爆炸声,在贝鲁特回荡 | 金融时报

时事   2024-09-30 07:57   中国台湾  
周五晚间,爆炸声在贝鲁特回荡,整个城市地动山摇。对于黎巴嫩最大公立医院的院长贾希德•萨德(Jihad Saadeh)医生来说,这是一个充满杀戮的不眠之夜的开端。
萨德的私人诊所距离以色列战机的投弹目标仅几百米远,他亲眼目睹至少6栋住宅楼倒塌。它们的目标是杀死黎巴嫩真主党(Hizbollah)领导人哈桑•纳斯鲁拉(Hassan Nasrallah),他于周六被确认死亡。


1. blast [blɑːst] n. 爆炸,爆破;冲击波;爆炸声,爆破声;强劲的(气或水)流,疾风;吹奏声,轰鸣;严厉的批评;狂欢,有趣的事;(球队或选手的)猛烈进攻;枪击;(公司、组织等发出的)群发电子邮件 v. 炸毁,爆破;轰开,炸开(通路);向……射击,枪击;发出刺耳的高音;严厉批评,痛斥;由爆炸引起;用力踢,猛击;喷射(水流、气流等);使枯萎;轻易击败;损坏,摧毁;开,炸开(通路) int. 该死,讨厌 【名】 (blast)(德)布拉斯特(人名);blasts;blasts;blasting;blasted;blasted

2. jet [dʒet] n. 喷气式飞机;喷射流;煤玉,黑玉;喷嘴,喷射口 v. 乘喷气式飞机旅行;喷射;jets;jets;jetting;jetted;jetted

3. collapse [kəˈlæps] v. 倒塌,塌下;崩溃,瓦解;突然倒下,昏倒;瘫倒;突然贬值,暴跌;萎陷,瘪掉;折叠 n. 倒塌,塌陷;突然失败,崩溃;病倒,垮掉;突然贬值,暴跌;collapses;collapses;collapsing;collapsed;collapsed

4. saw [sɔː] n. 锯;锯床;格言,谚语;锯齿状部位(或器官) v. 锯,锯开;乱剪;拉锯似的来回移动;(两人或多人) 通过互让解决,相互妥协 v. 看见;观看(电影、电视节目等);理解,领会(see 的过去式形式);saws;saws;sawing;sawed;sawn;sawed

5. numb [nʌm] adj. 麻木的,失去感觉的;迟钝的,呆滞的 v. 使麻木,使失去知觉;使迟钝,使呆滞;使(某种感觉)减轻,使减弱;number;numbs;numbing;numbed;numbed

6. suburb [ˈsʌbɜːb] n. 城郊,近郊;suburbs

7. mount [maʊnt] v. 组织,开展;爬上,登上;骑上;增多,增加,上升;增强,加剧;镶嵌,裱贴,安置;上演,展出;爬上(雌性动物的背)进行交配;设置(岗哨),担任(警卫);把(观察对象)固定于显微镜的载玻片 n. 山,山峰;坐骑,马;登,骑;(相片)框,(艺术品)装帧,衬托纸;底座,底架;(贴邮票用的)透明胶纸;(显微镜观察的)封片;掌丘 【名】 (mount)(英)芒特(人名);mounts;mounts;mounting;mounted;mounted

8. massive [ˈmæsɪv] adj. 大而重的,结实的;非常严重的;大量的,大规模的;特别成功的,非常有影响的;(岩石或地层)均匀构造的,大块的;(矿物)外观非晶质的;极好的,非常妙的 n. (某一地区的年轻人群体)嬉蹦音乐迷(或丛林爵士音乐迷);massives

9. siren [ˈsaɪərɪn] n. 汽笛;迷人的女人;歌声动人的女歌手 adj. 迷人的 vi. 响着警报器行驶 vt. 引诱;sirens;sirens;sirening;sirened;sirened

10. endure [ɪnˈdʒʊə] v. 持续存在,持久;忍受,忍耐;endures;enduring;endured;endured

11. accord [əˈkɔːd] n. 协议,条约;符合,一致 v. 使受到,给予(某种待遇);(与……)一致,符合;accords;accords;according;accorded;accorded

12. visible [ˈvɪzəbl] adj. 看得见的;明显的,引人注目的;(进出口贸易)有形商品的;(物理)(光)可见的;现有的,可得到的 n. 有形进出口货物(visibles);visibles

13. ministry [ˈmɪnɪstrɪ] n. (政府的)部,部办公楼;(全体)牧师;神职,神职任期;一任首相的执政期;照料,服务;ministries

14. evacuate [ɪˈvækjəeɪt] v. (把人从危险的地方)疏散,撤离;(从危险的地方)搬出,撤空;(用泵等)抽出,抽空;排泄(粪便等);evacuates;evacuating;evacuated;evacuated

15. lean [lɪːn] v. (身体)倾斜;倾向于做;倚靠,靠在 adj. 瘦且健康的;(肉)瘦的,脂肪少的;不景气的,贫乏的;精简的,效率高的;(混合汽化燃料)空气所占比例高的,稀化的 n. 倾斜,歪曲;瘦肉 【名】 (lean)(丹)利恩(人名);leans;leaner;leans;leaning;leant;leaned;leant;leaned

16. assault [əˈsɔːlt] n. (军事)袭击,攻击;人身攻击,侵犯人身(罪);抨击;闯关,冲击(难关) v. 袭击,殴打;使(感官)难受;assaults;assaults;assaulting;assaulted;assaulted

17. assassinate [əˈsæsɪneɪt] v. 暗杀,行刺;assassinates;assassinating;assassinated;assassinated

18. military [ˈmɪlɪtərɪ] adj. 军事的,军队的;陆军的;军人般的,军人作风的 n. 军人,军方;militaries;military

19. flee [flɪː] v. 逃离,逃避,逃跑;flees;fleeing;fled;fled

20. resident [ˈrezɪdənt] n. 居民,住户;(旅馆的)住宿者;住院医生;寄宿制学校学生;(英国政府派驻半独立国家的) 特派代表;驻外特工;留鸟,无迁徙习性的蝴蝶(或其他动物) adj. (在某地)居住的,居留的;常驻的;属于(某个群体)的;(鸟、蝴蝶等)非迁徙性的;(计算机程序、文件等在存储器中)驻留的;residents

21. irritate [ˈɪrɪteɪt] v. 使不耐烦,激怒;刺激(身体某部位),使疼痛;使(生物体、细胞或器官)兴奋;引起不愉快;irritates;irritating;irritated;irritated

22. medium [ˈmɪːdɪəm] n. 媒介,媒体;方法,手段;(艺术创作)材料,素材;灵媒,巫师;培养基;环境;中等,中号;存储(或打印)介质;(颜料)溶剂(如油或水);(品质、状态)中等,中庸 adj. 中等的,中间的,适中的;五分熟的,半熟的;(程度、强度或数量)平均的;(颜色)不深不浅的,适中的;(投球,投球手)中速的;media;mediums

23. spark [spɑːk] n. 导火线,诱因;火花,火星;电火花;一丝,略微;生气,活力,才华;愤怒的情感,激烈的情绪;军队中对无线电报务员(或电工)的昵称(sparks);生龙活虎的小伙子;(内燃机里火花塞的)放电 v. 引发,触发;产生火花(电火花);点燃;增加趣味(或活力、风味等);求婚 【名】 (spark) (美)斯帕克(人名);sparks;sparks;sparking;sparked;sparked

24. identify [aɪˈdentɪfaɪ] v. 认出,识别;查明,确认;发现;证明(身份),表明;认同,理解;认为……和……一致;和(某人)打成一片;identifies;identifying;identified;identified

25. refugee [ˌrefjə(ː)ˈdʒɪː] n. 难民,避难者;refugees

26. horror [ˈhɒrə] n. 震惊,恐惧;惧怕,憎恶;恐怖性;极其不愉快的(或可怕的)经历;恐怖故事(或电影等);调皮捣蛋的孩子;horrors

27. van [væn] n. (厢式)小型货车;面包车;(铁路上运送包裹、邮件等的)车厢;拖车;先锋 v. 用车搬运 【名】 (van)(老、泰、柬、缅)万(人名);vans;vans;vanning;vanned;vanned

28. exhaust [ɪgˈzɔːst] v. 使精疲力尽;耗尽;详尽讨论;排放,排出(气体,蒸汽) n. 废气;排气管,排气装置;exhausts;exhausts;exhausting;exhausted;exhausted

29. string [strɪŋ] n. 线,细绳;一连串,一系列(事件);一系列(类似的事物);字符串,信息串;一串;弦;弦乐器,弦乐组;(网拍的)羊肠线,网线;(球队中按技术水平分编的)小队;特定条件(或限制);(类似细绳的)细长物;(同一训马场训练的)一群赛马;(按先后顺序排列的)后备队,候补队员;(墙网球等)处于特定排位的队员;(蔬菜、肉等食物的)纤维,(豆荚等的)筋,络;一种假设的亚原子粒子;g弦;宇宙弦;楼梯侧基板(stringboard 的简称) v. 用线穿,串起;使排成一排,把……连在一起;悬挂,系,扎;给(乐器或球拍)串弦;去掉(豆荚)的筋;当特约记者;确定击球顺序;拖延……的时间;欺骗 adj. 由弦乐器组成的,弦乐器的;线织的,线的;strings;strings;stringing;strung;strung

30. palm [pɑːm] n. 手掌,手心;(手套的)掌部;(制帆工用的)护掌;棕榈树;(作为奖赏或胜利象征的)棕榈叶;鹿角的扁平部分 v. 把……藏在手中(尤指玩戏法);(篮球)持球犯规;用手挡(球) 【名】 (palm)(英)帕姆,(瑞典)帕尔姆,(法、德、俄、捷、芬、挪)帕尔姆(人名);palms;palms;palming;palmed;palmed

31. chip [tʃɪp] n. 炸薯条,炸薯片;芯片;碎块,碎屑;缺口,豁口;筹码;撮球,切球;木条 v. 打破,弄缺;(尤指用工具)削下,凿下;切成细条;撮球,挑球;chips;chips;chipping;chipped;chipped

32. litter [ˈlɪtə] n. (公共场所内乱扔的)垃圾,废弃物;一堆杂乱的东西;(同时出生的)一窝(小动物);猫砂;(森林里的)落叶,落叶层;(家畜睡觉用的)褥草,垫草;轿子;担架 v. 散乱覆盖;(在公共场所)乱扔(垃圾);使(某事物)充满;(狗、猫等动物)产仔;(为马或其他动物)铺褥草 【名】 (litter)(匈、德)利特(人名);litters;litters;littering;littered;littered

33. grind [graɪnd] v. 磨碎,碾碎;使锋利;用力挤压;摩擦(发出刺耳声);(跳舞者)扭摆臀部;摇动(碾磨机等机器的)手柄操作;用绞肉机绞(肉);(机器或车辆伴有噪音地)缓慢运转,费力移动 n. 苦差事;摩擦(声),碾磨(声);埋头苦读的学生;磨制级别;小型教学班;(舞蹈中的)扭臀动作 【名】 (grind)(法、德)格林德(人名);grinds;grinds;grinding;ground;ground

34. explosion [ɪksˈpləʊʒən] n. 爆破,爆炸(声);激增;爆发,迸发;突发的巨响;某事证实是错误的,推翻;explosions

35. intense [ɪnˈtens] adj. 很大的,十分强烈的;严肃紧张的,激烈的;热情的,热切的;专注的,认真的;intenser

36. faint [feɪnt] adj. 模糊的,微弱的;微小的,可能性不大的;虚弱的,头晕目眩的;不热情的 n. 晕倒,昏厥 v. 昏厥;变得微弱,衰落;变得没有气力;faints;fainter;faintest;faints;fainting;fainted;fainted

37. issue [ˈɪsjuː] n. 议题,争论点;(报纸、杂志等的)期,号;发放,分配;(新股票或邮票等的)发行;子女,后嗣;流出,发出;结果,后果 v. 发表,颁布;分发,分配;正式发行;流出,发出;由……产生,由……得出;issues;issues;issuing;issued;issued

The blasts could be heard throughout Beirut, an earth-shaking thunder that rolled across the city on Friday evening. For Doctor Jihad Saadeh, director of Lebanon’s largest public hospital, it was the beginning of a sleepless night full of carnage.

周五晚间,爆炸声在贝鲁特回荡,整个城市地动山摇。对于黎巴嫩最大公立医院的院长贾希德•萨德(Jihad Saadeh)医生来说,这是一个充满杀戮的不眠之夜的开端。

Saadeh’s private clinic was just a few hundred metres away from the target of Israeli jets that dropped bombs on at least six residential buildings that collapsed before his eyes. Their aim was to kill Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hizbollah, who was confirmed dead on Saturday.

萨德的私人诊所距离以色列战机的投弹目标仅几百米远,他亲眼目睹至少6栋住宅楼倒塌。它们的目标是杀死黎巴嫩真主党(Hizbollah)领导人哈桑•纳斯鲁拉(Hassan Nasrallah),他于周六被确认死亡。

“We saw the jets of red smoke shoot up into the sky, the buildings just collapsed,” he said. He had raced from his clinic to the Rafik Hariri hospital to ready his staff.

“我们看到红烟喷射向天空,建筑物随即倒塌。”他说。他从诊所赶到拉菲克•哈里里医院(Rafik Hariri),带领他的员工做好准备。

“We got only bodies at first,” he said. “The buildings just collapsed. All of them were below the rubble. There were no injuries, just fatalities.”


第一,学习rubble的用法。这个词作名词,表示broken stones or bricks from a building or wall that has been destroyed,〔被毁的建筑物或墙壁的〕碎石,碎砖,瓦砾

第二,学习fatality的用法。这个词作名词,表示a death in an accident or a violent attack,〔事故或暴力袭击中的〕死亡,例:a 50% increase in the number of traffic fatalities 交通事故死亡人数50%的增长

第三,学习thunder的熟词僻义。这个词作名词,表示a loud deep noise,雷鸣般的响声,轰隆声,例:She heard the thunder of hooves behind her. 她听到身后隆隆的马蹄声。

The bombing wreaked havoc across Lebanon, from Beirut’s southern suburbs to the Bekaa Valley in the east and across the south. Israeli warplanes pummeled areas far from Hizbollah’s traditional pockets of support, including in Mount Lebanon and Chouf.

从贝鲁特南郊到东部贝卡谷地(Bekaa Valley),再到整个黎巴嫩南部,轰炸给该国造成了严重破坏。以色列战机轰炸了离黎巴嫩真主党传统支持区很远的地方,包括黎巴嫩山(Mount Lebanon)和乔夫(Chouf)。

Massive plumes of orange and red smoke billowed from between Beirut’s densely-packed apartment buildings as the sound of sirens filled the city that endured at least 11 air strikes on Friday night and Saturday morning, according to Lebanese state news.  


The strikes that killed Nasrallah flattened multiple residential buildings. When the sun rose, a massive crater left by the bombs in Dahiyeh, was visible from the hills surrounding Beirut.


Lebanon’s health ministry asked hospitals near Beirut that had not been struck to stop accepting non-urgent cases to make room for patients who were being evacuated from hospitals in the capital’s southern suburbs.


第一,学习pummel的用法。这个词作及物动词,表示to hit someone or something many times quickly, especially using your FISTs (= closed hands),反复猛击,〔尤指〕用双拳接连地捶打,例:Diane leaned over and pummeled the pillows. 黛安娜俯下身不断捶打枕头。

第二,学习flatten的用法。这个词作及物动词,表示to destroy a building or town by knocking it down, bombing it etc,把……夷为平地;炸平,例:Hundreds of homes were flattened by the tornado. 数百户住宅被龙卷风夷为平地。

第三,学习billow的用法。这个词作不及物动词,表示if a cloud or smoke billows, it rises in a round mass,〔云或烟〕团团升起,滚滚升起,例:There was smoke billowing out of the windows. 窗户里冒出滚滚浓烟。

The bombings killed at least 11 people and injured 108, the health ministry said on Saturday. That is probably an undercount as it represents only hospitals that reported their data to the ministry.


A tense period of mourning took hold in Beirut in the hours after Hizbollah confirmed Nasrallah’s killing on Saturday. Shops closed across the city.


Israel, meanwhile, continued its assault against Hizbollah, saying it had killed another of the group’s commanders in a strike on Dahiyeh on Saturday, the southern suburb where Nasrallah was assassinated. As its drones buzzed incessantly over Beirut, the Israeli military vowed to keep up its attacks.


Many families who fled their homes were dazed and frightened, struggling to come to terms with what had happened.


After assassinating Nasrallah on Friday night, the Israeli military warned residents of Beirut’s southern suburbs to evacuate for “your safety and the safety of your loved ones” as it prepared to step up its bombing campaign.


第一,学习incessant的用法。这个词作形容词,表示continuing without stopping,持续不断的,没完没了的,例:The child’s incessant talking started to irritate her. 这孩子喋喋不休,她开始烦躁起来。

第二,学习assault的用法。这个词作名词,表示a military attack to take control of a place controlled by the enemy,〔军事上的〕袭击,攻击,例:an unsuccessful assault on the enemy lines 对敌军防线失败的攻击

The orders, posted on social media platform X, sparked fear as they marked specific buildings across neighbourhoods, identifying them by the families that lived there or the cafés on their bottom floors. It told residents living there and in the surrounding buildings to leave immediately because the Israeli military would be “forced to act against these [Hizbollah] interests in the immediate future”.


Residents of the Burj al-Barajneh Palestinian refugee camp in Beirut’s southern suburbs said panic spread rapidly through its narrow alleys and concentrated buildings when Israel warned that the surrounding neighbourhood would be bombed.

贝鲁特南郊Burj al-Barajneh巴勒斯坦难民营的居民表示,当以色列警告周围的社区将遭到轰炸时,恐慌迅速在狭窄的小巷和密集的建筑中蔓延。

One woman from the camp, a Palestinian refugee who had fled Syria to Lebanon in 2012, had to run again on Friday night, this time to a seaside walkway.


“We fled from the horror. As soon as we heard the evacuation orders, we left,” she said. Her family stood on the side of a dark highway as the sound of air strikes reverberated around them before a van finally offered them a lift.


“We’re definitely not going back. They’re still bombing,” she said.


All around her were families who had made the same journey. As the sun climbed higher along Beirut’s corniche where the refugees had sought sanctuary, exhausted fathers strung blankets between palm trees to create shade for their families.


Plastic bottles and potato chip bags littered the walkway that would normally be thronged with joggers and ping-pong players. Instead, children and grandparents sat on the ground eating bread and drinking tea that had been passed out by volunteers.


Fatima, an 18-year old girl who asked that her real name not be used, had fled from the suburb of Lailaki with her family after midnight. When the bombings first started on Friday evening, they initially decided to remain in their home.


But the explosions were so intense, so loud and so close that she lost consciousness.


“I fainted,” she said. “Our house became like paper,” she added, moving her hand to show the way her home had seemed to fold and shake.


The family decided to leave only after the Israeli military issued evacuation orders for houses in their neighbourhood.


Surrounded by her suitcases on the seaside boardwalk, Zaynab, Fatima’s aunt, said she did not know where she would go next or if she would be able to return to her home.


“We don’t even know if our house is still there to go back to,” Zaynab said.


外刊文章来源,金融时报 2024年9月30日 ‘There were no injuries, just fatalities’: destruction, death and fear engulf Beirut


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