
文摘   2024-09-15 14:27   上海  



Special Issue:The Role of Traditional Medicine in Responding to Plagues Throughout Global History

关于专刊 /About this Issue



Plagues have played a significant role in shaping societies throughout global history. The spread and response to plagues across the world encompass a wide array of factors, including medical practices, cultural paradigms, political decisions, social dynamics, and economic conditions. Traditional medicine has been pivotal in responding to these crises, providing valuable insights into historical and cultural approaches to health and disease management. This special issue aims to explore the multifaceted role of traditional medicine in plague responses throughout global history.

范围和主题 /Scope and Topics


We invite scholars to submit manuscripts that delve into the historical impact of traditional medicine on Plague management, examining how these practices have been utilized, adapted, and integrated into various societal responses to outbreaks. Through rigorous analysis of these interactions, we aim to uncover the contributions of traditional medical practices to public health strategies and their enduring influence on modern medicine.

We are currently accepting manuscripts that address, but are not limited to, the following themes:


1.The historical role of traditional medicine in managing and mitigating plagues.


2.Comparative studies of traditional medical practices and their effectiveness during different plagues.


3.Case studies of specific plagues and the traditional medical treatments employed.


4.The impact of cultural norms and beliefs on traditional medicine's role in plague response.


5.The influence of political decisions and social dynamics on the use of traditional medicine during plagues.


6.Cross-cultural exchanges and the transmission of traditional medical knowledge during plague outbreaks.


7.The evolution and adaptation of traditional medical practices in response to plagues.


8.Historical documentation and analysis of traditional medical texts related to plague management.


9.The role of traditional medicine in shaping public health policies and strategies.



We welcome original research papers, review articles, and scholarly essays that provide new insights into the above topics from humanities-oriented perspectives, including history, cultural studies, and anthropology. Please note that clinical research and trial reports are excluded from this call.


客座主编/Guest Editor-in-Chief

Li Huacheng(李化成)


Li Huacheng, born in September 1979, is currently a Professor and PhD supervisor at the School of History and Civilization, Shaanxi Normal University. He also serves as the Dean of the Institute for Medicine and Civilization, Shaanxi Normal University. Additionally, he is the Editor-in-Chief of the "Journal of Medicine and Civilization." His academic interests focus on the social history of medicine and the socio-cultural history of medieval Western Europe.


Manuscript Submission Deadline: 

June 10, 2025.


投稿方式说明/Submission Guidelines

The submitted manuscripts for the special issue will be subject to the same peer review process as described in the Instructions for Authors of Chinese Medicine and Culture. The special issue follows the same policies of the journal (ethical approval, data availability and data sharing, preprint policy, etc).


To ensure that you submit to the correct thematic series, please select the thematic series title in the drop-down menu of “Special Issue-The Role of Traditional Medicine in Epidemic Response Throughout Global History". Manuscripts will undergo a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the highest scientific standards.


You are invited to submit your manuscript at any time before the submission deadline. All manuscript submissions should be 8,000-10,000 words for original articles, 5000-8000 for reviews, and 3500-6000 for perspectives, opinions and book reviews.


The journal’s submission platform (https://www.editorialmanager.com/cmc/default.aspx) is now available for receiving submissions to this Special Issue. Please refer to the Instructions for Authors to prepare your manuscript:

https://journals.lww.com/CMC/Pages/instructionsforauthors.aspx. Please feel free to contact the editorial office or send questions and comments to tcmoverseas@126.com.


Chinese Medicine and Culture投审稿系统现已开放接收本专刊稿件(投稿时请选择文章类型为“The Role of Traditional Medicine in Responding to Plagues Throughout Global History”)。




期刊介绍/About the Journal

《中医药文化(英文版)》是上海市教育委员会主管,上海中医药大学、中华中医药学会联合主办的全英文中医药人文领域学术期刊。2019年成功入选“中国科技期刊卓越行动计划高起点新刊”,2020年实现国内正式创刊,为中医药学的国际学术交流搭建了新平台,逐渐成为引领中医药文化走向世界的一张国际名片。《中医药文化(英文版)》目前被ESCI, Scopus, DOAJ, CAS, Ovid, Ulrichs, EBSCO Publishing's Electronic Databases, Ex Libris–Primo Central, Google Scholar, Hinari, Infotrieve, Netherlands ISSN Centre, ProQuest, TDNet, Baidu Scholar, CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), Wanfang Dat, CSTJ等国内外知名数据库收录。入选“2021年中国卓越科技期刊十大最美封面”,2021—2023年连续三次入选《科技期刊世界影响力指数(WJCI)报告》,期刊影响力显著提升。





- 驻颜 - 
画眉 | 宫廷秘方 | 胭脂水粉 | 白芷驻颜 | 中医美容常用方法 
现存《永乐大典》美容医方 | 从经典本草看时尚美容
- 病痛 -
脱发 | 失眠 | 便秘 | 脾胃 | 湿疹 | 急症 | 记忆衰退 | 女性冬病
针治难产 | 针治颈椎 | 针治哮喘 | 针治失眠 | 战场针灸
春节综合征 须发早白 | 小儿感冒 | 口中甜味要当心
“人面桃花”可能是光敏皮炎 | 你的父母膝盖会冷痛吗  
 - 科普 - 
中药麻醉 | 香道文化 | 面部光谱 | 被忽略的中医急救
原来音乐能治病 | 比较心与 heart | 睡觉是最好的养生
唐宋牙刷什么样 | 中医细说丹田 | 影视剧的中医误区 
古代怎么处理垃圾 | 太极拳的养生原理 | 针刺消毒史
何以“膏肓”一误再误 | 古代医药怎么打广告 
 - 文化 - 
金瓶梅 | 红楼梦 | 黄帝内经 | 伤寒直指 | 闲情偶寄 | 山海经
周易 | 稳婆 | 上古 | 巫医 | 西夏 | 郑和 | 面相 | 废存 | 外交 
海派中医 | 古代解剖 | 古代女医 | 元代饮食 | 惧虚与滥补 
驱吓民俗 | 神农尝百草 | 道家道藏与中医 | 广州医药老字号
衣衾飘香的古代中国 | 本草纲目中的染色草木 | 什么是祝由
 - 品诗 - 
登高 | 芣苢 | 江南 | 苏幕遮 | 粉蝶儿 | 蝶恋花 
秋词二首 | 问刘十九 | 终南望余雪 | 观书有感二首


