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我们很高兴地宣布,Public Administration 2024年9月刊 (Volume 102, Issue 3) 已经发布!本期包含以下精彩文章:
1. Towards inclusive public administration systems: Public budgeting from the perspective of critical race theory
Juan Pablo Martínez Guzmán, Meagan M. Jordan, Philip G. Joyce
2. Performance appraisal justice and employees' work engagement in the public sector: Making the most of performance appraisal design
Lorenza Micacchi, Francesco Vidé, Giorgio Giacomelli, Marta Barbieri
3. Are public spaces welcoming to all? A conjoint experiment on cultural representation and inclusionary practices in museums
Zachary Mohr, Alexandra Olivares, Jaclyn Piatak
4. How personnel allocation affects performance: Evidence from Brazil's federal protected areas agency
Gus Greenstein
5. Coproduction of core and complementary tasks in times of service decline: Experimental evidence
Peter Rasmussen Damgaard, Niels Opstrup, Mette Kjærgaard Thomsen
6. Unpacking the effects of burdensome state actions on citizens' policy perceptions
Martin Sievert, Jonas Bruder
7. Achieving collaborative innovation by controlling or leveraging network complexities through complexity leadership
Chesney Callens
8. Opening the “black box” of public administration: The need for interpretive research
María Verónica Elías
9. How rediscovering nodality can improve democratic governance in a digital world
Helen Margetts, Peter John
10. Blue sky, cold heart: The political cost of environmental regulations
Wenhui Yang, Jing Zhao
11. Paths to trust: Explaining citizens' trust to experts and evidence-informed policymaking during the COVID-19 pandemic
Angelos Angelou, Stella Ladi, Dimitra Panagiotatou, Vasiliki Tsagkroni
12. Agencies on the parliamentary radar: Exploring the relations between media attention and parliamentary attention for public agencies using machine learning methods
Jan Boon, Jan Wynen, Walter Daelemans, Jens Lemmens, Koen Verhoest
13. Does increasing auditors' independence lead to more forceful public auditing? A study of a Canadian internal audit reform
Catherine Liston-Heyes, Luc Juillet
14. Actor roles in co-production—Introducing intermediaries: Findings from a systematic literature review
Nathalie Haug
15. Losing control is not an option. Resource allocation to police oversight agencies in Western states
Sebastian Roché, Simon Varaine
16. Measuring civil service politicization with career data: Backstage and frontstage political experience of top civil servants in the German ministerial administration
Sylvia Veit, Stefanie Vedder
17. Organizational stability and resocialization in public administrations: Theory and evidence from Norwegian civil servants (1986–2016)
Benny Geys, Per Lægreid, Zuzana Murdoch, Jarle Trondal
18. Exploring collaboration dynamics and representation in environmental justice councils
Graham Ambrose
19. Modeling political mimetic isomorphism versus economic and quality factors in local government privatizations
Cristina M. Campos-Alba, Jorge Chica-Olmo, Gemma Pérez-López, José L. Zafra-Gómez
20. When do bureaucrats choose to unburden clients: A randomized experiment
Donavon Johnson, Milena Neshkova
21. The impact of service separation on value: A longitudinal study of user and provider experiences in a mental health service
Higor Leite, Ian R. Hodgkinson, Ana Vitória Lachowski Volochtchuk
22. How young adults explain their intention to participate in online direct citizen participation
Annelieke C. van den Berg, Sarah Giest, Sandra Groeneveld
The Way the Money Goes: The Fiscal Constitution and Public Spending in the UK
By Christopher Hood, Maia King, Iain McLean, Barbara Maria Piotrowska
书评作者: Philipp Krause
Government Analytics: From the Information Age to the Digital Age
By Daniel Rogger, Christian Schuster
书评作者: Robert K. Christensen