
学术   健康   2024-10-08 18:25   北京  




第十二章 其他

第一节 系统评价的注册与计划书






Cochrane系统评价是最规范、最系统的,也是质量最高的证据来源。与一般的系统评价和Meta分析相比,Cochrane系统评价有着严格的、特殊的要求,从注册标题、形成计划书,到完成全文都需要经过Cochrane系统评价小组及同行专家评审。注册的基本过程包括选择主题、联系相关系统评价小组、提交申请、获得批准、获取账号、完成计划书、发表计划书、完成全文、发表全文。目前,Cochrane系统评价主要关注干预性、诊断试验准确性、方法学、定性研究和预后研究五大领域。这些系统评价从注册标题开始,均使用专用软件Review Manager(RevMan)进行撰写及管理。Cochrane系统评价的研究方案可以发表在Cochrane图书馆,也可发表在其他刊物上,如Systematic Reviews、BMJ Open等。撰写完成的系统评价优先发表于Cochrane图书馆,亦可在得到相关系统评价小组批准后发表于其他刊物。


首先登录Cochrane协作网(www.cochrane.org),找到“About”下属“About the Cochrane Library”选项(图12−1)。

随后,下拉页面,找到“Editorial and publishing staff”下面的“Cochrane Review Group websites”,进入Cochrane系统评价小组网站(图12−2)。


进入Cochrane Urology网站后,点击“Contact us”,即可获取该小组负责人的联系方式(图12−4)。



PROSPERO国际化注册平台是由英国国家健康研究所下属的评价和传播中心创建的[2]。与Cochrane协作网相比,PROSPERO国际化注册平台旨在进一步确保非Cochrane系统评价研究的客观性与真实性,为临床决策提供强有力的证据。此外,与Cochrane系统评价相比,PROSPERO平台的注册标准相对较低、注册步骤相对简单,注册研究的范围更为广泛,研究完成时间更为灵活,方法学上的要求也相对较低。目前,该网站只接受人体研究和动物研究的系统评价、快速回顾及伞状综述的注册,不接受范围综述或文献浏览类综述的注册。PROSPERO是Cochrane协作网之外最常用的注册网站,The Lancet、《新英格兰医学杂志》(New England Journal of Medicine,NEJM)等高级别期刊均认可PROSPERO平台的注册。

虽然PROSPERO平台关注几乎所有类型的系统评价和Meta分析,但要求方法学的系统评价和Meta分析必须涵盖至少一个与患者或临床直接相关的结局指标。此外,对于已经完成资料提取的系统评价和Meta分析,PROSPERO平台是不接受注册的。若想在PROSPERO平台注册,实际工作最多只能进展到资料提取步骤前。因此,研究者在进行文献检索及资料收集前,务必检查该题目是否已在PROSPERO平台上注册,是否已通过审核并分配了注册号。此外,PROSPERO平台不接受勘察性系统评价及传统综述(scoping reviews and literature reviews)的注册[3]






接下来,研究者需要正确回答一些问题才能进行下一步注册。相关问题的答案见图12−8。需要说明的是,任何一个问题回答错误都可能导致注册无法进行,但允许修改答案,重新选择后即可继续注册。在审查阶段,PROSPERO的规定是,研究者进行数据提取之前都可以进行注册。因此对于前4项,选择“Started”还是“Not Started”对注册没有影响。但数据提取(data extraction)必须选择“Not Started”,否则无法完成注册。同时,由于偏倚风险评估和数据分析是在信息提取之后进行的,从时间逻辑上讲也必须选择“Not Started”。虽然选择其他选项也会进入注册流程,但是这不符合规范,有可能会被退回。此外,虽然PROSPERO网站支持在线填写,但是笔者强烈建议研究者在注册前在文档中将所需要项目均填写完成,届时再复制到网站进行注册,这也是“Have you written a protocol?”选项中选择是和否都可以通过的原因。

填写完成后点击“register your review”即可进入注册页面填写研究计划。本文将结合PRISMA声明进行实例解读,其中*代表必填项。

(1)Review Title*:以PICOS原则构建文章题目,同时结合PRISMA声明标准,需表明Meta-analysis/systematic review等信息。


•A systematic review and meta-analysis of rehabilitation in patients with sepsis[4](体现PI);

•A network meta-analysis of interventions to control myopia progression in children[5](体现PO);

•Minocycline in depressive symptoms: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials[6](体现PIS)。

(2)Original language title:原始题目,若文章不是计划用英文撰写,应在此项目下用撰写文章的语言填写题目。

(3)Anticipated or actual start date*:预期/实际开始时间,按实际情况填写即可。

(4)Anticipated completion date*:预期完成时间,按实际情况填写即可。

(5)Stage of review at time of this submission*:注册时该研究完成的进度,该处须与我们之前进行的选择一致,不能进行更改,因此选择时务必选择“数据提取之前”。

(6)Named contact*:通讯作者姓名,按实际情况填写即可。

(7)Named contact E-mail*:通讯作者邮箱,按实际情况填写即可。

(8)Named contact address:联系地址,按实际情况填写即可。

(9)Named contact number:联系电话,按实际情况填写即可。

(10)Organizational affiliation of the review*:系统评价开展的单位,一般为作者所在的单位,按实际情况填写即可。其中6~10项为账号注册时的信息,若不是使用通讯作者的邮箱进行注册的,则可以在这一步进行修正。

(11)Review team members and their organizational affiliations*:评价小组成员和各自的单位,按实际情况填写即可。

(12)Funding sources/Sponsors*:资助来源。有无资金资助不影响注册是否成功。

(13)Conflicts of interests*:有无利益冲突。


(15)Review question*:系统评价拟解决的问题,限制250字。在撰写该项时,通常应表明该研究的目的,可用问句或者陈述句的形式说明。



•Whether could IgA nephropathy patients benefit from omega-3 fatty acids treatment? How do the kidney function and daily proteinuria of IgA nephropathy patients change after taking omega-3 fatty acids comparing with placebos?[6]

•The aim of this meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of adjunctive minocycline for depressive symptoms regardless of the main psychiatric condition.[7]

②率的Meta分析:What is the prevalence of neuropathic pain in patients with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis?[8]

③亦可自问自答:What are the effects of the various optical pharmacoloqical and lifestyle interventions in preventing myopia progression in children? We aim to generate a clinically useful summary of the interventions based on their efficacy.[9]



•We will search, with no time restrictions, the following databases for relevant English language literature : PubMed ( MEDLINE ) , the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials ( CENTRAL ) and Web of Science. The search string will be built as follows : ( Osteoarthritis OR OA ) AND ( pain ) AND ( neuropathic OR nociceptive OR central sensitization OR DN4 OR pain DETECT OR S-LANSS OR quantitative sensory testing ) .The electronic database search will be supplemented by a manual search of the reference lists of included articles.[10]

•We will search articles in three electronic database including PubMed, EMBASE and Cochrane Library. All the English publications until 30 April 2018 will be searched without any restriction of countries or article type. Reference list of all selected articles will independently screened to identify additional studies left out in the initial search.[11]

(17)URL to search strategy:给出检索策略细节的网址,或者检索方式的链接。此处可上传完整检索策略的PDF文档,上传后则默认可以公开访问。

(18)Condition or domain being studied*:对研究的疾病、健康结局或卫生领域进行简要说明,限制200字。此项相当于是论文背景部分的简化版,一般包括疾病的概述及流行病学数据、干预措施的研究现状与不足等信息。


•Depression in adults and its treatment using coanitive remediation therapy. Coanitive remediation therapy is the general term for a kind of psychotherapy which focuses on correcting and changing patients adaptations to benign cognition. Its main goal is the remediation of bad coanition, but the patient’s emotions and the behavior can also be changed.[12]

•Supracondylar humeral fracture ( SCHF ) is the extremely common pediatric fracture in children younger than 15 years accounting for approximately 75% of all pediatric elbow injuries. It has been suggested that 96% of all SCHFs are extension-type injuries that occur during falls onto the outstretched hand whereas between 1% and 2% occur through falls onto the olecranon with the elbow flexed. Supracondylar fractures, most commonly, are classified according to Gartland’s criteria: types ( nondisplaced and stable ) , type Ⅱ ( hinged fractures with the posterior cortex intact ) , and type Ⅲ ( completely displaced ).[13]



TRUE:Adults with depression as diagnosed by a clinician or using any recognized diagnostic criteria will be included.

FALSE:Inclusion criteria: Age equal to or less than 18 years old ; Exclusion criteria: Age over 18.

(20)Interventions /exposure*:给出系统评价中的干预和暴露的定义。该项需要着重描述,可简单也可复杂,原则上尽量能够贴近成稿论文即可。


Physical exercise was the main intervention ( e.g. aerobic exercise resistance exercise and multicomponent exercise program.


(22)Types of study to be included*:纳入的研究类型。一般情况下我们纳入随机对照试验,则可以表述为“Randomized controlled trials(RCTs) will be included”。这一部分也可以对发表时间、语言类型等作限制。例如,Randomized clinical trials will be included irrespective of blinding publication status or language.


(24)Main outcomes*:系统评价的主要结局。可简略写一下名称,例如:overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS)。或者某个量表的变化,例如:mean change in WOMAC pain。需要结合注册研究的类型进行判断。

(25)Measures of effect*:结局指标的效应量。描述结局指标的效应量,例如:二分类变量选择RR/OR;连续性变量选择SMD/MD;生存分析资料选择HR。

(26)Additional outcomes*:研究相关的其他结果。与主要结局指标方法相同,主要填写系统评价的次要结局指标。

(27)Data extraction*:纳入研究的数据资料的提取。此处内容撰写的中心思想为“两人独立提取,第三人解决分歧”,最好同时写明需要提取哪些信息。


Two authors will independently extract data. Any disagreement will be resolved by discussion until consensus is reached or by consulting a third author. The following data will be extracted : author, year of publication, country where the study was conducted, study period, original inclusion criteria, total number of people included in the study, doses of progesterone and time of application and mean cervical length.[14]

(28)Risk of bias (quality) assessment*:对系统评价可能存在的偏倚风险进行评估。主要描述偏倚风险评估工具以及实施过程。


Two reviewers will independently assesses the quality of the selected studies according to the Cochrane Collaboration’s tool for randomized controlled trials. Items will be evaluated in three categories : Low risk of bias, unclear bias and high risk of bias. The following characteristics will be evaluated : Random sequence generation ( selection Bias ). Allocation concealment ( selection bias ). Blinding of participants and personnel ( performance bias ) . Incomplete outcome data ( attrition bias ) . Selective reporting ( reporting bias ) . Other biases . Results from these questions will be graphed and assessed using Review Manager 5.3.[15]

(29)Strategy of data synthesis*:对数据合成方法进行阐述,主要包括以下几个层面的问题:第一,合并的效应量是什么?一般描述策略为二分类变量用RR/OR,连续性变量用MD/SMD;第二,异质性检验的方法和衡量异质性大小的指标是什么?第三,用什么模型合并数据,是固定效应模型还是随机效应模型?第四,是否进行了其他分析,比如敏感性分析/亚组分析、发表偏倚等;第五,用什么软件进行分析?若为网状Meta分析,则需要描述采用贝叶斯/频率数模型进行分析的过程、模型的评价方法、异质性和一致性的检测方法等。


Risk ratio ( RR ) for both fixed and random effects models ( weighting by inverse of variance ) will be used. A continuity correction will also be used for cells with zero values. Between-study heterogeneity will be assessed using the T 2 and I 2 statistics. According to the Cochrane handbook the I 2 will be considered non important ( <30% ) , moderate ( 30%-60% ) and substantial ( >60% ) . Results will be assessed using forest plots and presented as RRs for the main outcome and secondary outcomes. An influence analysis will be performed to ascertain the results of the meta-analysis by excluding each of the individual studies. Publication bias will be assessed by a funnel plot for meta-analysis and quantified by the Egger method. Statistical analysis will be conducted using STATA software for Mac v15.0 ( Stata Corp.. College Station, Texas ) [module “meta” and F studio v1.0.136 ( The R Foundation for Statistical Computing ) [package “meta v4.2”].[16]

(30)Analysis of subgroups or subsets*:在亚组分析中,应明确分组依据,阐述研究方法,描述可能进行的亚组分析。


We will consider subgroups such as jurisdiction. clinic type, and location ( rural/ urban ).

(31)Type and method of review*:选择系统评价的类型、所属的健康领域。选择时可多选,选择类型和研究所使用的方法,如干预性/诊断性,Meta分析/网状Meta分析/IPD Meta分析等。健康领域则根据须注册的系统评价所研究的方向进行选择。



(34)Other registration details:研究的其他细节,按实际情况填写即可。

(35)Reference and/or URL for published protocol:研究的参考文献或发表方案的网址信息,按实际情况填写即可。

(36)Dissemination plans:传播计划,可不填。


(38)Details of any existing review of the same topic by the same authors:如对系统评价注册的内容有更新,需要提供早期版本的详细信息,包括完整的参考书目。

(39)Current review status*:系统评价的当前进展和状态,此项按实际情况填写即可。该项主要分为:


•Completed but not published(已完成尚未发表);

•Completed and published(完成且已发表);

•Completed published and being updated(完成和更新);


(40)Any additional information:与系统评价相关的信息的填写。

(41)Details of final report/publication(s):报道/发表后的细节内容填写。







JBI系统评价是JBI循证卫生保健中心及其附属团队依据JBI提供的统一标准,使用在线制作软件完成,并发表于JBI系统评价与应用报告数据库的系统评价。JBI系统评价主要关注护理领域。与Cochrane协作网类似,研究者初次注册JBI系统评价须获得JBI图书馆网站注册账号,经过至少2名系统评价员严格考核后才能完成系统评价的注册。这些系统评价员专门从事系统评价方法培训,一般来自JBI循证卫生保健中心、Cochrane协作网或Campbell协作网。不同类型的JBI系统评价的题目注册、方案书与全文的制作与报告的流程无较大区别。其注册大致流程如下:选题完成后,研究者填写JBI系统评价题目注册表并通过Email发送至JBI证据合成研究中心,以申请题目注册。注册获批后,注册的题目将出现在题目注册页(http://joannabriggs.org/research/registered_titles. aspx),系统评价员可通过注册页浏览注册题目的相关信息;然后是完成计划书、发表计划书、撰写全文、发表全文。与Cochrane系统评价相似,JBI系统评价须使用JBI循证卫生保健中心提供的SUMARI在线程序。完成的系统评价将由JBI图书馆优先发表,亦可选择发表在《国际循证医疗保健杂志》(International Journal of Evidence-Based Health Care)期刊上。













Description of the condition

【基本概念、流行病学、临床诊断标准】As many as one in six couples will encounter problems with fertility, defined as failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy and regular intercourse for 12 months.【流行病学】Increasingly, couples are turning to assisted reproductive technology ( ART ) for help with conceiving and ultimately giving birth to a healthy live baby of their own.【危险因素、现有治疗选择及存在的问题】Fertility treatments are complex, and each assisted reproduction cycle consists of several steps. If one of the steps is incorrectly applied, the stakes are high as conception may not occur. With this in mind, it is important that each step involved in assisted fertility treatment is supported by good evidence from well-designed studies. This review summarizes the evidence for the different steps of an ART cycle.[17]




Description of the interventions

Assisted reproductive technology ( ART ) consists of procedures that involve the in vitro handling of both human oocytes and sperm, or of embryos, with the objective of establishing a pregnancy.

Once couples have been prepared for treatment, the following steps make up an ART cycle.

•Drugs are initiated to stimulate growth of multiple ovarian follicles, while at the same time other medications are given to suppress the natural menstrual cycle and down‐regulate the pituitary gland.

•After ovarian stimulatory drugs are initiated, monitoring is undertaken at intervals to assess the growth of follicles.

•When the follicles have reached an appropriate size, the next step involves giving a drug to bring about final maturation of the eggs ( known as ovulation triggering ) .

•The next step involves egg collection ( usually with a transvaginal ultrasound probe to guide the pickup ) and, in some cases of male infertility, sperm retrieval.

•Next is the fertilisation process, which usually is completed by in vitro fertilisation ( IVF ) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection ( ICSI ).

•Laboratory procedures follow for embryo culture : culture media, oxygen concentration, co-culture, assisted hatching, etc.

•Embryos are then placed into the uterus. Issues of importance here include endometrial preparation, the best timing for embryo transfer, how many embryos to transfer, what type of catheter to use, the use of ultrasound guidance, need for bed rest, etc.

•Then comes luteal phase support, for which several options are available, including administration of progesterone, oestrogen ( E2 ) , and human chorionic gonadotrophin ( hCG ).

Finally, adverse effects, such as ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, can be associated with the assisted reproduction process.[17]




How the intervention might work

Assisted reproductive technology ( ART ) is applied to treat a variety of causes of infertility by collecting gametes, creating embryos from these in the laboratory, and transferring the most viable embryo into the uterus.[17]


应强调干预措施在理论上的合理性,为什么所研究的干预措施对潜在的受 试者会有效。这部分内容需要引证大量文献佐证自己的观点。


Why it is important to do this overview

【干预措施在理论上的合理性】The significance of this process of reviewing reviews on ART is that it highlights evidence indicating the best methods for each step in the ART cycle, which can lead to simplifying and improving the process.【可能的作用或效果证据】The outcome should be an increase in live birth rates from assisted reproduction, along with a reduction in adverse events, such as ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome and multiple pregnancy.[17]





To summarise the evidence from Cochrane systematic reviews on procedures and treatment options available to couples with subfertility undergoing ART procedures.[17]


系统评价纳入排除标准不能根据个人喜好来确定。通常情况下,在确定原始研究的纳入排除标准(即选择标准)时,需要从以下几方面进行考虑(简称PICOS):①研究对象的类型(types of participants),如所患疾病类型及其诊断标准、研究人群的特征和场所等;②研究的干预措施(types of interventions)和作为对照的措施(types of comparisons);③研究结局指标(types of outcome measures);④研究的设计方案(types of studies)。






Cochrance系统评价结局指标主要涉及3个方面的内容:确立结局指标、结局指标的测量方式和结局测量的时间。确立主要结局指标的方法是先列出所有与系统评价问题相关的结局指标,并按照重要性进行排序,从中选择出与本次系统评价关系最密切、最具有说服力的结局指标。主要结局指标一般不超过3个,最好是1个。系统评价和Meta分析得出的关于干预措施疗效的结论,应该是基于主要结局指标。对于未能入选主要结局指标的其他疗效评价指标,一般 归为次要结局指标。次要结局指标也可以被设定为系统评价相关的其他结局指标,如间接指标(如实验室结果或影像资料)和替代指标。虽然这些指标的说服力不如临床终点指标,但它们有助于我们更深刻地理解干预措施的疗效和安全性。然而,由于间接指标或替代结局指标可能会产生潜在的误导,故建议实际中应尽量避免将这些指标审定为主要结局指标。若确实需要使用,应注意谨慎解释。对于不良反应或副作用指标的界定最好按程度来进行量化,如按轻、中、重度进行分级。确立结局指标的测量方式包括客观测量和主观测量方法。前者主要由客观仪器来进行检测,比如每只近视眼屈光度。后者主要由受试对象、研究者主观判断或决定,比如回答问卷调查、根据影像学检查确定无瘤生存时间。对于结局的测量,一定要注明时间,因为不同的测量时间会影响结局指标,进而影响系统评价的结果。


Criteria for considering reviews for selection

Only published Cochrane systematic reviews were considered in this overview. Cochrane reviews in preparation ( published protocols and titles ) were identified for future selection.

Participants Participants in eligible studies were couples with subfertility seeking a pregnancy and undergoing ART. Specifically, participants included women with endometriosis, women with a previous poor response or recurrent pregnancy losses, and couples undergoing frozen embryo replacement cycles, oocyte donation cycles or both.

Interventions Reviews of in vitro fertilisation ( IVF ) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection ( ICSI ) were considered. Reviews of intrauterine insemination and ovulation induction were excluded from the overview.

Outcomes The primary outcome of this overview was live birth, or the composite outcome of live birth or ongoing pregnancy, as reported by the individual reviews.

Secondary outcomes were clinical pregnancy, multiple pregnancy, miscarriage, and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.[17]




Search methods for identification of reviews

The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews was searched on 4th May 2018, using the term ‘Assisted Reproductive Technology’. The search term was limited to title, abstract, or keywords. No other databases were searched.[17]







(5)分析单位:即在一项调查中所研究的对象。一般来说,系统评价所纳入的每一项研究都需要收集每一个分析单位的相关资料,并将这些分析单位聚合起来,进而描述这些分析单位所组成的群体(研究的样本),以及这一群体所代表的更大的群体(总体)中存在的某种现象。对于分析单位的制订,在标准研究中,如病例−对照研究(case−control study)、队列研究(cohort study)和RCT研究,主要以个体作为分析单位(unit of analysis issues);若在一些非标准的研究中,如群组随机试验(cluster−randomized trails)、交叉试验(cross−over trails)或多个治疗组的研究(studies with multiple treatment groups),研究可能会按照班级、家庭、社区等形式实施,此时分析单位就需要调整为群体。

(6)缺失数据的处理:考虑到数据缺失在Meta分析中不可避免,计划书中应当描述数据缺失的处理方案。缺失数据的处理主要从以下两方面考虑:一是基线是否发生变化,患者的失访情况,如是否进行了意向性分析;二是统计学相关的数据缺失,比如录入失误造成的数据缺失、主观丢弃导致的数据缺失、完全随机缺失(missing completely at random,MCAR)、随机缺失(missing at random,MAR)、完全非随机缺失(missing not at random,MNAR)等,可通过与作者联系和使用相应统计学方法处理。





(11)敏感性分析:敏感性分析是用于评估系统评价或Meta分析结果稳定性的分析方法。分析方法包括改变研究类型(排除某个特定研究)、模拟缺失数据(imputing missing data)或选择不同的Meta分析方法(固定效应模型或随机效应模型)重新分析。


Data collection and analysis

【选择与纳入临床研究】Selection of reviews We selected reviews addressing the stages or steps of ART interventions. One review author identified these reviews and a second review author confirmed them. We resolved disagreements by consensus or by discussion with a third party.

【分析单位】We separated reviews according to the following topics ( discussed under these headings ).

1. Indication for ART

2. Pre‐ART and adjuvant strategies

   2.1. Strategies for unselected populations

2.1.1. Lifestyle advice

2.1.2. Surgical therapy

2.1.3. Medical therapy

2.1.4. Alternative therapy

   2.2. Strategies for selected populations

2.2.1. Tubal pathology

2.2.2. Endometriosis

2.2.3. Polycystic ovary syndrome ( PCOS )

2.2.4. Ovarian cysts

3. Down‐regulation with agonists or antagonists

4. Ovarian stimulation

4.1 Medication type
4.2. Monitoring
4.3. Interventions for poor responders
4.4. Natural cycle IVF

5. Ovulation triggering

6. Oocyte retrieval

7. Sperm retrieval

8. Laboratory phase

9. Embryo transfer

9.1. Developmental stage
9.2. Number of embryos
9.3. Transfer techniques and procedures
9.4 Interventions for recurrent implantation failure

10. Luteal phase support

11. Prevention of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome ( OHSS )

12.Frozen embryo replacement cycles

Data extraction and management【提取数据】For the 2018 update, two review authors ( JM and CF ) independently extracted data on the above outcomes. We resolved disagreements by consensus.【缺失数据的处理】When significant data were missing, we contacted the original review authors for assistance. We extracted and reported in additional tables information concerning the following.

•Population demographics: participant characteristics.

•Review characteristics: the number of included trials ; the number of participants ; the date the review was assessed as up‐to‐date ; interventions and comparisons ; all outcomes ; and limitations of the review.

•Statistical summary: summary effects from relevant comparisons and outcomes.

【干预/治疗效果的测量】We used the same effect measures as were used in the original reviews, in most cases odds ratios. Problems can arise if the odds ratio is misinterpreted as a risk ratio. For interventions that increase the chance of events, the odds ratio is larger than the risk ratio, so misinterpretation will tend to overestimate the intervention effect, especially when events are common ( with, say, risk of events > 20% ) . For interventions that reduce the chance of events, the odds ratio is smaller than the risk ratio, so that again, misinterpretation overestimates the effect of the intervention.

Assessment of methodological quality of included reviews

Quality of included reviews We assessed the quality of the included reviews using the AMSTAR tool. We noted in each case whether the literature search had been conducted or updated within the past three years.

Quality of evidence from primary studies in included reviews

【评估纳入研究的偏倚风险】We used the GRADEPro “Summary of findings” tables from each review ( or, if necessary, we constructed such a table ) to indicate the quality of evidence for the main comparisons. We took into account the following criteria: study limitations ( i.e. risk of bias ) , consistency of effect, imprecision, indirectness, and publication bias.

Data synthesis【数据合成】We prepared a narrative description of the included trials and did not conduct a network meta‐analysis.

We summarised the main results of the included reviews by categorising their findings within the following framework, organised by topic.

•Effective interventions: indicating that the review found evidence of effectiveness for an intervention.

•Promising interventions ( more evidence needed ) : indicating that the review found some evidence of effectiveness for an intervention, but that more evidence is needed.

•Ineffective interventions: indicating that the review found evidence of lack of effectiveness for an intervention.

•Probably ineffective interventions ( more evidence needed ) : indicating that the review found evidence suggesting lack of effectiveness for an intervention, but that more evidence is needed.

•No conclusions possible due to lack of evidence: indicating that the review found insufficient evidence for review authors to comment on the effectiveness of an intervention.

Authors of the overview determined that the choice of category reflected the conclusions of the original review authors. We resolved disagreements by discussion between overview authors to reach a consensus.

This approach to summarising the evidence was based on a Cochrane Overview of pain management in labour, which categorises interventions as “What works” “What may work” and “Insufficient evidence to make a judgement”.[17]



PRISMA 2020版中,对于注册与计划书的要求[23]:第一,研究者需要提供注册信息,包括注册名称和注册号,或说明是否注册。对于系统评价员来说,可以采用“平台名称+注册号”的模式来撰写这部分内容。具体写法示例如下。


•The review protocol was registered with PROSPERO, CRD42021266338.[24]

•This systematic review has been registered in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews ( PROSPERO ; Registration ID : CRD42021260612 ).[25]



•Note that the full review protocol can be accessed in online supplemental file.[26]

• Given that quantitative studies are often influenced by publication bias, amendments will not be made on this review protocol because of the findings from the included studies.[27]

以笔者的经验来看,随着系统评价和Meta分析的系统化、规范化,目前多数高级别期刊(如The Lancet、NEJM等)均对系统评价和Meta分析类研究有较高的要求。比如要求作者在投稿前自查PRISMA声明规定的条目,并填写报告规范清单。Frontiers、Hindawi等出版社旗下的杂志要求稍低,初审时并不要求作者注册,但在审稿阶段,很多审稿专家会建议作者按照PRISMA声明清单交代注册问题。因此,在开展系统评价和Meta分析之前,强烈建议系统评价员预先进行注册,并提交对应的计划书,以确保研究规范、透明和科学。



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责任编辑:李欣燃  AME Publishing Company
排版编辑:陈   童  AME Publishing Company



