could hardly otherwise have been hoped for. And we must own it is very much to the credit of the Chinese, in view of the comparisons which our well-kept settlement, and especially this magnificent new building, inevitably suggest, to contribute so willingly to the prestige of the British Municipality.


The Arrival of Viceroy


The proceedings commenced with a Banquet to which the Municipal Council and Land-renters invited his Excellency the Viceroy, with his Secretaries Lo Feng-luh and Tseng Laisun. The Hai Kwan Taotai, the Tientsin Taotai, the Salt Commissioner, and the Director of the China Merchants' Company, the Foreign Consuls, and a large number of the residents and visitors, ladies and gentlemen. The banquet was provided by Mr. Ritter of the Astor House, covers being laid for 60 on four tables most conveniently arranged in the central portion of the Hall, leaving ample space all round where chairs and sofas were placed for the accommodation of the guests while waiting for dinner.

议程开始于宴会,工部局和租地人邀请总督阁下(李鸿章)以及他的秘书罗丰禄和曾兰生,还有海关道台,天津道台、盐业监督、招商局主管,外国领事以及大量的居民和访问者,包括女士和先生。宴会由利顺德的瑞德(George Ritter)先生提供,大厅中央适时地安排了四张桌子60个座位,四周留有足够的空间放置椅子和沙发,供客人在等待晚餐时休息。

His Excellency arrived a little before half-past six. The first intimation of his approach was a bugle note from the guard of blue-jackets drawn up in Victoria Road,who saluted as the Viceroy's chair came up. The sailors looked extremely trim and ship-shape. The Viceroy's own body guard, in the familiar white uniform with dark facings,escorted the chair, preceding the Viceroy with swords drawn which flashed brightly in the evening sunlight. On the Viceroy's alighting he was conducted into the great hall, where the British Consul, and the members of the Municipal Council were waiting to receive him. As he came in, a guard of honour of the Royal Marines drawn up in the vestibule gave the salute. Having shaken hands all-round the Viceroy retired into the Reception room,accompanied by his personal attendants,and the high Chinese officials who had arrived earlier. The crash of the Band, and the deafening report of a huge cracker outside, emphasized this point in the proceedings.


After the Viceroy had refreshed himself in the Reception room he strolled round the gardens showing great interest in all he saw, and especially in the menagerie. By the time that he had returned the guests had all assembled, and the scene as they sat down lo table was a most brilliant one. The bright toilettes of the sprinkling of ladies present, and the brilliant gold-embroidered uniforms of the consuls and naval officers, gave sufficient relief to the more somber mass.


The warm rays of the setting sun slanting down through the lofty gothic windows, bathed the hall in gold, and glanced on the silver epergnes and beautifully arranged fruit, flowers, and snowy napery of the banquet tables, with fairy effect. The gas had been lighted, but was kept very low, until, as the light from without died away, it grew into life, with the gradual effect of the dawn, till its full radiance had taken the place of the last glimmerings of twilight. Then, while in the hall all was glancing and flashing beneath the rays of the great chandelier suspended from the dome, outside was darkness, and the transformation complete. As this was the first occasion on which the Oil Gas Company had an opportunity of shewing the quality of their new illuminant on a large scale, it was interesting to observe the effect, which was highly satisfactory. The light is pure, soft, brilliant, and steady, and the cry of the settlement, which is compressed into the motto of The Chinese Times, has now been abundantly answered. Soon, however, string after string of lanterns, festooned along the garden walks and round the Municipal compound, gave out their pretty glowworm light, and at the same time the battlements and turrets of the Town Hall were in their turn illuminated with scores of lanterns extending from tower to tower.


Dinner for Opening


The dinner elicited universal commendation for the excellence of the material, the cooking and the serving, the latter being usually so defective in big dinners.


The following was the Menu. :- -


Creme de riz Veloutée a la Francaise.(法式稠米汤


Mandarin Gratin a la Mayonnaise.(蛋黄酱焗橙

Cotelettes d'Agneau a la Jardiniere.(蔬菜羊排)
Winkeler Hasensprung.(雷司令)

Supreme de Poulets a la Toulouse(至尊图卢兹鸡)

Timbale de foie Gras a la Demidoff.(德米多夫鹅肝酱)

Chateau Leoville.波菲

Filet de Baufa l’Anglaise.(英式牛里脊
Beccasines au Croutons.(面包配鱼)
Salade Compote.(水果沙拉

Gelée de Zara.(扎拉果冻
Fromage Bavarois aux Fraises.巴伐利亚草莓奶酪
Petite Patisserie.(小甜点)
Fromage Fruits.(水果奶酪)
Piece Montée.(裱花蛋糕)

The head of the table was occupied by Mr. Detring, Chairman of the Council, who had H.E. the Viceroy on his right and Colonel Denby, U.S. Minister, on his left. On the other side of the Viceroy sat Mr. Brenan, H.B.M. Consul, who proposed the first toast, which was the health of H. I. M. the Emperor of China. This having been drunk with fervour, H.E. Li Hung-chang in turn proposed, by the mouth of his Secretary, Mr. Lo Feng-luh, the healths of Her Majesty Queen Victoria and the Sovereigns and Chiefs of State of the different countries represented in the company.

桌子的上座是工部局董事长德璀琳先生,他的右边是李鸿章,左边是美国驻华公使田贝上校(Charles Denby)。李鸿章的另一侧坐着英国驻津领事璧利南先生(又翻为白利南,Byron Brenan),他首先祝酒,内容是祝中国皇帝陛下健康。李鸿章喝的高兴,轮到他提议,便由他的秘书罗丰禄先生,代他向维多利亚女王陛下和各国的君主、元首们问候。

Baron von Seckendorff proposed the health of Li Hung-chang, Mr. Paderin that of the British Settlement, Mr. Bowman that of the ladies. The Chairman then proposed the toast of the Foreign Ministers in China, coupled with the name of His Excellency Colonel Denby, whom we had the good fortune to welcome as a guest; to which Colonel Denby made an eloquent and appropriate response, and proposed the health of Mr. Detring, Chairman of the Municipal Council, to whom the community owed so much, and who had taken so much trouble to arrange the present function in which they were engaged.


The banquet was brought rather quickly to a close, about half-past-eight, as the room had to be once more transformed for the conversazione which was to take place at nine o'clock. The guests occupied the interval in the Park, where fireworks were exhibited, or in walking round the different parts of the building, while tables, chairs, bottles, glasses, and cutlery clattered out of the large Hall, and in an incredibly short time the room was empty, swept and garnished for the new set of guests.




The conversazione was the pièce de resistance of the evening, and it was opened with splendid éclat by the Town Band, which also had been transfigured under the inspiring hand of Professor Terschak, and they played the first part of his grand Turkish march in a style which they never knew before.



The metamorphosis of the hall was wonderful. Three days ago, it had a cold, damp, and naked appearance; the fine proportions were there, but neither colouring nor furniture to relieve and show them up. The pillars and vaulted roof had a gaunt and unfinished appearance; the floor presented a vast bare area, and, in short, instead of giving an impression of grandeur, the hall only suggested melancholy. What a transformation on Friday night! A simple dado had been painted round the hall, and with a gold border along its top, gave the vast walls a warm, papered effect.


A huge curtain made up of national flags had been suspended over the upper end of the hall, forming a sort of pavilion to the dais which had been arranged there. Here was placed the piano (Mrs. Detring's Concert Grand by Ehrbar, an instrument which reflects credit on the maker, and on his native town Vienna) that under Mme. Schuller's master-hand was to give us so much pleasure, surrounded by flowers and ferns, bright bunting and crimson carpet. The back ground was filled with a large embroidered dragon on an imperial yellow ground hung on the wall, in front of which, wreathed in flowers, was a portrait of Her Britannic Majesty.


In the hall, a portrait of the Prince of Wales and a splendid enlarged photograph of General Gordon, by Mr. Salzwedel, a veritable work of art, very tastefully arranged on an easel and decorated with flowers, faced each other right and left. Between the side columns of the hall were hung festoons of flags, and above the entrance were exhibited the Royal arms, well copied by a native artist. Over the side-doors were aptly chosen mottoes. The corners of the room were conveniently and gracefully filled with little tables and chairs, and choice plants in pots, with prettily stuffed animals, furred and feathered, peeping out of the greenery and looking as like life as it was possible to make them.


Seen from the garden the Gordon Hall now seemed to have been touched with fairy hands. The lines of windows brightly shown up by light from within; the dark walls and frowning towers delicately adorned with the many-colored balls of fire; the foliage of the trees in the foreground, thrown up by their fruit-clusters of lanterns, — all combined to make an indescribably pretty picture.


Mr. Detring, Chairman of the Municipality, then presented to the Viceroy Li Hung-chang an address in Chinese, and while he was reading it Mr. Detring delivered the substance of it in English for the benefit of the Company, as follows:


Your Excellency, on behalf of the Council and Land-renters of the British Settlement I have first and foremost to thank Your Excellency for having done us the highly appreciated honour of being present among us on this occasion. We are about to inaugurate an edifice which is intended to serve as the seat of the self-government of this settlement, as a resort for the discussion of public business, for the accommodation of the students of literature, and for various other purposes which from time to time may bring together under one roof the foreign community of Tientsin. (Applause.)


In most cities and towns of the West there are similar buildings, many of which have been erected in centuries gone by, which have seen generations of citizens come and go, and upon which young and old look as historical land marks of Municipal freedom and prosperity. (Applause).


Nearly thirty years have elapsed since the site of the settlement was selected and mapped out by the then hardly known Captain Gordon, R.E., subsequently Your Excellency's renowned companion in arms and friend. (Great applause).


Since then the settlement has gradually grown into what it is this day. By the continuity if its administration the requirements of the shipping and inhabitants were one by one satisfied, and after these, roads, drains, public garden, street-lighting, and an efficient system of police had been provided, the time came when the Municipal establishment could be crowned by the erection of a spacious Town Hall.


We have built it strongly and solidly, thinking not only of the requirements of the present day, but also of future wants, and we expect it to stand for many years to come for the use and enjoyment of those who will hereafter occupy our places. (Applause).


We also desire it to be a monument of the time when Your Excellency held the reins of Government in this Province — as the product of a period during which the trade, shipping, and general prosperity of the port so wonderfully developed, and when, owing to the presence of Your Excellency, Tientsin took a leading position among the open ports of China, not only for the friendly relations between Chinese and Foreigners on the basis of equity and mutual regard, but also for the introduction of Western ideas recognized by an enlightened statesman as necessary for the safety of the Empire and the well-being of China's people.


We now ask Your Excellency to declare open this hall, which in commemoration of historical past, and associations, recalled by Your Excellency's presence on this occasion, the Council propose to name the Gordon Hall, to be provided hereafter with a suitable memento of that hero's connection with the settlement, and of his career in China.


To which His Excellency replied, through Mr. Lo Feng-luh, who delivered the speech in a fine clear voice and with admirable emphasis, in the following terms: —


I return thanks for the address presented to me by the Chairman of the Municipal Council of the British Settlement, and I thank the Council and community for the opportunity given me of assisting at this interesting ceremony. The inspection of this building has afforded me much pleasure. It is strong and ornamental, and reflects credit on those who designed and superintended its construction: it testifies to the foresight and good administration of this settlement; and is a proof of the advantages derived from the people taking an interest in their own affairs. (Applause).


That foreigners appreciate what I have been able to do, in my official capacity, gives me satisfaction to hear, for it is my wish and intention not only to make China strong and respected, but also to cultivate friendly relations with the foreign nations that come to us for purposes of trade, which benefits all parties concerned. (Great applause).


It has been to me also a great satisfaction to observe during my tenure of office here that the relations between foreigners and Chinese have been so harmonious, and it is my sincere desire that this harmony should continue unbroken. (Applause).


As to the call made upon me to declare this building open, I have great pleasure in responding to it, the more so as the Hall in which we are assembled is to be named after a distinguished friend of my own, whose brilliant military talents came first into notice in connection with my own campaigns, and whose subsequent pure and noble career in other countries I followed with the greatest interest and admiration, and whose premature loss I still deeply deplore. (Loud applause).


May this Hall, which I now declare open, be a lasting memorial of Gordon's connection with China! (Loud and continued cheering).


His Excellency then formally delivered over to the Chairman of the Council two silver keys tied with Grey and Red ribbons.




When the Viceroy gave the signal for departure about 10:30 o'clock, there was a rush of his suite and servants to the door. Seen from the steps the scene that ensued was a most picturesque one. Victoria Road was filled with a surging melee of foot-soldiers, horsemen, chairs, servants, and Chinese onlookers. Soldiers with huge lanterns and torch bearers cleared the way, followed by the escort and the red umbrella-bearer.


As soon as his Excellency was seated the chair bearers started off at a swinging pace, the soldiers in front clearing the way, and the mounted men springing into their saddles, and rattling after the chair. The three chairs containing the Viceroy's sons were caught up by the bearers with the same celerity, and in a minute the street in front was clear again of all but the Chinese crowd of sight-seers, and amidst outbursts of crackers the official train was disappearing between the trees with the lantern and torch-lights catching fantastically the gleaming swords and motley uniforms of the attendants.

