2024-10-17 18:01
Perceptions and Controversies on Cholera in Traditional Chinese Medicine Field in Late Qing DynastyGUO Shiqiang, WU Haohuan, WU Yinghua*Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, China
暨南大学,广州 510632,中国
At the beginning of the initial cholera outbreak in China, Wang Qingren (王清任) emerged as a key figure who discovered the infectious characteristics and observed the course of cholera in the field of traditional Chinesse medicine (TCM) through extensive clinical trials. His dichotomous treatments profoundly influenced later scholars. Kou Langao (寇兰皋) and Xu Zimo (徐子默) asserted that cold pathogens triggered cholera with cold patterns based on the theory of typhoid, establishing the “School of Cholera with Cold Patterns” (SCCP). In the 1860s, influenced by Wang Shixiong’s (王士雄) studies on cholera with heat patterns caused by heat pathogens within the framework of epidemic febrile diseases, the “School of Cholera with Heated Patterns” (SCHP) prevailed thereafter. The two schools complemented each other in theories and contributed to the integrity of TCM in cholera diagnosis and treatment. By reviewing previous TCM literature, books, clinical cases, and historical materials, this article aims to summarize the influence of TCM on understanding cholera in the late Qing dynasty, explore the origin of the controversy between SCCP and SCHP from historical perspectives, derive historical lessons from the TCM debate over cholera on the basis of the principle of treatment based on pattern identification, and suggesting modern applications for prevention and treatment of new diseases using TCM.在中国霍乱大流行之初,王清任在临床实践中通过深入观察霍乱的病程发展,发现其具有传染性,由此成为当时中医界研究霍乱的关键人物。王清任指出,治疗霍乱时要依据病邪的寒热性质,而采用不同的治疗方法,对后世医家产生了深远影响。以寇兰皋和徐子默为代表的医者根据伤寒理论,认为霍乱起于寒邪、属于寒证,形成了“霍乱寒证派”。19世纪60年代,王士雄以温病学知识为根本,主张霍乱由暑邪导致、多属热证,逐渐形成“霍乱热证派”。寒热两派相辅相成,共同构成了霍乱的中医诊疗体系。本文回顾中医文献、书籍、医案与相关史料,系统梳理清末中医对霍乱病因、病机的认知过程,探讨导致霍乱寒热两派分歧的原因,总结两派之争的历史教训,为当前中医防治新发疾病提供经验参考。Guo SQ, Wu HH, Wu YH. Perceptions and controversies on cholera in traditional Chinese medicine field in late Qing dynasty. Chinese Medicine and Culture 2024;7(2): 143–151.阅读全文链接:https://journals.lww.com/cmc/fulltext/2024/06000/perceptions_and_controversies_on_cholera_in_the.5.aspx
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