Special Issue
Encounter of Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine in China
关 于 专 刊
About this Issue
美国作家、诺贝尔文学奖得主Pearl S. Buck精妙地描绘了文化之间的冲突,以及对现实的认知和理解是如何被困在传统与现代之间的。现代与传统如何在医学中相互作用一直是人们讨论的话题。中医是当今中国主流医疗保健不可或缺的组成部分,就像中国通常被称为西医的生物医学一样。生物医学和中医的相遇处在一个复杂的文化、政治、社会和经济因素、历史和地缘政治的背景下,是一种对抗、融合的动态平衡。
American writer and Nobel laureate Pearl S. Buck admirably portrays the conflict between cultures and how perceptions and making sense of reality are trapped between tradition and modernity. How modernity and tradition interacts in medicine has always been a topic for discussion. Tradtional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an indispensable and integral part of the mainstream in healthcare in China now, just as is the biomedicine which is usually called Western Medicine in China. The encounter of the two – biomedicine and the TCM is in a complicated context of culture, politics, social and economic factors, history, and geopolitics and in a dynamics of antagonism and integration.
Therefore, the guest editors of the special issue are reaching out to you for submissions engaging with the topic of special issue “Encounter of Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine in China”. We are currently accepting manuscripts of related topics and researches from scholars who would be interested in sharing their research contributions and discoveries on that theme to the special issue.
The special issue welcomes original research papers written on issues relevant to the encounter and interaction between the Chinese medicine (or TCM on certain condition) and biomedicine (or modern Western medicine) in China from the global perspectives. All the submission should be humanity-oriented such as research works in history, culture, or languages. We apologize that clinical researches and trail reports are excluded.
Guest Editors-in-Chief
Michael Shiyung Liu
上海交通大学历史系特聘教授,美国匹兹堡大学亚洲研究中心历史系教授。主要研究方向为日本殖民医学、东亚环境史、东亚公共卫生近代史。他的著作有Prescribing colonization in Japan-ruled Taiwan、《日本西洋医学的形成与扩散(增订本)》等,并发表多篇与上述主题相关的期刊文章。此外,他的新作《西医东来—现代医学在东亚社会12讲》和Handbook of Chinese History of Pharmacy 预计2025年将由北京师范大学出版社及Springer发行。
JIANG Yuhong
北京协和医学院人文与社会科学学院副教授,2023年约翰霍普金斯大学克里格艺术与科学学院客座副教授。2017-18年中美富布赖特研究学者,目前主要研究方向为医学人文和中美医学卫生交往史。曾翻译了4本医学史书籍,并合著《北京协和医学院百年纪念文集》一书,并在护理史、北京协和医学院校史、美国中华医学基金会历史、医学人文等方面发表多篇中、英文论文。曾在多次国际学术会议上担任小组发言人。现任Chinese Medicine and Culture、Asian Journal of Medical Humanities编委。
Submission Details
Periodical Introduction