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Public accountability is inextricably linked with political power. The need to “speak truth to power” has become something of a cliché, and accountability is often framed as the need to “hold power to account”. However, those who wish to exercise accountability also need access to the appropriate resources and arenas that enable them to do so. Clearly, therefore, the distribution of power and resources within governance networks plays a key role in accountability processes. Yet, these related concepts are rarely considered together in detail or explored in the context of different governance models or paradigms. In this paper, we suggest that a closer examination of them in different governance contexts can improve our understanding of both concepts. We bring the literatures on governance paradigms, accountability, resource interdependence, and power together, presenting accountability and power as concepts that are inextricably connected (but not always inversely proportionate) in relationships between actors in governance networks. We aim to show how the distribution of resources between actors shapes how power and accountability are exercised within different governance paradigms (Traditional Public Administration [TPA], New Public Management [NPM], and New Public Governance [NPG]), and—ultimately—correspond to different conceptualizations of democracy. To that end, we draw on theories of resource interdependence; the concepts of power over, power to and power with; and principal-agent, multidirectional, retrospective, and prospective understandings of accountability. To be specific, Taking a deductive approach and drawing on a purposive literature review and our own prior knowledge of these concepts, we outline the key understandings of democracy that underpin these paradigms, which leads into a discussion of the rationale for and operationalization of accountability within different governance contexts. We then highlight how these accountability relationships are a function of how resources are distributed between governance actors, and how this corresponds to how power (over, to, and with) can be exercised within public administration. Finally, we present a framework and a set of hypotheses to direct future studies that seek to connect these different concepts.
The TPA paradigm of Weberian bureaucracy was dominant in industrialized democracies until the late 1970s. Underpinning TPA is the idea that politics and public administration are separate functions within government, and that bureaucracies assume a central role in policy-making and implementation. Elected politicians direct government ministries to achieve policy objectives, and assume overall responsibility for departmental activities. Based on the principle of representative democracy, bureaucracies act in the public interest on behalf of elected representatives and ultimately citizens, who express their approval of the government at the ballot box. Professionals within public organizations are granted a high degree of respect and discretion, on the assumption that they operate according to a logic of public service that promotes or protects the public interest. State–societal relations are characterized by paternalism, and the belief that government bureaucracies are best placed to address public problems.
2)新公共管理 New public management
Beginning in the 1970s, many Western governments adopted market-orientated reforms to the governance of public services, which formed part of what became known as the NPM paradigm. Alongside a perception that traditional democracies were becoming “overloaded” and unable to address societal problems effectively, critics of the TPA model argued that citizens should be able to exercise greater choice in public services, and that exposure to market or quasi-market conditions would facilitate greater economy, efficiency and effectiveness in how they are delivered. Under NPM, therefore, governments outsourced, privatized, and “agencified” various functions that were previously under the direct control of ministers and officials. Subsequently, democracy is not understood solely in terms of voting for a party or candidate at periodical elections. Instead, it extends to enabling citizens to choose which organizations deliver their public services on a daily basis, and using market or quasi-market conditions to hold the providers of services accountable, on the basis that “customers” could access services from other organizations if they were dissatisfied. The relationship between citizens and government is therefore more transactional, with a focus on the extent to which public services provide “value for money.”However, NPM attracted criticism almost from its inception—partly on accountability grounds, because private service providers ultimately report to shareholders rather than voters and may be contracted to act on a government's behalf for a period that spans election cycles. In addition, privatization, outsourcing, and agencification, which had led to the fragmentation of the public service landscape, made it more difficult for policymakers to address apparently intractable long-term social, economic, and environmental “wicked” issues that cut across traditional departmental boundaries.
3)新公共治理 New public governance
In response, Western governments sought to encourage interagency partnership collaborations across public organizations and closer working with citizens. This formed a key part of the “post-NPM” approach, which stresses the importance of networks and societal engagement to coordinate public service activity and codesign, cocreate, and coproduce public services. Although scholars may have adopted different terms to describe this paradigm (e.g., “the new public service”, or “collaborative governance”), they all stress the importance of state actors working more closely with citizens to build “consensus among stakeholders on a formal set of policies designed and implemented to generate public value”. NPG emphasizes participative and deliberative democracy, based on the idea that involving citizens more closely in policy-making and implementation can address concerns around democratic accountability that exist in both NPM and TPA. In NPG contexts, the state has a more mutually supportive, fraternal relationship with citizens, instead of the paternal or transactional association that characterizes TPA and NPM, respectively.
There is some debate as to whether NPG is sufficiently distinguishable from NPM to represent a genuine paradigmatic change. Indeed, NPG has come in for similar criticisms to NPM, namely, that involving a greater number of actors in decision-making harms accountability, because nobody is entirely sure who is responsible for what. Additionally, since relationships between citizens and service providers tend to be more horizontal and informal, decision-makers are not subject to the same level of control, oversight, and coercion as in other paradigms. Moreover, many have questioned whether participative governance can be genuinely representative or legitimate, since more disadvantaged residents are often marginalized and exert less influence than their wealthier neighbors in decision-making processes. As with TPA and NPM, therefore, we can see how concerns about the accountability of public services also bedevil the NPG model.
As the above discussion suggests, different governance paradigms have raised different concerns around the accountability of public services, and various reforms have sought to address these concerns. In parallel, the idea of accountability has become more popular in both policy and academic literature. We trace the evolution of public accountability theory and how it reflects prevailing governance paradigms.
1)垂直问责制和传统公共行政 Vertical accountability and TPA
In classically hierarchical TPA contexts, definitions of accountability center around the presence of a principal–agent relationship, in which principals have the power to act on the information they receive and can hold agents to account for their actions. In traditional bureaucracies, policy is established at the top and carried out through a series of offices (bureaux), with each manager and worker reporting hierarchically to a superior and held to account by that person. As such, principals and agents operate at various levels, often performing different roles in their interactions with different actors. In reality, therefore, accountability is not based on a single principle–agent relationship but rather on a series of relationships of both delegation and accountability. This makes the concept more challenging and the process of holding people to account more complex. Furthermore, in parliamentary systems, the democratic state is made up of a series of accountability relationships between voters and legislatures, and between legislatures and government. Within government, there is a relationship between the Head of Government and their Cabinets (which varies depending on the model of executive power in operation), between Cabinet Ministers and junior ministers, and between each of those and a cohort of civil servants (as well as executive agencies). As such, multiple different strands form a web of accountability rather than a single line of delegation—although this web is nonetheless made up of multiple principal–agent relationships.
2)多方位问责制和新公共管理 Multidirectional accountability and NPM
Ostensibly, NPM increased the focus on accountability for operational performance through market mechanisms, professionalization, decentralization, target-setting and measurement, as opposed to TPA's reliance on bureaucratic hierarchy and ministerial responsibility. However, because NPM encourages the proliferation of different public service delivery models, it results in a more fragmented governance landscape. This contributes to greater uncertainty, complexity, and confusion in public services accountability, particularly in terms of performance measurement and management. As a result, attention shifted from hierarchical parliamentary control toward an increased focus on managerial accountability which resulted, in some instances, in the counterproductive and/or unintended effect of creating accountability “overloads” on service's performance and in others, the creation of accountability “deficits”. In addition, outsourcing and privatization initiatives can make it much more difficult for voters and elected representatives to hold external providers to account for poor performance or financial mismanagement, because public officials no longer exercise direct control over operations.
NPM's reliance on performance reporting and inspections, often overseen by external inspectorates or audit institutions that operate at arms-length from ministers, further expanded the ways in which public bodies are held accountable. Such bodies are often characterized as having a “diagonal” accountability relationship with public bodies, because they have no formal powers of sanction but their assessments can nonetheless have significant implications. Their presence exacerbates the fragmented and cluttered nature of the accountability landscape and means that public administrators have to manage combinations of multiple, different, changing, and often conflicting expectations within and outside their organizations. In response, scholars argued that we should supplement hierarchical arrangements based on the principal–agent theory with “horizontal” forms of accountability. However, in these contexts, it becomes increasingly challenging to establish who should be accountable to whom and for what, because decision-making is shared among multiple actors who are not always in hierarchical relationships with each other. Overall, therefore, despite its stated intention to improve accountability, NPM reforms have muddied the waters substantially, because they mean public bodies have to rely on vertical, horizontal, and diagonal mechanisms, when often none are appropriately tailored to their requirements.
3)横向问责制和新公共治理 Horizontal accountability and NPG
Given the greater reliance on collaboration between governance actors within NPG, we can see how horizontal accountability is also relevant in these contexts. However, because the theoretical underpinnings of the NPG paradigm suggest that society should be involved in a common endeavor to create public value (as agreed through dialogue and collaboration with citizens), it tries to sidestep the problem of different governance actors pursuing conflicting objectives. Instead, the focus is on mobilizing the collective to cooperate and pursue shared goals, without the need for a clear hierarchical definition of authority or quasi-contractual relationships involving citizens, the state, and public service providers. These principles reduce the importance of formal accountability mechanisms along both vertical and horizontal dimensions, and also the need for diagonal accountability through inspectorates. By seeking to ensure that public bodies work more closely with citizens, it also seeks to address concerns about public control over policy implementation and service delivery.
The accountability literature has evolved in parallel with these governance developments. Specifically, scholars and practitioners have moved on from understanding accountability purely in retrospective and controlling terms (where it focuses on investigating mistakes, nonadherence to standards, or abuses of power) to argue that it should also facilitate learning.. These studies have emphasized that accountability processes such as external inspections ought to be more reflective, constructive, and forward-looking, emphasizing the importance of self-evaluation and learning from previous experiences rather than merely highlighting mistakes and inadequacies. In many cases, accountability relationships may not even be formalized in any way, and instead rely on personal connections, friendly discussions, debates, and feedback between governance actors, all of whom are ostensibly seeking to improve outcomes for the public. As with TPA and NPM, however, this conceptualization of accountability has come in for criticism, on the basis that independent oversight and evaluation of public officials and public services—in other words, more hierarchical and retrospective mechanisms of holding to account—remain important. Additionally, collaborative governance involves a greater number of actors and relationships in decision-making, it could introduce excessive demands and increase the risk of tensions or clashes between different accountability mechanisms. With this in mind, we can see how the quest for greater public accountability continues within the NPG paradigm.
Previous studies have stressed that actors who possess important resources are better placed to exercise it. These resources may be financial, but they could equally be associated with specific knowledge, personnel, political or leadership qualities, or legal or constitutional rights and obligations. Governance theory is based on the idea that individual actors within networks would struggle to develop and implement policy alone, and therefore they pool their resources and rely on each other to help achieve objectives collectively. In his analysis of central–local relations in the UK, Rhodes (1981) argued that the distribution of resources within these networks, along with the importance that individual actors attach to them, shapes the nature of these interdependent relationships. Following this logic, actors who possess scarce and/or crucial resources can exercise more power than other members of the network. Therefore, if we can identify the resources that each actor seeks to acquire, and which other organizations might be able to provide those resources, we can arrive at a better understanding of how power may be distributed between different governance actors. In a further development, Eckersley (2017) expanded Rhodes' conceptualization to cover horizontal relationships between actors in local governance. Based on their resource requirements, and the availability of these resources within the network, he suggested that municipalities can operate on a spectrum in which they range from acting independently of, through operating interdependently with and toward being dependent on other organizations when seeking to achieve their objectives. By implication, if important resources are distributed asymmetrically within the network, some actors are able to exercise more power than others.
Power “over”, vertical accountability and TPA
The resource dependence perspective makes the idea of power over relevant in vertical accountability relationships. Indeed, we would go as far as saying that principals are only able to undertake their accountability functions effectively if they can exercise power over agents. We characterize the relationship between principal and agent primarily in terms of power over in TPA contexts. Through hierarchical bureaucratic structures, scrutiny mechanisms, and democratic elections, principals possess most of the resources that pertain to accountability. As a result, agents are largely dependent on principals and the relations between these actors are highly asymmetric; the latter is well-placed to exercise power over the former. Although this may not necessarily be the case in reality, it nonetheless fits within the ideal TPA paradigm of vertical accountability.
Power to, multidirectional accountability, and NPM
However, we need not understand power and accountability purely in terms of coercion or domination. Power is not a finite concept, and actors can obtain and exercise it purely for their own purposes, without affecting others. This idea of power to refers to an organization or individual having the resources to achieve their objectives and “get things done”. We can see how power to has greater relevance in situations where governance arrangements are more fragmented and horizontal. Specifically, where accountability relationships are more complex and principals are less able to exercise power over agents through hierarchical mechanisms, actors within governance networks have more power to operate according to their own interests. This is particularly the case where resources are diffused across the network (e.g., between government bodies, agencies, and contractors), and where actors have greater freedom to operate independently of each other. In NPM contexts, this chimes with the idea that the state should focus on its “core activities” , while external actors perform “noncore” functions and (in the case of private providers) seek to generate profit. Coupled with the logic that underpins the NPM ideal, which stresses the importance of individual agency and “freeing up” managers and service providers to achieve performance objectives within agreed budgetary parameters, we can see how power to becomes more influential within such governance contexts.
Power “with”, horizontal accountability, and NPG
This interdependence between governance actors is a key element in NPG contexts and connects to a third conceptualization of power: the idea of power with. As with power to, the concept is not viewed in zero-sum terms, nor as a mechanism for social control, domination, or coercion. However, it differs from power to in focusing on collective action and the pursuit of shared goals rather than the empowerment of individuals. There are no “winners” and “losers”, but rather power is an enabler than can help to achieve a common objective. It is, therefore, perhaps increasingly important in the Anthropocene era of wicked issues, polycrises, and dispersed agency across society. Such challenges require actors to cooperate, share knowledge, and learn from each other on the assumption that mobilizing the whole can be more effective than relying on the sum of its parts in trying to achieve mutual objectives. The diffusion of power and responsibilities across these more horizontal arrangements makes it very difficult to introduce vertical accountability mechanisms. However, where governance actors emphasize power with rather than power to, we can see how accountability may be much more prospective and forward-looking. By working together, actors can increase their collective ability to learn from experience and achieve shared objectives around public service outcomes. Such conceptualizations are relevant to debates about NPG and the creation of public value rather than the focus on assessment and control that characterizes TPA and NPM contexts.
当委托人拥有大部分可用资源时,代理人就依赖于委托人的合法性、资金和法律框架来开展活动。这使得委托人能够对代理人行使实质性权力,并通过事后监督、审查和制裁机制来逐级问责。这些机制旨在确保代理人按照委托人的目标行事,而委托人的目标是通过代议制民主机构动员起来的,并以公共组织为公众服务的宗旨为基础。在上述条件占主导地位的情况下,它们更符合TPA治理模式的特点。 当资源分配给一小部分治理参与者时,这些参与者相对独立地运作,并拥有追求自身目标(如服务公众或创造利润)的实质性权力。问责关系在多个方向上发挥作用,例如通过分级监测和报告、对角检查以及横向合同安排和市场动态。这些安排旨在赋予公民更大的“选择”和“发言权”,从而将民主原则扩展到公共服务提供方式中。在这种情况占主导地位的地方,它们与NPM治理模式联系更紧密。 在全社会共享资源的情况下,治理参与者认识到有必要相互合作、相互依存,以便相互产生有助于实现共同目标的权力。这会导致更多的事前横向和非正式的问责关系,其重点是知识共享以及组织和个人如何学习和改进。通过让社会参与者以这种方式参与确定和创造公共价值,民主更具参与性,也更符合NPG的原则。 我们欢迎未来开展实证研究,尝试应用这些观点及其之间的联系,以研究权力、问责制和治理之间的理论联系在实践中如何发挥作用。实证研究表明,TPA、NPM和NPG的要素存在于大多数西方治理体系中,我们既不主张任何国家代表任何单一模式,也不提出关于哪种模式最合适或最有效的规范性论点。尽管如此,我们建议,我们对每种不同背景下主要权力和问责制类型的概念化,可以为未来研究如何将这些概念运用于治理安排提供框架。 In recent decades, industrialized democracies have introduced a seemingly endless stream of public management reforms in a quest for greater public accountability, enhanced public value, and more empowered citizens. Yet, given that power is necessary to exercise accountability, and accountability is viewed as a key mechanism to restrain excessive power, it is surprising that these concepts are rarely examined together in the academic literature. We have sought to make sense of this landscape by setting out how accountability is a function of power and the distribution of resources within networks, and also how both concepts are conceptualized and exercised in various ways that are often characteristic of different governance paradigms. On that basis, we suggest the following propositions to direct future research into these concepts: Where principals possess most of the available resources, agents depend on them for legitimacy, funding, and the legal framework that underpins their activity. This enables principals to exercise substantial power over agents and hold them to account hierarchically through ex post monitoring, scrutiny, and sanctioning mechanisms. These mechanisms seek to ensure that agents are acting in line with the principal's objectives, which are mobilized through representative democratic institutions and implemented on the basis that public organizations exist to serve the public. Where such conditions predominate, they are more characteristic of the TPA model of governance. Where resources are distributed among a select group of governance actors, these actors operate relatively independently of each other and possess substantial power to pursue their own objectives (such as serving the public or generating profit). Accountability relationships operate in multiple directions, for example, through hierarchical monitoring and reporting, diagonal inspections, and horizontal contractual arrangements and market dynamics. These arrangements aim to give citizens greater “choice” and “voice,” thereby extending democratic principles into the way in which public services are provided. Where such conditions predominate, they are more associated with the NPM model of governance. Where resources are shared across society, governance actors recognize the need to collaborate and work interdependently, in order to generate power with each other that can help achieve common goals. This leads to more ex-ante horizontal and informal accountability relationships, which focus on knowledge sharing and how organizations and individuals can learn and improve. By involving societal actors in identifying and creating public value in this way, democracy is more participative and in line with the principles of NPG. We would welcome future empirical studies that seek to apply these ideas, and the connections between them, to examine how these theoretical links between power, accountability, and governance play out in practice. Empirical studies have shown how elements of TPA, NPM and NPG exist in most Western governance systems, and we neither seek to claim that any country is representative of any single paradigm nor advance a normative argument as to which is most appropriate or effective. Nonetheless, we suggest that our conceptualization of the predominant types of power and accountability that characterize each different context can frame future studies of how these ideas may be operationalized in governance arrangements.
Eckersley, P., Lakoma, K., Murphy, P., Caygill, T., & Pell, C. (2024). Accountability as a function of power relationships in public governance networks. Public Administration.