We handle over a hundred subdivision and construction projects every year. With our extensive experience, we truly save you time, effort, money, and worry.
-Indelible Homes
我们Indelible Homes在新西兰从事建筑业的这十几年中,已逐渐发展成为新西兰最受欢迎的住宅建筑商之一。我们专业从事设计规划、土地分割、房屋建造等业务,只用优质、可靠和值得信赖的供应商来协助我们达到整个奥克兰地区优质住宅的高标准。
Over the past decade, we at Indelible Homes have gradually developed into one of New Zealand's most popular residential builders. We specialise in design planning, land subdivision, and house construction, using only high-quality, reliable, and trustworthy suppliers to help us achieve high standards for quality residences throughout the Auckland area.
Building a house in Auckland is not a simple task. The process may seem straightforward, but it actually involves many intricate details. It is essential to find a professional and experienced construction team!
Indelible Homes深信,出色的设计不仅仅是建筑外观的美观,更在于实现家庭成员之间的和谐共处,成就家庭幸福生活的关键。
Indelible Homes believes that outstanding design is not just about the aesthetic appeal of the architecture but also about achieving harmony among family members, which is the key to achieving a happy family life.
这些是我们Indelible Homes近期的热门项目,我们拥有建房的专业知识和经验,可以为您打造高性价比的优质住宅。当我们建造时,居住在房子里人们的生活质量才是我们考虑的最重要的因素。
These are Indelible Homes’ popular projects! These beautiful houses where you can experience our combined leading master workmanship, architectural design, and the latest smart home functions.
我们Indelible Homes在建筑行业的使命是为客户打造现代、温馨、低维护的住宅,让每一个家庭都能拥有一个舒适宜居的家园。
At Indelible Homes, we aim to build modern, warm, and low-maintenance houses.
我们坚信,通过我们的不懈努力,Indelible Homes将成为客户心中最值得信赖的建筑伙伴,为建筑行业带来更多的惊喜与突破。
Indelible Homes will become the most trusted architectural partner in customers' minds, bringing more surprises and breakthroughs to the construction industry.
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